ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAYý, FEBRUARY_23rd, 1972 Second â&m a M »g2U«ý0 WHY A MANSION? In general this corner has always supported plan- ning and have urged the municipality to proceed along this road at a greater speed than has existed. Planning, in our view does have untold benefits which should benefit those of the future toa a much greater degree than thqse who now are the custodians of the lands within the miunicipality. Planning is the sound use of land' wthout disturb- ing to too great'extent the balance evoked by nature. It is, in fact, preservation for the future and man's best efforts to utilize the land and the environnment within its limited confines without destroying it entirely and thus rendering it useless for future generations. With this ln mind we do support the zoning of land to specific uses and to determine the size of lots. The latter is certainly a consideration in regards the health of the community of which everyone is aware today qs a real xecessity for the actual existance of the human race. Tre use of land which may polute does affect not only the6 user but those within a wide area. In this scope we support planning as welI as factors which should assist in keeping a level economic position mithin the community., We'fail, however, to see tre justification in.- setting standards in the size of resideilti'al dwellings as are being set in the proposed new by-law for Clarke Township. This is, however, a trend throughout the Province and in many cases the planneÈs are asking for larger and larger dwell- ings while. the family sîze is being reduced and during a period when many are finding it next to impossible to fin- ance the larger homes. It is suspected trat municeipal governments are, ini this regulation, finding a means to up their revenue by stimulating, unwarrantly, the assessed value of residential dwellings. This, in no Way, has anything to wo with the preservation of the environment or thé economic use of' land. The proposai in Clarke is that residential. dw ellings shall be 1300 square feet. This is certainly, restrictive leg- isiation that forces everyone to ive in a mansion size rouse whether they wish to do so or not. Presently houses in areas such as Orono can be 960 square feet ini floor area. 'nhe increase to 1300 is almost forty per cent increase. The size of a bouse does-not, in fact, affect anyone else othier than the actual resident. It is rnot an environ- mental hazard nor is it necessarily unsightly. Everyone is entitled to a home of their own within their- own means. Discriminatory restrictions such aý legs- lation to promote larger homes does placeý an unwarranted block and burden for trose on a low or middle income. The restrictions only increase municipal repenue which, if necessary, can be bolstered through an increase in tax ates or revaluation of' ail property. The iargehr home restriction not only ups the initial building costs but also, In poportion, the carrying charges as well as increasedf municipal taxes. The country will not benefit financiaily in the end through sucr restrictions because ýthese restrictions will only place agreater need for, subsidized housing. which the general public willpay through increasesili Provincial and Federal taxation. Let'à be economical and keep the size of a dwelling- to a reasonable size. 110W REGION GOVERNMENT COULD SAVE TIME, EXPENSE - No one bas or should ever ciaini that a regiona1 gov- ernment in. the Oshawa-Whitby areà could tackle and silve all problems and thus eliniinate lail dubkiàtion and over- lapping of time, effort and expense. 13ut a goýod examiple of what côUld be' accomplished by a regionai governnient is illustrated by the,,dupliceion and overlapping of time, effort and, expens e which wrill likely resuît froni studies ofý the Macdohald-Cartier Preeway. The Central Ontario Joint Planning Boad staff is planning a fuil-scale study of the freeway in the area fromn Whltby t'O Bowmanville, Oshawa Mayor, Ed McNeely, has pointed out, however, that the municipalities of Oshawa and Whltby arealready undertaking their own studies on the freeway system. Whitby Mayor Des Newman lias also pointed Out that the province has the final say on what happens to the freeway and that the planning, board will be limted in its study. William McAdams,- director of the planning board, sa>'s freeway ploblenis have been approached on a piece- ineal basis; the department of transportation and commun- ication is encouraging local initiative involving interchange Ispacing and location;- and that there is an obvious need for an area-wide systematic app)roach to the planning .imnrov- Leîtter to Editor February 14, 19Î2 Re Officiai Plan Clarke. Township According to Webster's diction- ary, one of the definitions of planning is: to devise a scheme for doing, making or arranging something. Ttis plan was drawn up by planninîg consultants according to outlines by the Provincial Gov- ernment which states that uncon- trolled rural development shouid be stopped and the future growth shouid be directed aroUnd the ex- isting villages and hamlets. I am sorry to say that 1 disa- gree with this viewpoint (for al it is worth) but what I would like to see,, with certain limitations. is to have complete freedom to build in. Cli!rke Township and ail the municipaliies in Ontario. The oniy limitations proposed are: 1)- minimum lot size - 2 acres 2) ' dweliing in aPproximate centre of lot-' 3) - 30d' feet frontage, depth of 240 feet (depth uniforni througho ut Carke) 4)>%' Buildings allowed only along good roads 5) - Township upgrndjes x um- ber of miles of road each year to make thera suitable for building. 6) - minimum floorspace of building;, - 900 square feet 7) - Every buyer depo sits $500 (open for discussion) which wil be refunded nfter building is fin-' ished, with time limit one year. If building is not finishled or lot is flot built on, money g oes to township, 8) - Building,% waste disposai (septic tank) up to accepted standards. I would like to sec this plan implemented not only iri Clarke but throughout the province of Ontario for the fohlo)wing rea1ýsons: a) - t seenis unbelievab)le thlat in this province anid tis town- ship one has to pay such highly inflated prices for a smail parcel of land to buîld. a housqe on01. If there was no land available, one could understand but there seecms to be plenty. When one goes- through Clarke, there are fields that have not been worked for years because the land is poor,, and yet our government still wants to crowd, people together in villages, towns, cities and high- riscs. This is al planned yet *a lot of preblems remain; trans- portation, reereation, waste re- moval, s0 the government plans for us but they scem to have drawbacks too. WTe sce this evcry weekend inithe SUMMer When everybody is getting away froin it aIl. b) Tihe way th", officiai plan stands now is, highlY unfair, To a growing' PcrcenltagÏ of Canad- ian citizens that have modest or lesIncomles. In other words, the Plan saYs if You do not. have the meas ftobuf %' hat we. want. you t-e oîîtlawed. 1 do not think the miniijtmm 1300 square feet of flor space is -necessary,, variety is 'te pie of life. What is going 'to happen to people that nt afford your, live (,. The government is, going t&, lieip with public housing and x usmonetary scheines, but ail Ibis is stili going to be buit on higýi-priced land. Lately, yct an- othier task force went out to sec what went wrong. C) - If itiY Proposais werc ne- Cepted, it would mean an end to thec unbridled land speculation. No wonder we live In the Golden llorseshoe area. But maybe that la why there is so, much planning (exaînple- Toronto Star story, February 1,1972 -Etobicoke backs housing for 8000 near Mal- ton airport) and yet in the hinter- lands of Ontarîo, one cannot build where one wants. d)- The officiai plan as it stands now is for the next twenty years. Maybe If you care to rend this you think,ý weii, I am alright, I bouglit mY bouse any number of years ago. But if you have a family, your children will be con- fronted with this problem 5, 10, or 15 years froni now and if the land prices 'keep going upnand tip, they will have to pay through the nose on. end up in public hous- ing which is supported by your and my tax money. While they c"old probably make it themsel- ves if a lot of restrictions and limnitations were reduced. The official thought ýseems to be that, if we open up, it wouid resuit in over building, but the Peoplec would have a choice where they want tu live within the means avaflable to them. If this honîcinade plan was nccepted, it would iiot mean that ail the prob- lems vw1uld disappear, but it would ,iive- people, a chance to make it themselves without hcavy outlays of goverament money, which i.3 always extracted from the ta.xpayer. orstruly, Norma-n W. Groot, R.R. 1, Oronoû Hockey News NEWCASTLE DEFEAT ORONO BANTAMIS Mie -Newcastle 'A' Bantani teamî took a 5-3 victory over Or- ono in a recent exhibition gaine. The Three Orono goals were shared by Johin Nanninga, Robert Henderson and Richard Roberts. Doug Black came in for an assist. PLAY RECOGNIZED IN JUNIOR 'A' CIRCUIT in, two recent g4me Steve West playing for the Oshanwa General Junior 'A' teainihas added a-to tai of seven Points to is credit. In- Peterborough last Thursday Steven scored thiree goals and as- sited ýon a fourth in a 8-4 win ov- the Petes, by Oshawia. lie was cho- sen first, star of thé garnie, On Tuesday in Ottawa Steven. was picked second star of, thie 5-0 fcature in Oshawa's favour. The award caue for his two-way play and three asý ists'to hjs cre- dit. He is constantly, used on pow- er pinys, penalty kiing as w2b:ll as on regular uine duty. I th.iàklng of TRINK 0F MATT'8.. WATCJIEs BILLFOLDS LIGHITERS Pplers ýt TOBAccO. CIGAIRETTES BUY CARTON C ANDY and CHÔC0LTES For booth Men and Woinen MATTS BILLUARDS, and Barbersho p Oronoe, Ont. Orono Building Contractor Brick Block - CoucnEn Stone Work <Carventry -Cabinet W Floors .TUe2 983-5441 ORC, WMon you are p W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 231 Klng Street Emat 62.34s3 8 Torento 823-9174 Port Hlope Office, 88,5-44 For prompt, courtouxî, effiL- ent àervlee when buying te selllng and for the largeât oI ection of propertAin thelb ame contact Orono Area Repres6entaliem Roy Poster 983-5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Finnie 277-2280 (Bethany) Daine Found A 6 23 - 39 653 ROy Stroit- ;'2-9r il Bethan-v STUTT'S PHARMACY