ORONO WEEKLY IMS, WEDNESI)AY, FEBRUARtI 1rd 912 O..P. REPORT, 11he Ont ario Provincial Police, -N9ewcastïe Detachment, investi- '-ýzated 15 meter vehicie accidents nucluding 1 snowmobîle accident b>efwee-n February 6ch andi Feb- m7ary 12th, 97A2. Eight persoris suffered p-rsonal l i ury and 9 persons were charged with driv- Mng offnces,. Dtîre were 3 mi- 4laired divîîî ctari1,, Thei\, üa~tI fficers along 5wýti f oter important police dut- 1 .s 1 invustigated l k'1 oc~t- ,ucnes of whielî theite was i ýeort cf Break, Enfer amd Theft; i îcp~t os ii If, ti C~ aïfîabe -coîpait,2 dnest 'ic compii)aints> r-t1s ocfevrratieor dangerous The oi1o~ng~ ar snie cf Xk, poles valuc1d Lit $2500 were Wtlen fo a sýkier at the Beth- 'nn si club.1K Thc value cf the oe i not as important as the prole tat exists each year, t hat cf lcaving ski equipment un- -ttended at a ski club. Recause .'f large crowds, if is often diffi- '4cut te catch thé thief who fre- qu.ents ski amas, and who steals and re-selîs for personal gain. A sîmyne sugg,-estioîî te ail ski ".enthusiasîts. Keep a dloser watch i¶ýn your equipment and safeguard ug9ainst tef t. A stolen car frem Oshawa a 'rYecovered abancloned on Trull's Road, DYarlindton -Twp., on Feb- ruary 12th, 1972. A break and enter occurred at -A residence' in Blackstock dur ing tçhe evening heurs cf February 129, 1972. Cupboards and drawers Wnsde the bouse were ransacked, htit no tbeft could be deteeted. Kn*ow The Uaw- Comnpiaints are being recewved by the police, about cizildren op-, t4ating sfloinobiles iýn' public ronds, espe<Žiallyi urian areas. These children 'not bein ng aiir Wijth the divng ____ fth ra often dlouit WIiuoi of cars ý-%nd fail te stop at. intersections. A-%ctuallv they mnake, a nuis;ance cf tflnsevcsand create a hiazard to * motorist travelling on snow îcoyered roads. 'Statistics would indicate that ýýiome parents are not taking an :itive lnterest lu the safety and -welI being cf their children. Ia "'h 1970-71 snowmôblle season, 1 t.3 chiidren under flic age of 16 years were killed la traffic on snowmbinlaCanada. Pive of MAIN STREET GIRLS '7 B~OYS 8 16 NIGHTGOWNS PANTS these eilîdren were driving snownîobiles on public roads. "De yen know where yeur child operates your snowmobile?'ý Perhaps you had better take no- tice. The law prov!desý that a per- son must be, in possession cf a drivers liene tn n,n+t mobile on any public road. Per- sons violating this law will be chaiged. Th(' snow vphicle act states' aiso that the ovrner of a snowmobiic is subjeet, f0 any ef- fence comnitted by the driver thereof. Drivingý Tip- "Slush Rond Conditions" After a* heavy snowfall, the passing 1-me on rnost four lane highwavss Noften siush laden, even thuh the driving lane is eier throuesh flibeaymove- ment cf traf'fie. Bewarc, -w-hen pas- sing other v-iiieles during these conditions as your car will hy- droplane on sl us h patches, caus- ing Ioss cfcontrol. Durhamnt.Agqri-News by Bob Watt CORN Management Course- A new corr-espondence course is "now available for these who are interested in corn production and the marketing system. This was develeped by the Staff of The Ontario Department of Ag- riculture and Food, University of Guelph. Farmers often attend meetings dealing with many as- pects cf grewing cern and market- ing - ineluding planting, weel control, fertility and storage, hewever, often they do net have an oppertunity te bring it ail te- gether. The cor*spondence course can accomplish this nt hoine, and at th~e ludividuai's own pace. The course consists cf six -as4ignmermts coverijg ail the ma jor aspects cf cern production. It starts with, how the cern plant grows and develops and contin- ues, through harvesting, storage and marketing. The cost cf the course is $42.95 which includes textbook, 'Modern Corn Production' by Aldrich and Lang. Fer those who aiready have a ,copy cof the textbook, the cost is $300. Anycue in terestcd in taking the course, or requiring further information, shouId con- tact the office cf Correspondence Study, University cf Guelph, Guelph, Ontario or they may con- tact our office la Rewmanvilie. . OROND PYJAMAS NOW OPEN ChiIldren's Depu rtmiemt SEPABUATES LINGERIE BELTS socxs DRESSES i ter le rancePAN COATS SWEATERS TOPS Krby' News Gansiraska Levies Mrs. Don, Cochrane spent iast Tuesday in Toronto with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Taylor and Mr. and Mrsl Eugene Touchburn w..tIe Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Beaucage and daugliter were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochane and Craig Saturday evening. 'Mr.1 and Mrs. Jack Williams visited with Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Harris Sunday afternoon: on their Ski-Do., The Seventh flne from Kirby te Graham's was closed from Saturday, night until n!nre am.. on Monday due to the storrn and te the fact that the plow had broken down at Grahams. There was ne church service at Kirby on Sunday and semee didn't* make ifte schoel on Mon- day. It might pay te start a snowmobile service hack hereý. Miss Marian McKelvey and Mr. and Mrs.. Hartwell Lowery visit- ed Miss Katy Stewart in Oshawa General Hospital iast Wednesday Mr. and Iifs. Bruce Mercer and Kenny moved te their home ini Hampton on Saturday. Tommy Schma en1,'rtained some of Ihis classmates on Satur- day evening. The only transpor- tation home was' by snowmobiie or tractor., John Berry and Carl Lowery had to stay for the night. 4-H CLUB NEWS The fourth meeting of the "Sleepy Seven" was held at Or- ono Church on February 2lsst with six members and our lead- er, Mrs. Tamblyn, present., Suggestions for the demenstra- tien at Achievenment Day were diseussedt. Mrs. Tamblyn demon- stratcd how te make biù in hd- ing and do the slip stltch. The next meeting wiiu be held on February 28tli at the churcli. See you there. Sharon Lowery. 8OB YEOMIANS PLUMING AND» HEATING 24 Heur Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Speializing la RotWater H eating Forced Air Heating Septie Tank Wort RH. 1 Orono 9834 Grant C. WaT de Insurý"nce Agency GENERAL INSURANCE .box 82 Newtouvnel, ont"i Telephone 7864931 soi 41,, Port Rbp., Ontarte Telephone 88542%8 ITHE WRtD)REFE -r WlALK ON TIPToE,SO5HATT WEMYBE AU£TSLEP GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Orene Preçiictions that Cobourg town coulndil wîlI protest the levy te the Ganaraskça ,Corv ervation Authority, which has tripled in 1 year, were made by D)'puty- liceeve Mi-s. TLena~li Fisher in Port Hope recently. After the levies were announc- ed at the annual meeting of the GanaaskaConservation Author- ity, held in the town hall, the Co- brgDeputy-Reeve oaid she vas "worried and concerned" about the reaction of couincil. 'You ean sece,,vhy", she added, pouriting out !that 1'14t year'q levy of $3N0 lia,,1-r -a',ed to $11,730, Mrs. Barbarai Smith, secretary-, treasurer -of the authority, said the inceased levy should corne as .no surprise" to Cobourg cotincîl silice ils approval lîad beca sought for the land purchases which caused the increase. .The land purchases, for which the municipalîties in the aixthor- ity area have to pay their share, are Rails Mll in Baltimore and theBamsey property on Rice Lake.- Cobourg's levy to the authority IOr. W. R. ute Bwmamm le Pfeul.nal1M& M23fou st. le. - Suite lu offle. ur 1 Weebt"ys: 9 t. I Igicept Wednesday Ahtnanu ROYTHO MP sOU'N Oromo, Ontario Phoite 83-5759 AU Carpentry Work Remodeilag Kitecheu Cupbeards We bulld from the foundation I UP. based on the éequalized ase- ment factor, at $11,730 iis the ighIest of the nine municipal- ities in the authority's regien. Port Hope' is next with a lèvy of $10.600; then Hamilton town- ship with a levy of $8,488; Clarke with $8,337; Hope township $5,- '700, Newcastie, $2,330; Haldi- niand township $827; Cavan town- shio, $376 and Manvers, $332. The auithority has 100 percent coverage in Cobeurg, Port Hope, Newcastle and Hamilton town- ship. About 97 percent of Hope, 96 prcent of the land area of Clarke, and 14 percent of Haldi- niand are in the authority. Manvers township has orilytw percent of its land area in the authority and Cavan has two per cent. The total municipal levy to, the anithovitv is S,8,720 and total est- imated expenditure of the auth- or)ty this year is $125,100. A total of $69,180 towards the expenditure will corne ln the forrn of grants fromn the provinc- ial government and with a defer- red liability of $17,000 leaveg the. cest of the authority at $38,- 920. A net dificit for 1971 of $19,- 604 bringsthe figure up te $58,- 524 less the estimated revenue of $600 and a bank loan for Bali's Mill which was deferred te 1973ý cf $9,000,' leaves a total amount to >e raised from the municipal- ities at $48,MZ4 Leskard'W eldingl AND> FABRICATION and LATE WOIK 8 .~-th - 5p:M. Vonday through Satitday PRONX 983-576 Septic Tank- Service GENERAL pUMpJNG; R4 OUIR SERVICER LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontd, Telephene 993-5728 or 9OMM28 Wïiliam C. Hall, B. Comm. Ckart.red Accountanit Phione Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Weduesday antiSaturday W&y Par More? Save moueyt 71-7 STOVE OIL und At Our Station Phone 668 -3341 - Collect DX FUEL DII Fer Prompt CutosSer-icee Cali Us Todaey N 1 SFASHION I CENTRE t r r. a 20SV50ic '022