ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARdttI 1, 1972 UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Minster Rev. B. E. Lont .SUNDAY, FEBRtUARY 27, 1972 Orono United Churc- Churcli School - 10:00 a.n., Worsliip Service - 11:15 a.m. Church Mernbership ls Fist and Third Mondays 7:30 p.mn. Friendship Room Studyv and Discussion Group. Second and Fourth Mcndaya 8;00 p.m. Main Hall. Klrby United Church- Worship Service -- 9:45 a.m. Church School - 11:00 a.m. Dial-A-Thought 9839151 MOTO-U SALES and SERVICE New Modela on Dlaplay Cali In at PONTYPOOL GAR- AGE for SPECIAL PuICES New [,on Challice Telephone 983-5161 Orville Chatterton ELECTRICAL CONTRtACTING ELECffiIC HEATING AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO REALTOR e9 Klng St., E. BOW.MAiNVLLE Whea Buying or Sellng eaU WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa itnd Dis- trt Real Estate Board ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establiahed 1869 Regular Suinday Worshlp Service - 9.30 a.m., Holy Communion- Firat and Third, Sandaya- Mornlnig Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointaient wth Rodeor 987-4745 (The Rev. H. Robert Haýyne, B.A., LTh. Ke ndal News Since Tucsday, February 2n was the birthday cf Lord Baden- Powell, the Kendai Troop (n (Cibs held their father and son banquet in Kendal Sunday School roomi on Satuiday evening. They weie under the leader- ship cf Cuh Master Chris O'Brien, cf Kirby and bis assistant Orvîile 'rîtertell. Mr. lion Fowler wvas Ma4te of Ceremonies for the oc- casion. Mr. Edgar James showed slides cf wild life, birds, animais' and plants tlat he knew would inteîest the lads. The banquet ivas provided by the mothers and seîved by the Girl Guides. Remember the World 1)ay of Prayer, Friday, Maîch 3rd. We go te Newtonville at 2 p.m. The Kendal tioop cf Girl G',uides undei the leadership cf Mis. Wm. Cari and Mis. S. Wey- rich and the Bîownies under the leadeisrip cf Brown Owl Mrs. G. MèDonald and Tawny Owl Mis. K. Cooper, paraded te Kendal Chuîch with banners caîried by Debbie Weyrich, Debbie 'Young- man, aànd Donna Langstaff. We were glad te welcome to, oui ser- vice twejnty-fcui Guides and týwenty Bîewnies. Mr. and Mis. ArtLow returned from Florida a week a-go, carier titan they had planned due te the heavy rainfaîl. Mi. and Mis. T. Stevens weîe back fîom Florida on Sunday. They had gocd weath- er. the last week cf their stay with Mi. and Mis. J. T. Cook. Mi. and Mis. T. Vieveen are mcving this week fîom the te- bacco farm on the sixth Une and new groweîs are meving, in. Mi. and Mis. Fîrank Manning have puîchased the Allen Foster te- bacco faim and will he. moving over from the Maîgles tobacco faim' te Kendal this week. Mr. =RCKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIWAIIL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in aIl kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aise do chimnev Repaira Elmer'sGa ge TEXACO SERVICE MUl St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Local News Mr. and Mrs. E. Rincy aftt n I dý thie Golden Wedding Anniv r- ary of Mir* and Mis. Tom Ioad Canininigtoni February 19th. 1A bus load of arounr forty- four inembers of the Oronùiio If,- 'ticultural Society journcyt'd b the O'Keefe Ccntre, Toronto on SaturdaY to attend the Toronto Garden Club Flower Show. Al reported a very enjoyable1 titrie and claimed it the hest yet. Mr. and Mrs. Maniy Kimmett, Mi. ani Mis. Keith McTaggart cf Napanee visited on Sunday witli Mr. and Mis. Carl Kimmett and Warren. Mr. and Mis. Eric Carleton anýd farnily, Cobourg vidOn Sua- day wit.h Mis. Rlay Car-!,-ton. At the Sunday morning serv- ice at Orono United Church, Rev. Basil Long baptised the foliow- ing children: Marshia Jayne Blaschke, dau-, ghter cf Mi. and Mis. Hlelmut Blaschke; Todd Robert Hutton, son cf Mi. anid Mis. James Hut- ton; Janeitte Elaine Mantel, dau- ghter cf Mr. and Mis. Maarten Mantel; Rodney Cecii and Michael Patrick, sons of Mr. and Mis. Frederick Stoisbergen. Trouble with the s-ptic systein' at the Orono Public School caus- and Mis. Lucien Lambier are re- tuîning te Kendal from Salem te the Margles faim. We are glad ta weicme themn again after a yeaîs absence. iv. Alex Little, \who is cm- pleyed by Kendal liccreation Aiea lias kept the big pond, west cf Kendal, flooded ail winter and the snow cleared away. On Sun- day the ice was in fine shape and the hbis were covered with snow. Se famnily gîeups came there with skates, toboggans and sniow- mobiles; somne even brought their lunch and had a wrondfeîfu tùime last Sunday. This is a fine activ- ity for the Kendal cildien. Mi. and Mis. J. A. Carscadden left for Florida iast Saturday. We wish them the best of weather. Mi. and Mis. H. Foster had Sunday evening dinner with their son Mi. and Mis. Tom Foster of Orono. There is allmost as much snow now as there was last winteî. Faîmers who are buying wateî for their cattie would welcome a thaw or a rain. d lIte 2 î~n~ vdl ai closing cf the schïool atý on Monday afteilnooiia Tuesday morning, ('asses ielsume'1 "es-vl noon when waslwooms aI I lie ,--zvlool were again li prho SWINE lIER» HEALTU WORKSHOP For Hog Producers there will be a Swine Herd Health Woik- sbop held on Monday, Maîch 6th, in the Gevernment Building in Lind,;ay. It begins aI 10:30 and runs througli te 3 p.m. Dr, Pete Oliver, Swine Diseases Consultant will bc speaking on Sow Diseases, as well as Health and Manage- ment at weaninig. Following this Di. Deug Gaît, from Brighton., S11be speaking on Feeder Pig da and Jim Dairymple, Swine Specialist, will be diwcum - ir g Handling and Tiansportatinjý cf Market Hegs. The final speak- er for the day will be Dr. John Higginson cf Bowmanviile, who will speak on the Swine Herd Health pîegîams that are being developed. One other meeting that should be cf interest te many farm pe&o- pie in the, County will be a dis- cussion cf Tax Legislatien on Frn- day, Maîch 10th, in the town hall at Orene heginning at 1:15 ýand running until 4:00. îMi. Deug Miles,, a Faim Management Spec- ialist with the, Ontario' Depart- ment cf Agriculture- and Food, wîlI be the speaker at this meet- IHog Deficiency Payaient- Within the Iast %veek we, have îeceived at oui office the appli,- cation fo: ms which are W0be used, when appiying 'for thie llog De- £ficicncy payme.nt. Anycne w bGho lias mot received one frem a pàck- ing plant ci marketing yardniay- obtai.î them fîcai oui office. At. Ilie cci la:ýt week of thé ex- ecutive cf the Hcg Producers. Ken Bragg, R.R. 4, BewmnaxwiIIeý was elected Pliesident cf the Coulity Oiganization, the Vice Presidcrnt is Anson Morton., and the Secietaiy Treasurer is jhm ltickard. CARMAN PLUMBING AND' HEAIrNC Orono Amiateur Athletic Association Booster Banquet and Draw Saturday, March 4th BAN4UET IN CHURCU BASEMENT 6:30 P.M. Elimination Draw for $100.00 and Dance Card Party in Oddfellows' Hall TICKETS: $5.00 each. Available from Association members ci at thxe Orono Arena DX SERVICE STATIO Hlighlway 35 and 11,5, just north of Newcastle Premium Quality Producta AI The Mo6t Reusonable Pruces iany quantity per gai. - Stovet011 oL 21.9 Phone 9874215