ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAItUR lst. 1972 WANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY7 PUBLICATION ACCEPT'ED UNTIL 5:00 p.rn. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 for l clasme of personal and Commweial CoveraLres Offie: Main St.. Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 jPLUMBiNG and ffEATING Sales and Service jý4 110111 BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 rq-JAIFq1 ORONO ELECTRIC Orono's Licensed .Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates ' PIIONE ORONO 983-5U14 Umuments un Family Memorials ftr quaity and service leeves nothlug t. lie desired A*the person who bought front on. a nelghbour, frlend or relative Uie RIJITER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontalo Street PORT HOPE Largest display ini Southeru Ontario *R. C. SLEE Bowmanviile, Ont. ehone 623-3383 WATSON'S lMarine* and Cycle ora>uo Phoo 8-54 PRINCE CEAP? BOAT8 Allouette Suow mobilf Mc("Iloh CAIN sA&WS Repairs te al makes or Lavu igowers andi 2 andi 4 cycle E-h ALLOUETTE SNOWMrOzILEs PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANIKS Bert Tompkitu .Phono 780455 Herb and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 BLECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECI'EIC REATING' ELFI1CAL APPLIANCE8 TV. - COLOUR'T.V. RAIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RUA LFX1RORIOME GUAIKANTERE» SERVICER Enjoy Fr"il APPLES: Red and Golden Delicous, Maclnte2b and many other varleties. Boune and'Flemlib* Beauty Pet"s FRESH APPLE CIDER FEzIys FRUIT MARKET Hâghway 115 South of Ores. COMING EVENT The World Day of Prayer ser- vice will be held in the Maini Hall- of. Orono 'United Church oii Friday, March 3rd at 7:30 p.m. This is non denomînational and ail adlults and youth of the com- mnunity are invited to attend. The theme is "Ail Joy Be Yours" and Mrs., Angus Loucks, Le'j ard will be the speaker. b-9-c GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AU1THORITY Tenders fer the Purchase of HAMMER MOWER The undersigned will' recei ve tenders for a 72 inch hammer mower. Tenaer forms and specifications can be obtained from the Au- thority Office at 56 Queen Street (upstairs), Port Hope, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon any week day. Tenders in envelopes clearly niarked as to contents wilI be re- ceived in the office of the secre- tary-treasurer until 12 noon, Fr1- day, March 17, 1972. The lowest or any tenders flot necessarily accepted., Mrs. E. E. Smnith Secretar-y-Treasurer Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority 56 Queen Street, P.O. Box'328 PORT HOPE, Ontario. GANARASEA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Tenders for the Purchase of DIESEL TRACTOR The undersigned will receive tenders for a four-wheel diesel tractor. Tender forms and specifications can be obtained from the Au- thority Office at 56 Qucen Street (upstairs), Port Hope, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon any week day. Tenders in enve1upes clearly marked as to contents wilI be re- ceived in the office of the secre- tary-treasutrer until 12 noon, Fni- day, Mardi 17, 1972. The lowest or any tenders not' necessarily accepted, Mrs. E. E. Smith Secretary-Treasurer Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority 56 Queen'Street, P.O. Box 328 PORT HOPE, Ontario, SNOW PLOWING Contact Orono Landscapîng for nowr plowing. Dependable service, Phone 983-5598. WORK WANTED Marshman Bros. Floor Ce.. Speclalfing 1in Machine and Iland Trowelled Dustiess Concrete Floor Phone 885-64W3 W Wanited Dead or Criipled SNOW DRIFTS ARF GETTING DEEPER The snowfall soj far this y-ear is but two inches less than that of last year as of the present date. Mr. C. Kimmett of the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests in- forms us that up to date the snowfall has measured 49.6 inch- es as compared to 51.5 last year. During Fehruary 17- inches has fallen in the area compared to 19 inches in 1971. Where is the prophet who said it was to be aone-shovel winter. (ahb Phone Courteous Service Local or Long Distance Trips Dy or NIght Albert Vmuneke, Prop. COMING EVE NT LADIES- Be sure flot to mi ss the U.C.W. 10th Birthday Party to be held, in. the Main Hall of Orono, United Church on Thurs- day, Marefi l6th, at 7:30ý p.m. t las planned as an evening of funi for ail - with a program of var- ou-. number- - also games, con-, tests etc. Lunch to be served. Everyone welcome.b-- HELP WANTED <)îwuing for two amnbltious, ladies ;for special work three liours per day, morning or even irîg by clioice, five days per week $4500 to $5000 per week. Cail Mrs. Perry at 728-2301 l)etween 2:00 and 4:00pm.for ap)pointrnent.a M ix ed MediÏa Alex Millar - Ilonour Grad of Ont. College of Art KIRBY CENTENNIAL SCROOL, KIIRBY For more information ca» M. Rebiugton. at 983-5379 Hamiltons Insuranco Service SNOWM i"LE INSURANCE IIEADQURTERS MAIN STRÊET, ORKONO 1SadIe Haumlton For DependaleServie es I Sox lu3 Ph...u-5 Stafford Brothers Ceonetery Memi ais ait Ikbu aret Baut wHmy , ONTAIUO J. s~JJ J Clarke Public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and flday 4:30 te 8:30 p.m. Thoirsday and lday afternoeas 2:14 t. 5:- .00m.I Satrdy ~Wt.e 1 e. Bjuilding a House? « remodefhnyour psent Floyd: Nicholson no". u8-w 0101<0 HOUQE?-PRESTIGE INVITATION LINE, C&ana's finI dehie et ofWeddlng aud Scial forma A wlde cholce deuigns and types t. chocoe frm INVITATIONS- ANNOUNCEMENTS --MATCHES EEcpLY CARDS - SERVIETTE THANK YOU NOTES - rCTC. MT. £hoose your Weddng Stlonary hrothe p.ptda O RO NO W EE KLY TIMES