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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Mar 1972, p. 2

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_____________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,* MABR 15111, 1972 1 ;ULrÀNum"Ftrrd6, SNOWM'týOBILES NOT MEANT FOR TRIS On Mý,ondlay of this week a local farmer fromn the sixthli ne area phoned this office to report an incident at whichlihe was appalled. H1e reported that on Sunday a group of four or six snowmobilers liad cornred a fox in one of lis fields and had literally exhausted tne animal chasing it within the confines of the field. The snewmobiles were used to cliase the a nimal and to contain it within tbW area where the motor vehicles could operate. The snowmobilers dispersed when the owner ap- peared on the scene but hie was able to talk to one local snowmobiler who claimied tliey, were having wun. The farmer said it was -a deplorable a'c. tîi ïï I animal was in a state of complete exhaustion. H1e aiso saQd the law wont take action an~d although lie feit lie mïglit like to lay charges it would only cost him time and money, and as a resuit would not lîkely take any action. 1 We in this corner do agree with, the owner that the act was deplorable and that sucli action only destroys that which-is intended to lie enjoyed by snowmobilers. The. sport of snowýmobiling is, in fact, the enjoyment of' nature during the winter montlis. It's destruction only reduces the area of enjoyment for everyone concerned. A group of five or six snowmobiles against a lonely fox is -certainly unfair competiion and is in ne way re- latecI to a sportsmanlike act. Enjey the sport but preserve nature in ail its forms is liaving enougli trouble to survive under present day conditions, witliout deliberate and unequivocal acts of destruction as reported happening on Sunday. B.C. BOTTLE BAN PUTS US TO SHAME It hurts us to say this, but in the civilizing enter- prise of controlluing waste the British Columbia government of W.A.C. Bennett puts Ontario to shanie, Ris province banned - the non-returnable bottié in 1970. Now -he's tightening the Litter Act, providing pen- allies.Up to a $500 fine and six months' imprisonmient for storekeepers refusing to, take back botties at a refund. A 2-cent refund will be mandatory for every container the consumer returns. Ontario liasn't even banned the non- returnable bottie yet - thougli 6 percent of al qur litter is glass. Wlicn a 14-member "committee on litter" reported to Qucen's Park last year, the consumers' representatives, n minority, wanted to ban this, nuisance. "Industry- oriented" members said ne. George Kerr, then. environ- ment minister, upheld the industrialists on the improbable pretext that his department was too muçh a go-go outfit to "waste timie" studying "dramatic" measures. There's nethiug dramatie old, kîd glove regulations, B.C. than 50 per cent of the betties. a clear gain for Ontario. about it. Even under its lias been collecting more. Any percentage would be And there's nothing dramatie about the sober, pro- foundly researched report the Natiional Commission on Produet Safety delivered te the US. government. "Glass bottles used for carbonated beveragess," it said, "present an' unreasonable risk to censumners. . . . Insurance cern- panies reported more injury dlaims rèlated te glass botties than te any other consumer product." Mr. Ben nett, this tîme, is riglit. Ontaro can afford neither the waste nor the injuries associ'ted with millions of discarded bottles. We must ban them. CORRECTION- l'oster Contests. This was an er- In last week's issue we stated rot as many did, but instead of the Orono Figure Skaters were cash prîzes winners were awarded net qualified te cempete in the tickets. Up And Dowu 1he look Stocks, March 16th, 1972 ADULT- Trans-Canada Righway - A pie- tentai drive, Coast te, Coast They became what they belield- 1by Edniund Carpenter. Niagara by - Raipli Greenhill. The Sexual Wilderness -by Vance Packard (the changing noies lu male-female relationsliips) Abriglit star fails - by Lenora Mattingly Weber (YA. no- mance). JUNIOR- Animais of Africa -by Robert Wolff. The how and wliy of trees - by Geoffrey Cee. Auswers about Dinosaurs and Prehistonic MaWirnals- by F. Smithline. The Mystery of Lilae Inn- by C. Keene (a Nancy Drew Mys- tery). The. Short Wave Mystery - by Fnanklin W. -Dixon (a Hlardy EASY READING and PICTURE BOOKS- Renny Penny - by T and H. Izawa The Ear Beok- by AI Pe;Jdns. The Extra Egg- by Edna A. An- derson. Olga Beaudhamp TEND ERS Northiumberland and Durham Bids will be received, by the County Board of Education fer the sale of one antique rotary press made lu England around 1900. Tnterested parties may see this equipment by appointment by eontacting Mr. Arnold, Techi- ulcal Director of Port Hope Higli Scheol. Bids should then be for- warded lu an envelepe plainly marked "Bids ou Priuting Mach- !ue" te Mr. M. A. MacLeod, Bus- iness Administrator and Treasur- er Northumberland and Durham Ceunty Board of Education, Box 470 D'Arcy StrecA Noeh, Ce- bourg, Ontario. Alil bids must be received by Mardli 28, 1972, 4:00 P.M., E.S.T._ From th rn ntdChurch Bits and Pieces lfrom the Sermon 1 don't suppose tliere was ever a time wlien there lias been sucli mass uncertainty about the mean- ing of life as there jr at this time. Meauiuglessness is that liaunt- ing something whicli causes the subtie uneasiness which se many seem te be experjencing. Lay over agaiust this, by way of centrast, the words of Jesus during those last few days of lits eartlily ministry as lie stood be- fore Pilote tlie king and said, "Te -1was I bS u, anid for this 7ivse came I into the worid." la flilm tliere was no, groping uncertainity - ne ýpatlietic readli- ing eut, for something te, grab unto - ne fumbling uneasineqs -- ne aimies waýnderiug. Tliere is a story about Huxley, the noted'scîentist, wlio was on bis way te speak at a meeting of the Britishi-Association in Dub- lin., Arriving late atF the station, lie liurriedly hailed' a cab and commanded the driver te go as fast as lie pessibly could. Away went the cab_, driven madly by the driver ever the cobblestene streets in Dublin. 'lHuxley blurted eut: "Man, de you know wliere you're going?" "No.!" was the reply, "but I'm driving as fast as I pessibly can - just as yeu told me!" That ceuld lie a likeness te the tuner mood of this generation -- it is driviug as fast as it can, un- certain as te wliere it is going, and wliy it is geing there. Hew else ceuld be explain the plienomenon of the drug culture The increase in total sexual per- missiveness? The experiments ln communal living., Se it is that, against the over- whelmingly convincing evidence that se many' of our mederi Soc- iety feel and agenizing meaning- lessness in life, we mnust turn and resolutely searcli for mean- ing. Jesus Christ had faith in the meauing of lits own existence - "Te this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world.' Life lias mneaning wlien it is pes- sjbe te believe 'Eat you are do- ing some good - today,, in tlie very preseut new! A self-centred introspective, es- sentially selish searching fer meaning always ends in frustra- tien and futlity -- apathy or syni- cisrn. Tliere is real rneanjng in the familiar words of Ernily Dickin- son, If I can stop one beant frorn .4reaking I 'shall net live in vain; If I can ease one life the adhing. Or cool one pain, Or help eue fainting robin Unto his ncst again, I s1ball net live in vain. Rew simple! How profound the truth! Sometimes when I think of the people who have everything - that is, it weuldseemi they liave everything of material necessj- ties and luxuries the heart ceuld possibly desire -, yet they are es- eentially lonely and bored and restless, and one day fellows an- other bringing ne more meaning than the first -- I ache for tliem. Tliey *are spoiled because they have net 'learned to serve, and tliey are peevish because they expect te bie pampered. Their lives are' empty of meaning, and lu their solitary moments they expçrience the anguish of mean- inglessness. Ail the time. there is a world lie suspects with bewildermenlt and dismay there is another pur- ppse, in his being. It L5 then that he discovers that beyond the king dom of the world there exists a Kingdom of the seul." It is the "Kingdom of God" within that establishes meanîng. The qualities of kindness, compas sien, forgiveness, mercy, and con- cern give rneaning and realjty te our experience filling life with a sense of purpose and rneaningful- ness. LocalSkaters Pass Tests C.]F.S.A. tests were 'held Sunday Mardi Sth at the Orone Arena from 11:30 a.m. te 3:00 p.m.. Judges for the Figure and the Bronze Free skating events were were Mrs. Sarahi Alton, Camp- beilfo rd, Mrs. Mary Cappler of Poi:t Hope and Mr. Paul Puky ef Peterboroughi. In~ preliminary figures Kerry- Lynn Grady, Michielle Major and June Powell were successful can- didates whijle Merridy Williams .passed lier first figure test. Iu Bronze Free skating four skaters tried the test and ail four passed; namnely Patti Lunn, Mari- Lou Powell, Tracie Stutt and Nita Taîsma. These girls were requir- ed te skate a two-rinute programi and were marked on tedlinical menit jump spin etc.) and artis- tic impression. In prelirninary dance Michele Major, Joann Mercer and June fowell passed -their Swing dance. Mary Leu Powell completed lier Junior Bronze dances by skating the Willow Waltz mos;t success- fully, Craig Tennant cornpleted lits Junjor Silver Dances after a well perforrned Harris Tango. Mrs. Norma Norrds, Oshawa, Mrs. Cappler and Mr. Puky commented on liow well Craig had done in fitting this dance pattern into such a small ice surface. Congratu lations te ail the ska- ters for a job, weil doue. FulIy Cleared In speaking te Mr. George Car- son it was learned that the Osli- ada Harness Club was stiil a- waîing final approval of their dates for harness racing at Orono this summer. Iîe stated tliat Ottawa liad ap- proved tlie twenty-twe nights of raciug for the Orono track but that approval lias net been ne- ceived from the Racing Commis- sion. H1e said the Commission is con- cerned witli the ligliting along wîjtli ther facilities for accommo- dation. 11e feit they were using these things te hold up the ap- preval. It was pointed eut that the .Oshi- awa group had corne te terms with the Pair Board for the use of the track in Orone.. NOVELTIES for Easter and Bar',berhop Orono, Ont. Orono Buildioeg Contractor Cumoy - Cabinet W Fioors- TiI. 9U3-441 OUE REAL ESTATE, LIMITED ReJte U34 King street Eust 11Bowmanvllie '623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope office 85M For prompt, eourteffl, ell ent service when baylng or seiling and for the largest sel- ection Of properties la the ares Roy Poster 983-5801:J Wiliam'Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420'. Ray Finnie 277-2280- (Bethany) Dane riOund 63- R-OY Stroel2- 52 r Î,- We have in stock ail the CHOCOLATE 1,-

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