ORONO WEEKLY TIMS, WEDNESDAY, MARCII l5th, 1972 ,-AWARDED'FIRST -STAR IN GAME- WITH MABLIES Steven West continues ta be a -reat asset ta the Junior A Osh- .awa Generals and agaîn praved hiAmself lu a game Friday night .against the strang Toronto Mar- lies. The Generals took a 6-5 dec- ision over the Manlies with Steve -;corng one goal and assisting ln another. Nat anly did lie play a g-ood offensive game but was used 'extensively by Gus Boduar1 as a penalty killer. Inu this ,capacity lie was used as the only forward when the Generals were short t.wo players aver a fime of one 131nd a haîf minutes.' His efforts were reeognized in the ehoice of three stars and was awarded the first star as the most outstanding player on the ice. DONNIE ALLEN PAIDTRIBUTE Donnie Allen, a produet of the O0rono Minor Hockey system and who for the past two years has been playing goal for the Port Hope Junior Cs was paid tribute by the Evening Guide sportswrit- er last Friday. The _Port Hope Junior Cs lost ont in a playdown series with Lindsay. Bill Jolinston, sports ed- itor of the Guide,, ln summing Up the season stated that no matter how you looked at it Donnie Al- len liad ta be, one of the finest goalies 'Port Hope has seen for many years. Donnie will be over age for Junior hockey next year. During bis hoekey career Don- nie lias won the admiration of fans bath in Orono and Port Hope for bis ability between the posts. ORONO ATOMS WIN FIRST ROUND The Orono Atom hockey club have sueeeeded ln winning the Orono -Sport News CORNI 'S Orono, Ont. FRESH PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER POKROASTS Always Tender - Lean, Meaty -Butt PORK ROASTS lb. 59C BUTT PORK or Trim andI Prce SHOULDER CHOPS Ib. 69c Tender, Juicy, Branded Thick Cnt BLADE STEAKS lb. 88C Milt Seasoned, Small Iin, Beef andI Pork Burns Sousoa lb. 55c Shamrock Brand - Buru R INDLESS BACON lb. 79c ldA Seasoned - BURNS Skioeiess Wieners lb. 59c 16 ounce package BURNS BOLOGNA 59C (5 ta 6 pound average) IL 49c FREEZER SPECIAL, Cut andI wrapped, 10-12 WhV-ole P.rk Loins îlb. 79c Dr. Jkflard'sr SChampion Dog Food 15 fi oz. tins, -6 1for -89c York< Cholce QuaUty - Cnt - 14 oz. tins< Green Deans 7 - $1 Green Giant, Fancy QuaJ.ity 14 FL. Oz. Cream Corn 2 for 45c Best Buy -, ROASTED maxwell House Coffee 1 lb."bag 88c Best Buy 16 ounce P49. Cerni lAkes Keliogg's 39C opening round in the league play- offs., The club finishied first in. the league and have now elimin- ated Bewdley ln two straight games. They will meet Newcastle in- the Charâpionship round. On Saturdily ln Millbrook the local Aoins took a 4-0 wln over 'wdley with four players shar- ing in the Orono scoring; Wayne MacLean, iRoss Stutt, Kevin Young andý Michael Mitchell. Assists went to Marcel Charland, Wayne MaTcLean and Presýton Long. Michael Mitchell was presexit- ed with the most points Trophy. while the two Orono goalies, Gary Bridger and Joey Senecp were prçsented the Trophy for the best averagefor goal keepers. ORONO PEF WEES LOSE OUT IN CIIAMPTONSHIP BlD The Orono Pee Wees ln their hid for the league championship Iost out lin the first round to Bewdley. The three-game series ,ent two games to Bewdley with the first gaine a tic. The Orono Athieties lost to Bc'wdley by a score of 2-1. Greg Hlickey scared the lone' Orono goal with assist ta Jeff de Jonge and Milan Popadich. Ken Hutton played a two-way game for Or- ono and was possibly 'the best player on the ice. In the third gazne of the Orono Bewdley series the Orono Flyes were also deleated 2-1. Matthew Robinson scored the Orono goal with assist ta Doug Hancock. Orono will now meet Newcastle Pee Wces in the consolation round. TYKE EXHIBITION *The Colborne Tyke feam re- eently took a 3-2 victory over the Orono teain. Jim Moffat seored the opening goal for Orono with an assist to Allan Webster. Duane Major scored the second goal un- assisted. PEE WEE EXHIBITION The Orono Pee Wee Flyers took a 3-1 Win over Bowmanville in an exhibition game last week. Paul Yeomans, Scott West' and David Priestly sharcd in the Orono scoring with three assists to Dougý Ilancock and one to Brctt Newell. The Pee Wee Athletics took a 4-1 defeat at the hands of a Bow- manville team with Stephen Clark assisted hy Tom Gustar anid David Hutton scoring the single Orono goal. Ken H-utton agail played an aggressive game for the Athieties. 999.9 BANTA1W EXHIBITION The Orono Bantams and Bow- manville Bantams played toaa two-all tie recently in an exhibi- tion, game. Nicky Van Seggelen and. Dave Brown scored the Or- ono goals with assists going té John Cornish, John Naninga and Blaine Barnes. MIDGETS WIN CONSOLATION ROUND The Orono Midgets played in a Midget tournament in LittiE Britain last Saturday and were winners of the consolation round. M IDGETS ... . .. -ý. ....... Orono played their first game of the tournament with Omemee and lost by a score of 4-2. The second game for Orono was a vie- tory over Port Hope 6-3. In the final game the Orono crew de- featde Little Britain 5-2 to wjf the Consolation round., Randy Eastabrook and Steve Boyd both scored four goals each with Waren Johnson nýtting three and Nico deJonge twFo. CORRECTION: In last week's paper we stated that B. Henderson was awarded tbeMost Valuable Player award of the Orono Bantam team during a Young Canada night ini Port Hope. The award, a hockey stick was presented téa Doug Black, rather than R. Henderson , as re- ported. ORONO PEEWEES PLAT The Orono PpeWees played ini a benefit tournament ini Mllbrook on Monday evenipg staking. a 2-0 win over the Millbrook teani. J. de Jonge and Mark Charland score4 the Orono goals. RUNNING BATTLE Durlng the season the two Or- ono. PeeWee teams have held a runn ing battle between them- selves with the, Athletics wjnning althree games by a llar'ow mar- gin. The most recent game was a- gain a victory for the Athletics over the Flyers by a score of 3 to* . Tom Gustar, Mark CIerIand and David Hutton scored the Ath- letic goals whiie Charles Quan- trili and John West .scored the Flyer's goals. Athletic assists went, to Mark Charland and two to Tom Gustar. Robert Grant and Brett Newell picked up the Flyer's assists. Even the Old Timers find iA hard to remember a winter when the crust of ice was as hard on the snow and remaîned as long. Numerous falîs and breaks have resulted. We were sorry to learil that Naney Langmaid had run into a tree on the ski hili and injured her hack on Saturday. She is the daughter of Dr. D. G. Langmaid an Oshawa dentist. Mr. Fred Winn was repaiing the tow on the ski hiil on Satur- day, when a piece of maehinery fell, cutting his forehead and ehin and requiring first aid. Michael Irwin. broke his collar bone a week ago, when sliding dlown the hillinl the park west of Kendal. He ran into a stone. Rev. T. Snelgrove's story was "The boy who wanted té be a donkey". A Sunday school elass decided to aet out the story of Wdjol andi warm sweaters are needed- for the hale to Angola. A social haif hour was enjoyed The closing hymn was "ln_ Christ there is no east or west". Next meeting we will study the Sierra Leone, Africa. A vote of thanks was tendered our hostess. New Arrivais Records und Tapes We now have a real good selection of Records and Tapes by Popular Arfists ,Qe them at our Record Bar Ready for S pria,? We have your Skipping Ropes, Marbies and Ailcys, Jacks and Balis ORONO, ONT. ridden into Jerusalem on rsalxn Sunday without a donkey? The fîrst Sunday in Mardi Mr. .., îgrove took- as bis stîbject "'Tue Face of Jesus'. Thé second' Sunday ln March bis tapie was 'The Ileart of Jesus' continîîing the scries on The Portrait -of .Jesîis. From thc sermon on the Mtint; Matthcw 5, verse 8, Jesus said, "Blessed are the- pure in heaî't". Ile also said "Take rny YOke upon you and learu of me for 1 ;am meek and lowly ln Our emotions can affect fthe vvhole hod-y, the heart is the seat of love. Matthew 20 - 34- "Sn Jesus had compassion on them and( touclîed their eyes." Tlîey re- ceived their siglit and followedj hlm. Men loolketh on the outWard appearance but God looketh on the heart. We have the, promise of our Lord. Blessed are the pure in heart: For they shahl see God, Mr. and Mrs., J. Carscadden have returned from a bus trip to Florida. They also enjoyed a boat trip. The 'United Chureh Women met at the home of M& Kelth Wood on Mardi 7th' with eight members present. The mee"ting opened winth prayer and the sing- lng of "Nearer My God to'Thee"., with Mrs. K. Wood at the piano. Mrs. A. Low read the senipture. Ist Timéthy, chapter two. The of- fering was $6.81. Talent monkey $2.50» Our over and above mli- sionary money is to be used in the Avalon Presbytery, New- foundland and to help Miss Ethel Snow'es work ln Angola, Africa. Mrs. Stevens gave us a short ne- count of Miss Snow's lUfe and work. She was born in Newfound- land and now teaches High School in Angola, Afnica. Mrs. Stevens gave a short re- port of the annual meeting in Sipicoe Street United Chureh, Oshawa. which was addressed by the Moderator Dr. A. B. B. Moore, a former principal of Victoria College. Then. Nrs., Stevens f oid of a large community church on the Ain, Marie Island Quit they at- tended un Fiorida. TIuey held three services each Sunday morning and liad a wonclerfui Bazaar. STUTT'S PHARMACY Orono, P'hone 983- 0OO9