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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1972, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES, WED)NESDAy, MARCH 22nd, 1972 LawPoe.sCr as Says st. r n t rnu Ken Stubîngtoc, aýsùtit c cio-c attoîney for flic United Coi-ti]s of No ýýî, o r ber anid aîîd Durhamc, bro-if fi te i-gai systern dcxvi liteî ics , r fets'ionit Woit- en's Cue a i tb'irîmietinîg hIst - pek. In hi idi- s MrI. Stubiît toit i'red ~e ',j,î b r iri- i, U ai riilis, -acf the public. H1e qucted F. Lee Bailey, an Amn ricin crimitial defense lîxxycr in sfating, "In court we are cot concerned witlî trufli. We arc ccli coceîced' wifh cvidc'ncé." "I arn not critfcizing any indi- vidijal lawyers," 111. Stubington stafcd, "What 1 arn criticizing is the legal system." Ife acused Englisit court pro- cedures cf not. aiming te find fthc trufli. "It has only been in recent years tbat a defendant lias been allowed to give evidence on his own behaîf. Up te 1820,lie was notf allowed te -6e represenfed by a lawyer when charged witli a felony" As a resut, the judges of that time dcveloped a set of nules making if liard te convict. "In fliose days, when a man was con- victed lie was immediately taken ouf and lîangcd." The systern dcveloped by flie judgcs was known as miles of e-vîdence. "English spcaking countries are flic on]y couritries xifh rules of evidence." Cries for help, for instance, cannot 6e admifted as evidence unless flic person who cied -for bclp is t here te confirmif i. In some cases, flic penson wrho cried for help is a victirnof mugder. "Ilearsay evidence, -gtbem(-1tt ovenheard by -wifnesses, are nef admissible as evidence. Anoflier rule fer evideznca ern rnoly i-et by lawyers atsf liat a wvife cancot testify against lier liusband. "I baive met nacy wives cîly tee .irlxîotl f0t 'tstîfy igi-ticif fuel-- bhwbands, but ti i re-îe t aloei' claiied IîU. St bing- lic i" ' t~ i e idci n t t' - Itoîtie.a 1 - nf i o t t i e t ,t 1raîd of Imand as a i e- suIfb.e c îriedci-tf bis flircaf "Oulîr îvbola ý3S-ytejjjof jlier i',ý geared te finding outt wha t te' ti-tfl is. If is geared te proteet- ing tit'e 'tiîalxith riîes of ' -e i e ve t of jîîstici'o veUt n î<j, i- i t ti adi]e veil.i 'ii'te)f A ty orls h(l itn cf cort" lie al. -c oqiîoted aolerîo i as saying, "I bave cuver kîitowiicg 13, defended an innocent man" MVr. Stubinthon was appuîtfed assistant Crown Attorney in 1967. Before f bat tim-e lie practised law for binie ycars lu Toronto and two years in Newcastle. PREMIER DAVIS SUPPORTS SCHOOL CLOSURE PLAN A letton fnom Will iam Davis, flic Premier of Ontario, express- ing confidence in flic decisien of flie Northumberland - Durhiam Board of Educafion te close Bewdley and Harwood Public Sehools, was deseibed by Deputy- - Ieeve Fosten Russell as a lot of "lieg-wash" at a meeting of Ham- ilt on Township . Council lield re- cent ly. "If is dictatership when 300 or 400 peeple wlie have petitien- cd te - flic Board have been ig- nored'", Reeve Chiarles Bunrison said. In. bis letter Mn. Davis stnessed that an elected scbool boa-d lias flic duty and the nesponsibilfy te decide whaf advanfages or dis- advanfages rnay - arise from con-- solidating sinaller schools into a langer, eue. "In this instance if is, the ne- sponsibility cf the Couinty Boai-d cf Educafion te decide what aid- vanbaiges or -disadvantagos rnpy a- r-isc frorn consolidating srnaller Fschoola into a langer eue," the Premnier smid. The Premier xvent on te point olit bbt ainong the idvantiîýc,, of a i--er 'e-bool i la ttix e"ih 'mct" in, r,-d in itg - r' on i eiîîduc- bc ditîne' 'eicli pupils bua a1nd thre imnrct of this exper- lence ou their lives bofli at home ca at school. ,Certainlyif ir i my hope, as 1 amn certain Aifi; yours,' said Mr. Davis, "that flie chiîdren will ben- efit by the riclier and fuller ex- perience which may be given tbern a1t a largi r and better cquipped selîoil." îlopi ty-'te"ee Fo I w IRussell said that laî-ger schoc, s bhave ot been ro to Lb befttr, in faef the l'l b i bL ii the opo- sitle direc'irn. He we t on to Fav fbiatfif the- teft the public that a low stuett facerratio is d"sirable- and now they have reversi-dlb fir îxi, - 1 e Il us that ne mut illecacne naLit Cornmenting on the proposced senîior lemeritary school to be locafed next fo the Golden Plougli, Mr. Russell said that it 'bniffl N locatcd farther north in Hlamilton Township and that l'le proposed location is poor be- cause quiet must be mainfained for the Golden Plougli Resf Home. 1?ccve Charles Burrison, said that he does not tbink that the ('ounties Council will seli the land. "It does flot make sense," lie said, "the Board of Educafion reccives ifs funds from fhe Coun- tics and then buys land back from the Counties." The leffer was a reply te a requesf from Council for infoma- tien regarding the purchasing of land adjacent ,te flie Golden Plough Lodge., The preposed location for a senior elementary school has been investigated carefully, the letter said and flic proposed site is ideal' and rcadily accessible by Hamil- ton Township. uOttaiwa Report Russell C. , Honey, Q.C., M.P. The new Faîily Income Secur- ity legisiation) was introd-uced in fthc House of Commons titis week by ilcaîlih and Welfare Minister John. Munro. Mr. Munro stated TLMBNGAND !HEATING Nw 24 1-lur Service NwInstallaions- V,ý7;.ý ifep jirs f SpeclaIizing in Hlot Watei- j fleafing Forced Air Heating j Septie Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono9983-424 GrntC. Wade GENRRAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtonville, Ontario Tek,>pkone 78U4961 Box 61, Port EBo, Ontario Telephene 886- M163 I __ -7 -i àdbert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Pho'ne U3-5249 Orêuio that the governrnent planned to procced vwithefliegislation, as quickly as possible, and that the new Family Allowance ljaynierit. sbould start to be ruade tis fall. TI e legislatioo li- ber o chîrîg- fd in'orne i'iic' tint d 't i I fi-oct the ni coinmendlations cdrttined in1 llie '1Vhte Pnp er Onndoiy Piw'rS f W 't uldie n ')f $1i had no entitiement. to benefits. Thbis 1 ithal parets vwith za f'lati v high i nii-Icli rcoin can receive benefits under the- plan i ft' y have a large famnily to support. Under the proposedl progranri. beniefits of $15. a rnonth for chidren under 12 and $20. a monfli for children from age 12 up to the l8th birtliday wil 6e paid on flie basis of family ini- corne and the number of chilâren of eligible age in fthe family. A family with one chuld and an an- fluaI income of $4,500. or Iess wouId receive the maximum rate. For each additional child the In- corne level under which full benî- efits may be paid would be in-. O r. VIT. R.KtDDSÇ Weekdys: 9 *b 6 bâcept AitIeMO.. Teieph«e M. 2W Orgue, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Reinodelling Kitchen CupaI ebuîld t-cm th Icadai1 up. (i eased by $500. For inst ance, a fanîily with 5, eblldren ,,wouldre- ceive the fuil rate if the com- bined incorne of the parents doeir not excecd $6,5nO. For every $100. by wlîich the yeariy family icorne exceeds the applicable bernefits will be reduced by .33e for each child. T 'l ; 'h v Týicoi Seecurity ~. j fi 4"7ý1 + r vi(le great- el I .Y v ' 'îýo -nc, founate. 'beîro 'r~,of people in the rer$10,000. cathory have lieen r(,',ogniwed aiid the government bias responded to representations as far as limited resources wil allow. A major improvement in this regard is fthe abolition of the $10,000. income "ceiling." The limitations of our economie struc- ture are such that only sixteen per cent of Canadian families would be denied benefits at a eut-off point of $12,000. income.' As an example it might, be not- ed that a family with three child- ren would flot be completey',c ut, off fÈom' benefif s until their net. income was in excess of $11,5W0. a year under the proposed prýo- gram. Lesaka rd WfeIdIng a"d LATHE WOUK 8 a.Ua.- te - 5 p.M. Vonday thruLgh Satumrdw7 sentit Tan-â'k service GENURAL PUMPING 24 IlOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leska. à, Ontario Pho'ne NewciaMite 9744 and Saturday IYOU HAVE A CRIPPLED CHILD IN YR OZ-HQIYOU KNOW WHAT WE E DOUINO1. NO MONEY IS SPARED TO SAVE AND REHABILI1TATE YOUR CHILD- WHATEVER THE COST. - FYOU HAVEBEEN SPARED THE AC. ,PLE SE HELP US TO HELP Support the Rot1ary. Club Eate Seal Camapaign

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