ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, -WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1972 WANT ABS FOR WECDNIESDA"I PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 MIlison Insurance Agency At classes of p)ersonal and Commercial Coverazes Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 ,Gord Simpso. PHONE 983-5801 Orono, Ouarle PAINTIG CkIlPE4«Y REMODELLING GElRLREPAIES Ia~edoeExt«oro CHARLES RI Orono's Liecensed Aaitioneer and Valuatorù Specialize 14n Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for termsI ,and dates PlIONS, ORONO 983-0114 Monumenlts aud CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE requires a CLERK ~Applications, plainly marked will be received by the undersigned for the position of Clerk until '~12 o'clock (noon), Tuesday, April 'Ikth, 1972. ,-Applicants are required to apply Àin own hand writing giving full details of education, municipal ex- -'-,perience and present employment. REmp1oyment to coma -mî"e as - ýsoon as1 possible, ;Preference will be given ta those '$enrolled in the A.M.C.T. course or desirous of immediate enroîl- -ment. Salary Commensurate with quai- *-ifications. Ail applications will be 'treated as .confidential. - Reeve J. W. Stone, Township of Clarke, P.O. Box 3j,19 Orono, Ont. BYAMS PLUMRENG a" HEAI Sam$ a" ervie Il NOUE UURNERSERVICE PGULF FIANCING Low InteetRates Tyro»e 23-205 Family Mmras~FiOI[I( Omr quallty and service le.,. notblngte ho deslred Herb and, Gerry Duval A* the person Who bought f - 983-5108, ut a neighbour, friend or relatve - LECTRICAL CONTRACTINGl W1e RLJTTER GRANITE BLECIC HEATING COMPANY X[LEC1'RICAL APPLIANLUS T..-COLOUR T. 73 Ontario Street RADIO - El-FI PORT HOPE WESTINGHOUSE Largest, display in SotheIRa CA Ontario ELBCTROHOmE R. C. SLEE QUAEANTEND SERVIC Bawmanviile, Ont. &,hone 623-3383 PIJMPING OUIT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tomukinu Ponoe 8-25 Cia rke Public LIB8R AR Y lgonday, Tuesday, Thursday anid Fridlay 6:30 ta 8:30 P.nl. Thuïsday ýfand ,Fiday alternkoons 2:30 tg 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Insurance Service TOUR SNOWMOSILE INSURANCE HEADQUAETERS NAIN STREET, OROMO s'adt 1e Ilaniltois Jinu Haro For Dependable Servie ix 138 Phone 6094 Sudffrd FictLers Manufatturers of Cenietery Mem.qiaho WHMT, ONTAEI ' BE Enjoy Fresh APPLES: Red' and GWea Deâieous, Maelu*or and maay eflio vrieg... Une and 1'iemisk Beiity Pets FEUER APPLE CUME FREVS FRUIMAUKET moway li5s 8uth of Ore NEED A NEED A SUMP PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM HARVEY PARTNER PLUMBING and HEATING ORONO 983-5206 LOSTr Ail white Toy Poodie iost be-, tween Garden iTli and Oshawa Ski Hll].Reward. Cail collect 743-8764 Peterboro a-c APARTMENT FOR lIENT Two bedroom apartmieft rent. Available lst of April. Plhone 983-5674 after o'clock. for four a-p FOR RENT Two bedroom Apartment. Frîdge, stove, heat and hydro. $135.00.- Phone 263-8157. b-13-p WANTEDP Baléd Straw wanted. Phone 983-5703. -b-12-p ST SAVIOUR'S CHURCII There will be no service on Sun' day, March 26 due to the confirmation Service being held at St. George's, Newcastle at 1l a.m., to which ail parishioners are invited. a-c LOST A maie cat - Persian. Beige, with dark brown face, feet and tail. Reward. Jane Keast, 983-5810. a-c WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS? Naw you can traiin right here in Canada and be paid while do- ing sa. For application and inter- view, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West Toropto 117, Ontario or~ cail: 416-864-9381 c-12-c NOTICE Dr. A. F. McKenzie will ho on holidays March l8th ta April 3rd, inclusive. c-13-e SNOW PLOWING Contact Orona Landscaping fSt snow plowlng. Dependable service Phono 983-5W08. WORK WANTI Mershman Bras. Floor Ce.. Machine and Rand Trowelled Duticu Concrete Floors Wanted Dead or Crippled Fm'm Stock PICKED UP PRKOMPTLY Telephone Cofleet: 623-2721 MargwiN Fur Fami Licence No. 864-C-72 SALESMAN OR AGENT WANTED DEPENDABLE MAN WHO CAN WORK.. WITHOUT.. SUPERVIS- ION. Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus...Contact. customers...in ORONO area. Limited auto trav- ei. We train. Air"mail W. Y. Dicker- son, Pres., Southwestern Petrol- eum C orp., Ft. Wortr, Tex. RECEPTION The Pamiily of Mr. and Airs. Han-y M. Mercer of Orono wish to invite their relatives, friends and neiglibburs to attend «'Open House', from 2 pin. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 pni. Saturday, the 25th March, 1972, at the Oddfel- iows Hall, Orono, in honour of their 5th Wedding Anniversary. Best Wishes Only. b-12-c --Q--. *9 Presents 25th Annual Caraival Skating Througb the Guest Skaters - Pat Baker and Peter Zednie Mmrch 25, 8p.m. Carch 26, 2p.m. ADMISSION: Aduits $100 16 yrs. and ander 50c WATSON'S Marine and Cycle, Orono phone 983-5848 PRINCE CRAYT BOAT& Ailfouette Snow Mohlce MecCulloch CHAIN SAWB Repair te ail makes of Lawm Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES mp. ý-o... »UUT - PRESTIE INVIATION LINE, Cmada', frd àt or'.1Weddlng and Social forma A ,tde echoie. dw.gnsa" n typs ebo.oe h'. INVIATIONS - ANNOUYNCTEME-NTS - RA9 BrtPY CARDS - SERVIETES TRANK TOU NOTES - £TW- MM' G.... your Weddng Stmiomy from mB pem ORùO NO WEE»KLY TIMES MAIN 5TEMT, ORONO, OPiTAMI 1 1