Or-.ONO WEEKLY, TIMES NEW "BABY BONUS" SCHEME It will be difficuit for anyone to argue successfufly against the federal government's "baby bonus" plan. As Welfare Minister John Munro told the Commons late last week, the plan will double benefits to 1,249,000 familles, improve them for 623,000 more familles, reduce them for 58 5,000 familles and end them for 1,050,000 familles. Although no date has yet been set for the start of the new plan, Commons approval is expected in the near future. The new plan will replace two current systems' which apply to 7.5 million children and youtlis. The exist- ing fam,*y allownce plan provides a monthly cheque of $6 L_ _. ldrindcr 10 and $8 for children 10 to 16. The youth alcýwrrce is $10 monthly for those 16 and 17. The new family income security plan would pay maximum benefits of $15 monthly for children urqder 12 and $20 monthly for those 12 to 18, subjeet to family income The income floor for maximum benefits would be $4,500 for families with one child. The floor would rise $500 for each additional child, allowing maximum benèfits to_ a family with two children and an incomèi of- $5,0W~, three childrenand an income of $5"500 and so on. No one will get rich on a yearly income of $9,000, and .It could be argued that benefits, even slightly reduced, ones, should be available to small families with that incomne. Howevfer, the idea behînd .the plan is, and should. be, to assist those families well.under. the $9,000 income. THE COST 0F PROGRESS Progress often faces, a stormy' battie as witnessed by the opposition to place a second airport-for the MUetro AiZea ini Pickering Township. On tre local sceneland own- ers in Hope Township are up in' arm s over ýthe future erection of large hydro dines and towers over and on their property. They are ln full agreement that they don't want it and have requested that it be rerouted to a more north- ern route. One'can certainly sympathize over the placemnent of ugly transmission Uines over a property for they are not a thing of. beauty. Who really wants them, and of course the answer would bc, rno one. They, like the airport, are a necessary evil to sustain our way of life even though for a fewv it will ereate in- convenience and an unsighitliness. Ontario Hydro lias been askLed to reroute the Uines to à more, sparsýely populated area and this route, dlaims Hydro, will make it difficuit to service Port Hope and Cobourg as well as placing the, Une In an aea where icing will take place. No matter whçre the line goes there will be oppo- sition as will be so with the airport. "Put it atiy place but not in my bacýkyard." it is people power versus progress. Orono Atoms Are Champions, Tlie Orono Atoms who iced a strong team this year were de- clared the league champions last week wlien they eliminated the Newcastle entry ln the final scr- les. The final game of the final series was a decided 81 victory for Orono over Newcastle.. Michael Mitchell set -the pace for the Orono team witli four goals and an assist. Wayne Mac- Lean was close behind with three goals and an' assist, Peter Philpý completed the scoring for Orono. Asslsts were credited to Jixa Lycett, Bobby Myles, Peter Black Preston Long and Keith Casey. BROOKLIN DEFEAT ORONO TYKES The Orono Tykes who have been la tlie habit of posting vie- tories du ring the year wiént down to a 4-1 defeat at the liands of a team from Brooklil. .Peter Krukkert scoraeI the Or- ono 'goal witli assist to, Duane Ma-~ jor.- ORONO PEEWEES WIN LEAGIJE CONSOLATION CHAMPIONSHIIP The Orono PeeWees witli two wins and a tie- took the league Consolation Cliampionship with elimination of Newcastle. The 'rono Athletics won the oeiggamie witlh the Orono PeeWee Flyers taking a tie at Orono on Friday niglit. The Friday nighnt game ended in a two-all tie. Scott West scor- ed tire opening goal with Char-, les Quantrill scoring the other.; Assists went to M\athew Robinson, and Doug Hancock. Saturday in Newcastle- the Or- ono Athleties took a decisive 641 victory over Newcastle which ln, turn gave Orono the Consolation' Championship. The Athieties were led by Greg Hickey scoring tliree goals while single markers wernt to. Marlç Charland, Dpavid Hutton and'Ken Hutton. Jeff deJonge picked up three assists for Orono with Chris Philp gaining one. The entry from Bewdley won the Championship of the league. 'Mr. and Ms. Hlarry Mercer jere versary observed last week-end. the Oronio Oçldfellow's Hall on pincturd above on the celebrationx Thecacuple received friends and Saturday. id their flftieth Weddlng Pniî- lighbouirs at a reception held in Photo - Statesmmn ORONO BANTAMS WIN TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONSHIP A recent tournament for four Bantftms teams from Port Hope, Bowmanvllle, Newcastle and Or- ono was held in Orono. The Orono entry was the winn- er of the tournie by taking .a wide margin ln their game with Newcastle and forced into a shoot off with Bowmanville following a tie with the Bowmanville entry. Sixi players for Orono shared in the scoring to defeat New- castle 6-1 in the opening game. The, Orono goals were by Nicky vanSegglen, Dave Brown, Bill Siater, Brian MacDonald, Chris Robinson and Barry West. In assists Nirky vanSegglen picked up two as did John Cor- nish. Others went to Jason I4ee. Robby Henderson, John Nannin- ga, Myles Brandt, Blaine Barnes. In the second game Bowman- ville defeated Port Hope 7-1 while Port Hope went on-to defeat the Newcastle entry 6"3:and win the Consolation banner. In the final game for the tour- nament championship the Orono' and Bowmanille entriesplayedto a 3,3 tie. The decision was, resolv- ed by a shoûot off which went ini favour, of Orono 2-1. In the game the three Orono goals were, scored by Hobby Hlenderson, Chbris Robinson and John Corni*sh Nicky van Segglen was credited with two assîsts with others to Jason Lee and i M'yles Brandt. KENDAL EAGLES IN SPRING TRAINING The Kendal Eagles start their opening training session this Mon- day evening la theý gym of; the Clarke High School andwill con-. tinue to do so until sucli time as they can practice outside. The sessions at the school will be held ecd Monday evenÙng commencing at 7:00 p.m. AUl are welcome to attend the workouts but those who are un- able to but are stili interested in joining the club may phone Mr. Grant Wade, 786-2921. TOP POINT MAN FOR OSHAWA GENERALS Steven West completed the reg- ular seheduleý in the Junior 'A' loop being the top point man of lis team, the Oshawa Generals, who ended la second place. Steven was a consistant produ- cer during the last hall of the sealson. With 30 goals and 43 as- sists he topped the other Oshawa players ýýwîth 73 points. Rick Mid- dl1etoýn folloWed West with 69 THREE, FACE DRUG POSSESSION, CHARGE Three Port Hope youths were charged with possession of nar- coties by the Cobourg Detacliment of the Ontario - Provincial Police following a routine car chieck Which. revealed a quantity of m2arjuana. Apparently, while on patrol on Saturday' an officer stopped a caron Hlighway 2, at il p.m. for a routLine' check and as lie ap- proachied the car, lie notic ed somne thing being thrown out of the back ! no of the car. The officer investigated and found that what had been thrown ontwa a quantity of marijuana. Cb Phono 983-:5024 Cuvrteous Servire Lecal or Long Dîstance Tripe Day or Night NOVELTIE for Easter M"ATIS DILIA RDS undi Barbershop; Orono BuiIdI.g Stone Worlk cewaiRtry - Cabinet W have in stock aul the CHOCOLATE WFRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED M3 Mig Ieet &Eact M34393 Trno939l Port Hope Office 285- For prompt, eU1Out e cý nt service whea buyinÈ,. oz ýzIIlng and for the largest sel.. -Ulelaof properties In 11 Contact Oreno AreaRoeemat. Roy F cster 98i-15801 Ray Finnie 277-2280 (lBethany) Dazie Pound 623-3905 IL" 8tront, 1 5Mr Il Bethany ORONO WEEKLYý'ÙMES, WEDNESDrAY, MARCHI 29, 1972