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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1972, p. 6

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-- QR~~~oiNo WEXKLy TIM$8, I1NSAM kesâat News- One wýondlers why those ipn uth- %riy ould Choose the(w, m of 'Uarch tNvýty-firt for- a holidlay ee.We always get equlintoctial itorms wVhen the sun crosses over ,lie equator. This year wa,; no - itoption wh1en we got ai electrie -storm with the cold weather fol- own.We think we haýve a lot fsnwbuit nt ne as mucli as in 196 at tis ýtmewhen the The ]p ne al ofM r. Pcrey Moran uok place Tuesday, '15farch 2.Slhe was bonri nea r the town of 'Perth. Mr. Morramt S-er ln askatchewan. They pur- ,chased the farm west of tme Mor- gan homstead. There, were thrce ïn tbi farnily: Rloy, Velma (Mis. 1lDonald Myles) and I)oreen (Mris. JakBairstow). In 1964 lu Oct- ~lethey sold their foim and nivdinto Orono. Two yý ai-s ago te clebrated -their golden wed- ,inmg. Thie sixth line n eighbours 'etnd theiý,r sympatby to Mr. iMogan lndthe, family. 11ev. T. Suivegiove continuod bis -series of se-rm&ms on the "Port- -ýz^it of Christ" This time it was "fhl lands of Christ", that lie ;tuk s his subject. Whien hoe had aici this lie sh«%ýd theni lis 'hantds." St. John 20; eorse 20. 1allu nmake a fascifitingstudy Ther arelong h fiads, short tead~i muicins andýt, mechan- ý,iesliands, Itho hands of the lab- ouirer etc. There is au n ttrestng ýitory connected wth tùxo ticturc, 'Pryifg and". heartstDru- ter vvas born ili Nurevihurî7 , Gem imanly. Hlé met anl o1der artist but ¶hoth had to work so hard 4al other ,s t make ùnough nxoneyS to krny food thait tliey didn't àccoixi- plish muech Art. Thie older man suggested that one work and lot 'ihe other oneo studfy art., '1l -work and you study saidf Drurer, "'m lte youngo,,styf "No", the .-.older mani said, 'Yoti're the ý-3st artist and 1 have myv trade. Xamn. a builder using mortar and -atone. Yoîm take pour. tura t J-tudying frt So the youngel- -oman becamre a fine artist but aIwen tue older man's turu camne '14e boind that bis bonds were to6 '4ùFf and, knailed to hold the %rushes and do the fine wor k. Drurer caine along one day when tbho older juanri as praying. lne said jnst hold- your bauds inla tt -siay and I will sketch them, as tbiey are folded in prayer, 'WC (Io) mot Ikuoni iat t'lie lands of Jesus ivere lk.We .ýw they were loving lids. ïfs's touchied the ltl lide> ue ut iIls bauds on them and ~hmdtlem. At the last supper took a towel and waslîed the ciipe'feOL. No task is too 4if- ficit for hIànel to do if they love Cbk.lie uised Ilis baids nm service.l ,mtd bis balids Iphys-- ically as a carpenter. Hie rose up lbefoî ' v to pra". IHo ealvel th vi nih ,ro~v.ilf\we f(o low Je;iS i ll le I-iing ou bonds to do many finle hg The uie,fscirred. hands ýreriiii uis of thle i-cnt price Jvelsspaid thiat we nih have eternal life. Donaild D)enniis and Danny Li rigs of f play hockey willi a Newcastle, team. Three buses went on, Friday 'oStayîîur. They play- ed the Stavuer teain winning tlhe gainýtre itli a score of 1-0. The teani staedo'-'riglit and ou Satur- da. y ouarling paypd lllbrook ýi inning the gaine xith a score of 5-2. Tlien they played Sund- ridge for the C championshiip which they won by a score of 4-2 ln tfii tai w r J ittie ].1 Tour, n aiulent. 1)ui ing the vacation xeek Mis. iLaxvretîîce Greenwood, Lynda and luim Greemîwood mol ored to Florida. Mi-. and Mrs. James Ard joined them there as they vîsited MVr. lReg Shales an_ old tirne friend of the family who lives down there these last few yoars. On March 23rd the Kendal Wonien's Institute met at the new home 'of Mrs. Wm. Turansky With üight members prosent. The met(eting opened withi tho singing of the Ode. The financial report was given by Mrs, Il Foster. She said $500 had beoil given to tho Ileart Fund and $10.00 to the Cancer Fund. On a motion inade by Mrs. G. Catlicart, seconde.d by Mrs. IL Eiiiott it wi deci4ecI to give te i dollarýs towards the camp fees of any of our i rls who attended camp. 'lhle vmojey is to ho given to the parent before tho camp lie- gins. The Guides and Brownies are holding their bazaar in Kondal School ont April 8th fromn one to four ithe afterlQoon. loulis of sewing, honierade candy etc. are requestod. The Penny Sale will be held this year on May 13th. Mrs. Turansky, thle Educational1 Conv-enor, took charge of the meeting,,. ler- topic was, "Winds of Change". Motto - "Some thoughts on Progress." She said a Ludite was one who objected to progress. Tbey smashed the new inventions lu the past. She told of the ,changes in oui- littie village and how it had effected the lifo here. A most enjoyable lunch was providod by Mrs. W. Mercer and hIrs. C. Langstaff. The next meeting will be at Mrs. R. Elliott's home, April 20th. O.PL .Report The Ontio Provincial Polce Newcastle 1)etadllxleft investigat- ed 13 Motor VeDicie Accidents in- cluding one milnpr injury snow-. mobile accident, between March 19thi and Mi\aich 25tb., 1972. As a resuit 3 person suLffered person- ai injury, and 4 persons charged ýwith driving offences. The Newv- rastie officers along vth other police duties -omol- 3eted 54 gen- eral iiive-stigatioiis of whiîch 2 were bre-ak, etrand thiefit, ,i theft, 1 trespassing compillai7nt, 3 dornestie complaints, 1 assauit, 2 msigpersons ,aid i crratic or dangerous, driving complaint. Four pensons are clîarge d withi criminal ioffe'nce's, 4 persons char 'd itb.liqiîoroffenc 's, and, 3 per-sons çhaurged vý7ith imi- paired drivin. The more im1portanit occurrenc- es investigated ýae as follows: A person wlîo !purchased a stolen Snowmobile in December 1971, is elîarged with p.osseussion of stolen goods. The serial) numbers on the srîowmiobile body and engine were1 missing.' The Newcastle O.P.P. Detachffient assisted by O. P.P. Auto Theft branch, Týoronto, are attemptinig to ideritify the stiowmohile and locate the right- fui owner. Forý the second tinie within 2 weeks the Ponitypool P>ost Office liad a break, enter and theft at- tenipt. On each occasion the lock was broken in the post office door, but the person(s) respons- ible were unable to gain entry, A break, enter and 'theft that occurred at Shaws School east of Bownianville on Marceh 2, 1972. bans since l)een solved. AUl stolen property was recovered, and three persons responsible for the theft were apprehended, and charged. KNOW THIE LAW- "Bicycle Safety" As a parent, you would flot al- low your boy or girl to operate a car until ho or she- learned th~e driving 'rfles of the r-oa-d lnd wis ic.ned( to drive. Likewise a chiild should not b)e perpiitted to oper- ate a bicycle on a pnblic rond un- 9OB YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service 1, New Installatio ns - Alterations Repairs Speclalizlng in Hot Water 1 eating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work &L. 1 Orono 983-5624 Grant C. Wa (de ktsurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtowvilfr, Ontario Telephone 78-MIl Box 61, Port Rope, Ontario Tekqhone 815438 Albert's Texaco, GENERAL REPAIES Pheme 983-5249 ors»l lil he or she can ride with con- fý4çnte nnd understands the bi- cycle rules of the road. 'rhe lligiW way iraffic Act defines a bicy-cle as a vehiele. Take the time with your eidren to ensure that, their bicycles are in safe condition, and remind themn about the safe- ty rifles. Do flot send therrn into traffic unprotected. A child under !) years of age should not 4e per- mitted to ride a bicycle on a street. You are îirged riot to pur- chase a bicyce too large for your: youngý,4er, and -atfor im ito growv into it. Don't put block,3 or training wheels o (n the clilid's bike. Both are dengerous, 'ouýntry7 side ronds during the Spring iaonths con be very trea(berous. Many soft spots are de veloping due ta the break-up of frosi iii the ground.ý To drive loIto za soft -spot at an increased ,.p ted can resuit lu loss of veh-ý icle Control. 'Another problemn is spring ov.erflow of water, caus- i:ng -rrosion-or wash out on many side ra loc ations. It is flot'un- ûommon to find one or twio feet of water' flooding 10w 1ying ronds. AlwaYs drive with' cautîi, cÔnstantly looking for road' de- feets that could involve you in a seriolis accident. O r.,W R. Kent DD' =28 King St. E. - Suite lu1 BOfmfic ler sioa B Weekdayr. * te 4 Ezeept Wednesday Afterueus Telephone %2334P Phone 6 68-334 Up And, Down - 1he Bok Stacks IIaireh 30th, 1972 l)on't-ï'ail. Off Thé, Mourtain by Shirley MacLean f personal aut- ot)iographiy) If igh Aretie lîy -George Sutton (ani expedition to thîe unspoiled Th'le Tw ed ire by Richard lklirk (movel of intrigue) Sliooi)y, Come 'Honie by Chailes Lilies, Jiablîits and Painted Eggs by EiXna lBartih(stor o)f Eas ter symbos) 'lie Secret 0f The 'Old Mili by .Franklin l)ixon (Hardy Boys mystery) 110w Books Are Mode by Davidj E'asy Reading- Two 1Iundred Rabbits by, Lonzoi Andersoii The Extra1 Son. Egg by Edna Ander- M. Hadley Septic Tank 'service GENERAL PUMPING 24 IIOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 - cellect L.skard Welding AND FABRICATION and LATE WORK 8 te - 5 P.a& ilonday Saturda7 ROY THOMPSON Oronow, Ontarlo Phono 983-5759 AUl Carpentry Work Remodeiling Kitchen Cuphoards VV build from the foundatln Up. 7r7 IF YOUHAVE A CRIPPLED CHILD IN YOUR OWN HOM%4E, YOU KNOW WHAT WE ARE DGING. NO MONEY I5 SPARED TO SAVE AND REHABILITATE YOUR CHILD- WHATEVER THE COST. IF YOU HAVE BEEN SPARED -THEý AGONV, *iLEASE HEIP US TO HELP TH4E CILDREN 0F OTHER LESS FORTUNATE PARENTS. Support the Rotary Club '1A Easter Seal Campaign William C. -Hall, B. Comm. Cbarter.d Accoudntm Phone Newcatle 987-4240 AU day Wedn.sday and Saturday Why Pay More? Save uManey! ON PX PREIUUN qUALITy FUELOIL und STOVE OIL DX FUEL 011 For Prompt rourteous Ser'ice Cail Us Toiay -' ~-v---~------

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