ÜONo *EEKLV TIMES, WEDNESýDAY, MARCII 29, 1972 ,.FORtWEDNESDAY] CORPORATION 0f THE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE requires a CLERK 4JApplications, plainly marked wil be received by thée undersigned for the position of Clerk ùntil 12 o'clock (noon), Tuesday, April 4th, 1972. Applicants are required to apply in aW~n hand writing giving full details of education, municipal' ex- Aperience and present employxnent. îl"Employment to commence as ~ soofl as possible. - Preference will be givýen to those 4 enro1led1 in the A.M.C.T. course or desirous of immnediaýte eniroîl- 'm xent. j 'Salary Commensurate 1with quaI- ýsfications. Ail applications w11 be ,treated. as ,confidential, ýi Reeve J. W. Stonc, Township of Clar~ke, P.O. Box 219, Orono, Ont. - Orono's Licensel BYAMS PLUMMNG and REATZNG Ànctioneer and Valuator. p salesam Serie. Specialize in Farm and ~ OEm» EVC Furniture Sales Coesult me for ternis GUJLF FINANÇING and dates P30NE ORONO 982-514 poe Tyou 263-ZOS Family Mmra Our quality and service frayes --OR N nothing to be desired Iîerb and Aak the person who bougrht fltt98sa ws, a neighbour, friend or relatIve ELECTRICAL The RUTTER GRANITE ELECTRU COMPANYELECTRICAI COMPANYT.V. - Ci 73 Ontario Street RADIO PORT HOPE WEST[ Largest display in Southermuin Ontario ELECI-' R. C. SLEE GUARANTI Bowmanviile, Ont., 6loi 23-3383 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phione q83-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Miouette Snow mobiles lIWcCullocb CHAIN 8AW3 Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowers an-d 2 and~ 4 cycle Englue ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PUMINGOUT SEPTIC AK BertTmrkn phoke 7625 Monday, Tueqday, Thursday s»d Prlay 6:30 to 8:30 p.M. Thùrsday and ffrId& sftrnipous 2.30 *te . P t~ts<ayU0 s 1:W&AL. I Hamilti Gerry DuvaI9 CONTRAING IC HEATING LAPPLIANCES COLOUR T. - I-F Service YVOUR INSURANCE HLEADQUARTERS MAIN STREET, ORONO Jadme Iamî1on For Dependable Service io 1,3 Phone 668-3952 Limlted Manufacturers of Cemetery Mmori ais 318 flundasStreet Hast WHMxT, OJfTWRO EUW yFresh :APPLES: ff a"- »ldon Dd Aency JO classes of personal and Commercial CoveraL-es Office. Main St., Orono Res. 983-51i54 IGord Simpson - Orono, Ontarlo CÇARPENq7RY REMODELING SGENERAL REPAJES Intuir tR71n L)ead or ÇJrippIedi Farm Stock PICKED UP PROITLY Telepholle Cilect: 623-2721 Margwill Fur Farm PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL'5:00p .TUESDAY PHONE OBONO 93ff1L NOTICE TO OWNERS 0F DOGS in the TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE for the year 1972 Eývery owner of a dog shall reg- ister, within sixty (60) days from the commencement of the calen- dar year, each dog owneld by him in the Township of Clarke with the Clerk's Department and at that tume pay to such Clerk's De- partment the Drescribed licence fee and the Clerk's Department shail issue- to such owner a re- ceipt acknowledging registrationt of the dog and payment of the fee. 1972 Licences nust he purchased immediately The required authoity for the licensing of dogs became effect- ive as of the 8t day of Septeni- ber 1970 under By-Iaw No. 1673. No deg shah mrn at large within thse Township of ý Clarke Adog shah be deemed to beru -n- ing>at lar1gef when found off the premises upon which it is hbabit- ually kept, or on a public high- wày or other public place and I3t xrnder the control of' any person. IL. DeWith, Acting -Clerk, Townishîip of Clarke, orono, Ontarjo.' IN MEMORIA1NI BRETT-In loving r,ýinmory of Set.- G. A. Brett, who died in In- dia oni April 1, 1945. "Gone But Not Forgotten."1 a-p WAffT ,ADS BASEBALL REGISTRATION~ Anyone wishing to play bas;es- ball in Orona this year, plea-.! register at the Oreno Arena b March 29th from 7 tilt 9. It, is important that ail thoseý interested register in person or caîl the Arena at 983-5617 as th-e. E.O.B.A. schecýales are te be drawn up on April 10 and 12ý Coaches please corne on Wednes- day night aiso. Thank. you. Orono intatenm; - COMING EVENT You are invited to St. Savietm Annual Easter Salad Supper 1r the I.OO.F. Hall on Wednesday., April Sth froni 5 p.m., Adults $1.50; Children under 12 years .7.5c. b-147c, DIED 11O01GAN, Jean Matilda -A Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvill, on Sunday, March 26th, 1972, Jean Morgan 'of Orono, Ontario, aged 75 years. Beloved wife e Perey, Morgan, dear mother ù." Iýoy, Orono; Velma (Mrs.Du Myles) Bowmanville; Doxeu (Mrs. Jack lhairstow) Orono. Rs ing at the Barlow Funeral Home Orono, Ont. 'Service was, hel1 fnm the Funeral Home onTue- day at 2-00 P.M. Intermient Orona Boe 9a" FIemnl.BEeentty hUM saAPPLE aD12 FENDWS FRUIT MARKET Nlghway li5sson* et on» NEED A NEED A SUMP PUMP PRESS~URE SYSTENW HARVEY PARTNE1Z PLUMBING and HEATING ORONO 983-5206 WANTED A woman to' 4fve in and do light house wo-r'f~kor an elderly couple in Orono.' Apply Mrs. Çfrear Adamns. a-p A used Child's Crib or PIay Pen and a sleepr'stroller in gýood condition. Phon~e 983-5817.ac FEAEI;z PWANTED A-VON extra cash for ~1±n~decoratirig, new clothes, sui~ner vacationls. You cani, t-oo. *W's easy - and fuin, ý,elling Avon-produicts in your f ree Iours, Cal: Mrs. Watson 7Z5-9696 FOR ËIEN' Two bedroni Apartmient. Fridge. stove, heat and hydro. $13500.- Phone 263-8157. b-13-p ]BUSINESS QPPOR,ýTUNJTY EARNMOE IN SPARE TIME Men or Wvomen to re_-stockc and collect rnoney from Ijew Type highi quality coini-operated dis-. pelsers in you îora. No selling. To qualify, must hali-,ve car, refer- ences, $1000.0f0 ,to $30C0.00 cash. Seven to tweve- hors -weekly cari net exýcellen_ýt incomne. More ful tu. e inve'st with you- and establish y3ourý roteý. For personal interview write: includý;ing Phone number: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Dept. "A" 1163 Tecumseh Road, East WINDSOR 20, Ontario NOTICE senior Citizenls meet Thursday afternoon, AýpriJ 6th at 2 o'clock. NOTICE Clarke Public Library will be closed Good Friday, M1Xarch 3lst, 1972; open Saturdayv, April lst,1972, NOTICE Dr. A. F. M.ýcKenzie will be on holidays.March 18tlh to April .3rd, inclusive. C-13-C- SNOW PLOWING Contact Orono Landscaplng for snow pl)owing. Dependable service Phone 983-559. WORK WANTED lNl rshmnan Brus. FlGoroeC.. Speciallzlng in Machine and Hand Trowelled D)ustless Concrete Floors Phone 885-6493 tM Wanted BOUQUET - PRESTIGE INVITATION LINE, C anaW first cehoice of .Wedding and Social forms A wlde choice desîIgn and types to choese INVIATIONS- ANNOUNCEMENTS - MATCHES3 REPLY CAR1>S- SERVIETTES THANK YOU NOTES- ETC. ETC. Chocee yeur WediIng Stafionary 1from Ie*en- O RO0NO0%WEEKLY T IMES MAIN -MTOIWeO,~Or«Mw la