Orono eekiy VOLUME 36, NUMBER 15 Times For Orono BusinessSeto The Cliamber of Commerce niet aI the Mosport Restaurant Mon- day evening with a good mn.ber of members present. .A council report of the Cham- ber was presented la that the Chamber is seeking to have a liquor store located in Orono. A meeting bas been arranged with members of the Chamber counci Mr. Jake Reid outlined the procedures to le folloxved and stated a vote ,would have to be ,carried out in the Township in regards the opening of silchî a store within the municipality,.. No f urtlier action is to be takea by the Clamber until such lime as they have met with Mr. Cari uth- ers. Il was reported that Newcastle is also seeking sudh a store for The treasurer, Mr. C. Gunler, reported a bank balance of $1205.64. Tic Chamber is to purdliase $300.00 worth of fireworks whiei will be part of lhe entertaloment st the annual Beef Bar B.Q. A fifty-fifty draw is also to beclield in tlusconfection. lMri. G. lleykoop was appointed ag the Charnier representative to' thc Great Pýine Ridge Tourisl (ounceil with Mr. J. Reid to be the niternate. Messrs. P. Williams, R. 1-azel-1 den, E. Middieton, D. Simpson, S. Orono Maisons H oId Lad les Niïght On Saturday evening the Orono Masonie Lodge held their affluai Ladies' Night with about one hundred and twenty in atten- dance. The evening was held in the basement of the Orono Unit- ed Churcli. Wor. Bro. Fil<oyd Nicholson, Master of the Orono Lodge, con- ducted the affairs of the evening and spoke words of welcome for the wives, members and guests. Each lady received an engrav- ed silver spoon with Mrs. Nichol- son receiving a bouquet of -roses. Among the distinguished guests xere masters of neighbouring lodges as well as District Deputy Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. Pat- terson. The tables were decorated with beautiful spring lowers. A bighlight of the evening was the vocal entertainment provided by a choir of -twenty-two maie voices fromn the Oshawa Chapter of Barbershoppers, known as the "Horseless Carriagemen." IVratlîer and Wm. Schînahl were appohîted to the Events and Pro- Clerk Hired Fzr Clarke 'ieTowvnship of Clarke tt a sp .ciii tmeeting Saturday, hired a Ct( rkç for lte nunicipality witlî <luies to start as of the first of May. Air. Bruce W. Collins, A.M.CT. oft Bownîanvilie was hired for tl1te Position, heing chosen from ctighitapplicants. Mr. Collins now itoltisthe position of treasurer for Lhe Town of Bowmanvilie which Position lie wiil resign to take Up I;î; îîw duties in Clarke. I[.Collins is 3~4 years of age, mtarrit d with a family of one, diughler. Clarke Registers $23,934-09OSurplus "lie auditor's report s ubmitted to the council of the Township of Clarke at their recent regular mteeting slowed the Township la t good financiaL position. A surplus of $23,934.0 ,vas re- POrled foliowing tic years' opera- ject', Conînittee for 1972. 'Ple Cliainer is to prepare a PItan Of a proposcd campsite at tie old duirnp site, 10 be sent to thev lepartinent of 1-ealth. Senrator Thompson Praises Dynamie Leadersliip At. Ottawa 1Senator Andrew Thompson ini speaking at the annual meeting of of the Durham County Liberal Association, annual meeting said there was a great need for 'Policy for the Future" and a direct ap- proach t o ail problems. H said we wnnt an exanmina-' tion of where wc are going in the 1980 and to keep abreast of tech- nical change to brnefit ail of mnnkind. 11e spoke of the work of a Senate Comrnttee whicli wns viewing the future and of whidli lie was a member, 'T'ie imr- age of the senate hie said wns not of older mca sitting arouîîd do- done hie snid. In spenking of the futur'e out- ing nothing 'Tlere is a lot, being look tle speaker said wc need a leader wbo does nol give easy answers or critizes as a principal only. "As liberals we can be proud of the approach leing takea by thc present federal govcrnment. They are not dodging tle issues but rallier the Prime Minister is facing issues affecting enci and everyone of us," hie said The speaker said it was unus- ual for the goverîlment wanting dialogue witli the people. Thle Prinîcipal Douglas Mioffat ofthlie Otoîte Public Sdhool was laced Oni [ucsday morniîîg xitlî a newi pi-obleni b solve antd an additionî o lte curriculum, that of labor \'o1oson lie httilti nof thîe uw school were out on sîrike and 10 some extent had set a p)jiclel Une up. Sehool buses were hîini7ig difficutly turning and in -gnrlthe oulside operations b>oth in construction and chldren geltting to sehool were somewhat isrupted. Then with the students liberal goverrittiett, lie said, iiad made a real effort bo gel people bo participate by providing tle various. whîite papers. île said titis xvas a real henefit 10 lte couîntry. Senatot' Thonîpson said tuaI pariainent lias leen igniored lby the governînent, but titis was fol truc xvlenl te goverament allow- ed 85 dnys for debate on tle tax reforini bHlwlîîle la Bilain the governnetallowed oly five days on de11bate on, joýiing ,the Conimon "Miarket group. Ile fîie stated tic need for lookiîîg mb île future wien, le saidi, tuýe fact remains tfint tieiii- crease of youngc people bto ch la- bouîr imrkot ila Canada byv1980 iviI1 be liailfa millioiin more tuait the total fiicrease of 13ritnin, Swe- deni and liteterld.This, fie said, wili le a reai challenge :for Cantada. ".J have leen proud of lte ima- giniationi of. our government foi' prograrîs for- youth," le said. AI- so lie was proud of lie environt-' ment lafs, the control of the Ar- tic andt li changes in tle crimin- ai laws "usgovernînentdidn't duek crîiniýiial law changes," ic 1 id -, 'Te speaker referred lte toligli p, i-d of fighting inflation and uncmploymenl ,and slated ltat Cantada hîad been more suc- ecssful titan nny country in tle world. Hec spoke of tle pressures Plinerd oi Canada iîy sudh pro- gi-ains ai lie Ud..S DISC plant. '1'iise afl have 10 le considercd lu niakirîg n decision. Ile said il oflen appearcd thaI tbti roll of this Prime Minister wi îlot niways tb do the usual. "Tirelas been tic courage bo lead," he said. "Look aItich cour- age<)Is developments willi China atnd Rutssia," le said. 'J'lie speaker critizcd lie oppo- sitioni in tuaItlchy wcrc critics <îîly. "Wliat arc Iheir alternatives le caid, "wý,e are fol gelting Ihis, they have, no bold approach," le satd "I liîink in being fair, tic lib- erat1 governmcnt las lead thc wvorid ini many arcas, social im- p)tovements, la the eavironmcnl anîd ln easing lte tention of lhe woi'!d. "I as one Canadian, arn proud of' our aciieveinents,"lic esai(î. S Ie said le xanted tb sec tle govet'nment la Ottawa continue to be dynnînie and courageous. i suing the street as a piayground, Jt'u leIto emcd in ticît- own play- gtouîîds, titire did app"--î a large degvce cf dî orfiTe sciool probiein was soon ironed eut aînd ci' e vre oit as usual, It apuears,. tint plumiers on te job, b-i ing unioniz d. ai-o tak- ing exception 10 tic use of non- union workers by Pantner PlurnI- ing and Heating. Tic Orono firni, alîhougi nol yel on lte job, are to instai the water lime to the municipal watcr systcm and also itlling lte septic tank and cwer hues tle ic sool build- intg. As a resuit of tie plunibers i avi ig lie job olier tîndes fol- 1oe d uritil such lime as thecmti- ler ana le cleared up. Thcre was no construction work doae Tues. M. lWoffal expecîs work 10 re- sumne shortly and feels mosl of tic- problern. stemns from a ]ack of communications. Mr. Moffat stili expedîs tb le la the new building by. tie 15th, o! May. President 0f Durham Libs.' Mr. Harry Wade of Newtonville was elected presideift of the Dur- ham County Liberal Association on Saturday evening at their an- nual banquet and meeting held in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono. Dr.'Ian Wilson, Cobourg, and a executive member of the Central Association conducted the elec- tion of- officers. Dr. Wilson con- gratulated the local Association in that they were keeping active even though there was no provin- cial eleclion coming up for some time. H1e also said he did regret the fact that some ladies were not inciuded on the slate of officers. Ie did point out that women did hold the majority of votes but were often overlooked in filling positions on various execuitives. The meeting approved the slate of officers as presented by Dr. Wilson being: Past President: Mr. Ralph Hilîs, Fnniskillen. Pr-esident: Mr, Harry Wade, New- lat Vice President, Ivan Thomp- tonville. son, Blacktsock. 2nd Vice President, Ron Goode, Port Hope. 3rd Vice President, David Rick- ard, Newcastle. 4th Vice Presidlent, Milt Dayton, Bowmanville. Sccretary - Treasuer; 'Mr. E. IL Lovekin, Newcastle. Mr. Ralph Huis, past president congralulated the new executive and thanke dîhose who had help- ed hlm during 'the past year. Mr. Wadce stated Ihat lie had been president of the Association for a number of years in the past' Ile said hie was certainly interest- ed ini liberalism and would do everything in lis power to pro- mote liberalism in the area and ini the national as a whole. and across the nation He said lie was a true libral and could re- miember first working for the party drawing votes in '1929 witi1 a niodel T. TÉie annual meeting ýapproved the financial report showing a beAance of $30588 wbich was an iniprovement over that of last Snowfall Ug 'lIîe winter seiion of 1971-72 has produced a total salowfall of '3î jucites up to this date. This t:'iqîta'îrs wil a- total ot 65 ini. îîýi;iîg lte 70-71 season. Wr7. tarl i imett, Departînent tf IN "iltural Resoîtîces, 01-01o, ai- So i tporte thaI 18 ilîclî"s of sîîomvfefl duriitg the monît1 of tati Local Coërn aret Lost We have been advised by Mr. S. M. Loekington, Purchasing A- gent for Canada Quaker Oats of Peterborough tint they wil l e dis contîauing the purciase of On- tario Yellow Corn frbm ,farmier.q ini ths area in tle fali o! 1972. fle,; stated that this is' due tu economie'reasons and a very coat- pelitive cora product market. lie, also statcd that due to the elosing of the Saskatoon Cercal Plant and witli lie transfer of Rolled Oats fromn Saskatoon tu Peterborough, tint they will need additional quantities of Milling Onts, effective August and Sep- tember 1972. ,Tlcy wiil be adver- tising tbis fact lu thc papers and they certainly do hope to.sec an increase in, the acreage of, oats for milling .purposes in thc area Ile..stated that tiey-would have (Continued page 6) year even though à provincial election liad been leld. Thc meeting also accepted the constitution which was standard as drawn Up by the Centtral or-' ganization. The one acception le- inig tl'at. the local Association would h old delegated coniventi ons rtaher than -open conventionîs. Thins eea Eeto Shoud BeHeId lin June Rlussel C. Honey, M.P. for Not-- tfiîîîîberlaîîd and l)urhin ridling 5sid ont Saturday evenin g a-t the Duritant County Liberai Associa- tion meeting tint le wouhd like 10 sec lte federal election hîehd la June. lIe snid le felt il would le lield ln Jonc but t liehc ad rio i'eal way of knowing just when il tritîlgle hcld. Duringiglus brief address to lte mneeting lie coînmended thc work of titose associated witl the or- gaîtizalion nnd tiiose who promo- ted iberalism le rcferred 10 lte de il owed ly ie parly tb the laie Glen Huhges wlo lad donc so rtisit for thc party. la referring b îlhe desire of -t Junc clection Mr. lloney said te Trudeau government had bîetninii office foi' foui' yeaî's anîd lfitaittis was lie normnal lite ot ,a goîu.-vmient "I can sec no rea- oit ýv ty ve woîiid- tot have a titevtfrtitanidite." said Pir l Ioney. "It 'it l seiîd le go for lte Il -tiilie' toit there xvas noiti ingthl l!t[Sec iad t le <otry foi or had 10 explain away. Thc gover wu.î ni, lie '-tid, lad mt lproblents liead oii and also h id gîvei thle ciLtisaut epporuity to h' a pai't oft d; cisiori iiiîig. -Icere lic refet'rcd- 1 lte part -tînt White papet's hî'd playcd in invohving people aînd said no government hid carried luis bticth degree tai had lte Trudeau govcrnmenl Hec said thaI le lad held a ioiniici'of meeting over lic Whtite paper on taxation and th&t lie xias stîre ltaI sucli meetings aci-oss lte country lad lihe effeci o! modifying lie final draft on taxation and lte abolisîment of lhe Estate Tax legisialion. "Thus is lte direct resul o! tic desire of tie Canadian people whose views ,vere carried ladk by local ineaters. lic said lte survey which he' coaductcd hast year had leen a grent help and said le wns con- sidering anotiier. Inflii in and uîieynphoymenb, lie said, svas a coîîcern over all the itdutrializcd, world lie said Canada iîad deait wltlî lie t-wo problems i balance and tîntthîe î'csults in Canada were tic cnvy ot otiier nations. lie snid tley hnd been more successfu lin any otier nation la lie western world l-le ' aid thc goveriiment was concerned over lie eroding of income of pension crs and Ihose on fixi-ýd income wlen dcaling xithinjflation-. "I don't think a respont ible governinent can ict inflaiion riln wild," le said.- -Hecspoke of tic miany rnew per- sons caleriag the laboujr force and i his respect le feit Cana- da lad a good record. lic snid bis party ina lic next election wouid campaiga not' on what lad been donc but ratier wouid promole a pohicy for the future. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1972