ORONO WEEKLY TI .MES, THURSDAY, APRIL l2th., IM2____________________ ORONO WEEKLY IMrES CIVIL CERVICE AND THE RIGHT TO STRIKE Legal strike action-a right accorded t o organized labour mi. statute, and which may bie exercised oniy after certain preliminary statutory reuuirements- have been comn- plied with-has, for labour, proved to bie an indispeisabie means to the end of obtaining, £rom time te time, more favourabie ternis of employmefit from their employers. If the benefits to labour, accruing directiy or indirect- iy fromn strike action, were the oniy obvious resuits from sucli actions, the continuation of this right in their 'faveur would -appear toelie fully justified. These benefits, unfort- unately, are only part of the picture, for there -are aiso burdens. that resuit during strikes which are imposed on third persans, nlot parties ta the strilce. This lias' been in- creasingly apparen t during the past three years when the strikers have been civil servants, -and the strike lias pre- vented or disrupted normal use 'by the public of some public or municipal service, For example, within the past three years in Canada, we have seen this riglit to strike, legally exercised by em- ployee groups in public and municipal services, resuit in the serious disruption of Canadian postal services, rail and air transportation services, C.B.C. broadcastingsevc, police protection and educational services andmucia garbage collection services. Assuming that the employees benefîtted and if we werg to compare the value of those benefits and the number of beneficiahies with the number of persons,- in Canada who were inconvenienced or'prevent- cd or suffered damages or Ioss by these strikes, it would seem clear that the resulting varied costs to the_ public wouid far autweigh the benefits to the employees. If those whose riglits are seriously affected by the result of legal strike action had the righi tet be compensated, bythe employer for some part, if neot ail, of the loss'sus- tained, thenJustice, holding the scales evenly, would ap- pear te be done. However, as the law stanrs today, since the unions are nlot hable for any ioss or damages resulting from legal strikes, it seems imperative that the law be amended, following a joint stddy by labour and manage- iment. The purpose of this study, would be nlot te detract £rom labour riglts, but, to limit the exercise of those riglits by having due regarq for the rights of others. Further, until praper amendments are enacted for settiement of sucli disputes with labour in public service, compulsory ar- bitration should replace the present right to strike. TUFE ROAD TO BANKRUPTCY President Nixon - engulfed by urgent problems at home and abroad, lias a real headache in lis welfare pro- gram. Its passage through Congress in the next few months is essential.Otherw-ise the situation wili continue to worsen rapidly. lu 1969 there were 9.6 million on U.S. weifare roils and they were drawing a total of -$6.2 billion in benefits - the cost ieaped to $9.4 billion and recipients tota]led 13.5 million two years later., As an indicatio n of which way the wind is blowing, the latter figure is about equal to the total of unemployed in the U.S. during the grim depression days of the 1930's (when, the potential work force was mnucli smalier). Under Nixon's plan, benefits wiil be granted la the majority' of cases only if wonld-be recipients -agree to ac- cept job training und accept jobs offered. If they renege on cither of these, their benefits stop. Sucli proposa-as cx- perience in Canada proves-always looks better on paper than it does in practice. CA VAN' ASSESSMENT APPEAL DISMISSED - TO(YLATE Cavan Township appeaied its 1970 provincial assessment factor at a hearing in Cobourg iast week but the appealwas dismissed by the Ontario Municipal Board.' The board chairman said the appeai was "filed too late" and shouid have been in one year ago. Luther Olan, Reeve of Cavan, said the assessment factor has skyrocketed the Cavan miii rate which was uP ,y' more th;n nine and a haif miii last year, mainiy due to the effect of the factor on - the education apportionment. ENUMERATION TO START APRIL lSth Enumerators from the Regionai Assessment Office in Cobourg wiii commence calling on ail house- hoî4ls in Durham County on Tues- day, April l8th, 1972. The purpose Of this annual vis- it is ta obtain ail necessary inifor- mation to 'update the Assessment ROI!, on which taxes wilI be 1ev- ied'in 1973. T he information to, be coliect- ed will include the names and ad- dresses -of al residents, together with their year of birth, marital, status, sex, occupation and schooi support. Additionai informnation- to be collected, will include a canine count and certain rentai and planning -data. A postage-free -questionnaire will be left at households when the Enumerator is unable to con- tact the occupants. Ail Enumerators will carry an official photo-identification card and have been requjireýd to take an oath not to reveal information' acquired in the Performance of their duties. EASTERN PLAN COULD 9E KEY TOBOUNDARIES A new development plan for the United Counties of Northumber- land and Durham could solve some of the "tough questions" about the proposed Oshawa-cent- red region's eastern houndaries according to Whîtby Mayor Des- mond NewxT n., The recently reieased plan treats Northumberland - Durham as a whole and calîs for major growth in the Pc, i Hope- Cobourg and Bowmanvilie - Dariington township areas.,Proposais'-for the Oshawia centred region have cal-. etaoineanf o netain it ed for the Bowmanvilie - Darling- ton area to be separated from the United Counties and included la the region. Gi" Easer ~/flLgWe i * '*1' ,&ntroclace Garryurimpau 'M"k Garr COnes rOmthe ill- o Z*n Oneof ary'sineretsat ir isli Saund cres frhuomte and hof rono w Sound SYstems. 11e offers you a hiot sp 'cial in1 automotive chemie-al department this week w STP Ou1 Treatment - 15 oz. eau for 99c. BOWMAN VILLE. STEW MCTAVISH CA ROLE GOU .Presideut1 Str Innyu MD - .,.«A.e5cr here moi. aiod lis 'ith W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Reaitor 234 King Street East Bowmnanvilie 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent service, when buying or setlng and for the largest sel- ection of properties la tho area Contact Orono, Area Representative Roy 'Poster 983-5801 William Turansky 11 (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Finnie 277-2280 (Bethany) ýDane Found 623-39,66 Roy Stroffl 5-2 r Il1 Betharv I I Ppes THE FINEST NAME IN PIPES Exclusive Mapie wo od Distil- lator remove fougue bit and Juice. Ideal for beginners. Treasured by seasoned smokers. Priced $8.95 to $50.0 MATTIBILLIARDS and Barbershop Orono, Ont. PANCAKE DINNER MAIN HALL, ORONO UNITED CHUECH Served with MAPLE SYRUP and SAUSAGES SunayAprlil 16' Conimeing 12:30 until ail are served Adpiissîon: ADULTS $2.00> CHILDREN $LOD0 under 12 ëi.-Il m w. le, il i ,loi' azure manager, :