ORON WEKLYTIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL lZth, 1972 IN. CONJUNCTION WITH THE Cancruri IN THIS AREA DURING THE MONTH 0F APRIL the Bowmanvii le Unit of the CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY ANNOUNCES THAI Dr. James Mleakîin Medical Doctor and Rese archer at Princess Margalet Hospital will speak in TRINITY CHURCH, BOWMANVILLE Wsdnesday, A ri yi at 8:00 p.m. The topic - 'PERSON TO PERSON' plus answers to your questions- Groups and organizations welcome. Al nmen and women urged to corne. Refreshinents. %VWeekcend Speclals Yardley Original APTER SHAVE $1.50 aMd 99e NOXZEMA 14 ouince --c.......... Adorft H-RSPRAY Reg. $2.98 only $149 BAND AIDS Asst. Pack 60's Priced 77e J.-J. BABY POWDER large size-..... 99c. Riopan CHEWABLE TABS 100's*---- .. . $199 A 535 RUB 2 ounce ....... 99c. Special- CX - 126 - 12 FILM Priced ....-99e Nursery Pack Q-TIPS 270's ........... $1.19 Arrid EXTRA DRY SPRAY 14 ounce ......... $199 MacLean's TOOTU FASTE Farnily size .....-99e CREST TOOTU FASTE' Family size-1...... 99e F.D.S. UNDERARM DEOD. 9 ounce ....> .... $147 HÏead and Shoulders SIIAMPOO jar for only .... $1.44 Nestle's HAIR SPRAY 12 ounce ------77c LEMON GO LIGHTLY PLUS ........ $177 Clubman (For Men) HALR SPRAY Priced ..... 99e Toni HOME PERMANENT KIT $1.99 MODESS - REGULAR 12's . ........ 44c NOXZEMA MOUTHWASH 0.54 litre ....- 77e Kiîrby News Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allia and Lairin, Woodville, spent a couple days with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Allin and John this past week and helped celc- brate bis grandfather's 9th birth- day on Wednesday. Also witb Mr. Allin for the occasion was Mr. C. Alli n, Woodville, Mi. and Mrs. Mrs.; e m ton. Mr. Loni ery, ville WeF House, Oshawa, last Friday. 1Mr. and Mrs. Jim Welch, Gary and Linda. Stoneycreek, visited bis. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Chaprnan and Claire on 'Sunday and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Touchburn. Mr. Wayne Tennant had an ap- pendeéctomy operation in Bow- manville Hospital on Monday. bis sîster, Mary, is also a patient in hospital., There were seven tables ' and ý Mrs.i ono! Teaë I - D -I and Marilyn were Sunday7 dinner Bo guests with Mrs. George Morton, E CUSTOM-MADE Orono. We wish to express our sym- DRA Spathy to Ms. Jack Chapman n the recënt passing of hier father, CARPET by Harding and Mr. Robert Morgan. Funeral' was Crosley beld. from Morris', Bowmanville on Tuesday, April llth. PLU] Wali-to-WaIî or Area Rugs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham at- Complete Ue of tended the funeral held at the New Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces Comstock Funeral Home in Peter- borough of Mr. Bert 'Armstrong, E beloved husband of the former, F A.Kramp Effie Wood. daughter of Wes and Mina Wood and cousin of Mrs. Graham. Mis. Armstrong. had F urniture Ltd. been sick for a long time. On the R.R. 2rofMarch Bert passed away 37 41Kîg S. Estin bed and was not found tili 37Ph4on St.3East1.Sunday, Mardi 26th. The funeral -- Phon 62-707 service took place on the 29th at which was announced that Mrs Free Estimates Armstrong had passed away that ~B Decoratimorervnc and the service wouid Decoraing Srvicebe held on the 31st. Interment took place at Ida Cemetery. or rf Surviving are their daugliter, , son-in-law and one grandson. Sleptl*c Tank >Servicel GENERAL PUMPING 24 BOUR SER'VICE LORNE'IIARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266, skard Welding AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a.nt. - tg'- 5 -p-rn. onday through Saturdày PHONE 983-5760, ratC. Wade turance Augcy EBNERAL INSURANCEC 82, NewtonvUlle, OmU". m 61, Port Hepe, Outuate Telephone 885-2288 J 08 YEOMAN'S JMBING; AND, HEATING 24 Hour Service Installations -Alterattons Repairs )clahizihg in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating, Septie Tank Work 1 Orono 983-5624 remodelling your present one, then contact Fruits Fos eeals FLORIDA TOMATOES, 14 ounce packages ------ 39c GREEN ONIONS, No. 1, 2 bunches for ---- ---- ........ 25e FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 8 for ~.. . 9 ONTARIO HOTHOUSE, CUCUMBERS, each **'*"--'"......... 29C BUY 0F-T-E--E29e Tender, Pump, Young Chicken Quarters lb. 47c Lean Meaty Pork Ideal with dressing Spareribs lb., 75c Essex, Fuily cooked, Cryovac Halves Lucas, MINld Seasoned SKINLESS. Feature In Lcas Arthur super Value E, sex 12 ounce bowls 'Head Cheesaenech 53c PEAMEiFýAL Sliced or piece Bock Bacon lb. 99c Libby's Cooked - In Tomato Sauce SPAGHETTI 4 ins 89c Feature - Red Breast Brand 7 31 oz. tin Coho.a Salmon 53c Feature - Freeze Dried Instant'Coffee 8-oz. Taster's Choice $1.89 Best lluy! NEW CEREAL 8 oz. pkg. KeIlogg's Product 19 49c, Feature! Coloured Quarters lb. packs Moruarýý ý Ch ý0a rgaýrire 3-89c Feature - Carnation 16 Fl. Oz. Tins Evoporatedlk 5 for 99c« Feature - llousehold Paper11 Scottowels 2 rolis 59c Best Buy, Mini Bud 3' oz. Shirrifi iellyDesserts 11-$l Mr. Harold Ransberry has been busy these days pouring maple, syrup for the many bus loads of schQol chidren visiting his su- gar bush from Newcastle, Orono and Kirby. Mrs. Harold Ransberry attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Fred Me- Roberts, Monday in Bowmanville. Mrs. McRoberts was stricken with a heart attach after attending a wake in Toronto for ber last re- maining cousin and was rusbed to a Toronto hospital where she died. Mrs. Dora Morris journeyed to Toronto to the O'Keefe Centre Tuesday evening to sec Ann of Green Gables. r- - ý Albert's Texaco GENER AIREPAIES Phone 983a-5249 Orano Phone 983-5049 ORONOi KCECREAM 15e and 2Ue doues MiIk Shakes Sundiïes ORONO, ONT. Dininer Homs lb. .$1.1 9 ORONO WEEKLY'