ORQNOWEEKLY TIMES,_TIIURSDAY, APRIL'12th, 1972 UNITED CIIURCH -Orono Pastoral Minister Rev. B. E. 1,011& Sunday, Api il l6th Oronio United Churcl- Cliurch ,,Schooi - 10:00 ar.. Worship Service 11:15 am. Gu-'t Speaker: The Gideon's Pa.îake1,iî ' -t 12:30 Inx the Dis.ýcussion Group (pshchology) Second and fourth Mondays April 24th, May 8th, Main Hall 8:00 p.m. Dial-A-Thought - 983-9151 For Inspirational Thought and Prayer.,' A,'nd to leave message for the MIjnister. Kfrby Unted Church- Worship Service -9:5ar. Church School- 11:00 arn. Mrille Chatterton ELECTRICAL CONI'RACTING EL9CIWC HEATIG AND SERVICE PNOM 984-5S46 or 983-S94 ORONO, ONTARIO JACK 99 Kin? St, -E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Sdliing cal WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE, 983-5274 Member of- Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board ST. SAVIïOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worshlp Service - 9:30 aïm. Holy Communion- Ffrst and Third Sundays Morning Frayer-' Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism hy appointmnent with Rector 9874745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Ottawa- Réport Russell C.* Honey, QC. M.P. Northumberland - Âurhani Equadzation Payments to Prov- inces. CONTINUAL FISCAF, DISPUTFS Since Confederation there has bpen a continuai struggle oveh finances, flot only between the federal and, provincial govern- me1rjs, namely the "have" and "have flot" provinces. Confedera- tion had hardly begun in 1867 Kendal News (Continued from page 4) Pore-ss without Iosîng his dig- r ity and indivicluality. Mi-S. Pletsch teaches the mothers howr to care for their babies., Our înissionary and service money helps keep Rev. and Mrs., D. Pletsch in Sierra Leone. Sweaters are needed in the A'ngola bale. Rev. T. Sneigrove closed the meeting with prayer. the next meeting will be May 3 in the church. Kendal L.O.L. 405 met ir, hie hall with 15 in attendance. Mr. Reg Elliott showed, his pictures of his trip to the Yukon. YEINEZIA RESTAUR ANT Highway 115 and 35 ½mile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Speclalizing In, Pizza - Meals Also Week-End- Specials Oxford BmICKLAYFTIS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIWAHL Phone 993-66 Specializing in aui kids of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev Rénair. Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono' Phone 983-5130 b-fore the Maritime Provinces dunanded "better terms." Frorn thien onwards there were auy number of schemes devised 10 giv e financial assistance to diff.r- ent provinces. Thie who' e t-c 111-e was gerry built anîd came r a part in the depression. Tfhe out',tanding public eveîît of that era was the report, ci:flic Iloyal Commis, ýion on )oliiollî Provincial Relations (Theiùe Sirois Report) which reeornrneiîîd cd a rational systni for- proxid- ing a basic comnon level of gov- e-nment servic 'es to peopie ii al provinces regardics of tiheir, dif- fering economie circumstances. This principie fias b 'ta auD piied ever since the war and law b uen supported b3r ail federal governments and, by ail poitical parties. Equalization lias been re- viewcd and brouglit up f i diîte periodically and it wias the suh. Ject of the first major Bill of this Session. The debate shows hîow important it is to ail parts of Canada and most notably the -\t- Jantie provinces. FEDERAL ASSISTANCE ESSENTIAL TO ALI, REGIONS The' proposed equalization pay- monts amount to $213 to each person in Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island; in Nc'v Brunswick, Nova Seotia and Sas~- katchcwan, the Per capita pSay- ments are $164, $135 an-d $102 respectively; whiie Qutebec and Manitoba each are closer to the national average for revenue po- tenitial and qualify for $75., and $58. per yeson respectively. Three provinces do îîot qualify for equalization payments, name- iy Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. But it is a mistake to think that the taxpayers in these provinces alone 'supply the pay- ments made to the others. These lioensed Plumblng & Mcanical Contractai' who seHs, butaI), and Cguarantoe PLUMBING AND IIEATING paviiinits arc, ruade frornthe Fedl eral Treasury to which ail Cali- adianu contribute as taxpayei-s. 'ILAISE FROM ABROAD I x v4 m of public finance i ehiequires the slharmeg of gov- eninviital revenues xiiil Wa bo ii ýubject of debite ai ul zl il d (i ,-pute. lb xiii w e h pi)ýxfect, but we have the Sati, Ct!-toîl of krlowng i)thal onî abroaîi our systenli oi ýi-i A<h iSory Commission .0on Inte r-- good. llecently the United States GovrnenaiRelations statecd "(aaastax sharing approach lias gone a long way in redrcss- ite tuee general revenue and bal- ari"within the Canadian Feder- ffiO'îI Canada has achieved a ve'iy high degree of Federal- Provincial tax coordination Canata lias developed a sophistïi catcd an-d effective method for- IN BUYING A, NEW or Guaranteed USED CAR or TRUnmCK BE SURE TO CONTAC2T AT OVER 150 NEW and GUARANTEED USED CARS and TRUCKS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY RESIDENCE PHONE 623-7166 SALES OFFICE PHONE 623-3396 'I - v '(v7 7.-> ,'L' 6~ ~<- IF YOU ARE IN NEED 0F GRAE CALL LARGE OR SMALL QUAýTITIES ORDER NOW! MEN'S JACKETS The latest styles in MenIs Jackets for spring and summner, Fortrel knits, poplin, nylon and the denhn look. Some have contrast- ing piping or stitching, others are beltedl. Zipper or dome front. Ahl of the popular shades. Sizes 36 to 46. Be sure to Sée our sel c- tion. $12095 to S296111- L A DIES'SHOE New '72 styles in Lyons "Tender Tootsies". Soft gloire leath- er and foam-hjned fabric With the wet look. Several colours in sizes 5 to 10. STRONGâS DX SERVICE STATIý"ON Hlighlway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featurtng: Premium Qualzty Products Ai The Most Reasonable Prices Stove 011 &I Diesel Fuel Available in Any Quantaty Phone 987-4215