~. ~VVf ~'UT ~.. .~ ...~ - ~ - OROO WEKL TIESTHURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1972_ Mrs. jean MtidaM ra, î5 of SoevleDie rndied at Bwa-il eoilHsia on Sunday, ?ac 6h 92 She ivas on Otoe29h 18 96 in Perthi, Otro ag fer of the~ late Mi aid Mvrs. Thos. Tysick, Perth, Ontario. Sac marrie d Percy Francis Mor-gan on April 7eh, 1920 in Perth andi the couple lat--r moved tb tb c6Ch lune of Clarke Town- sthip whcre they lived for forty- f our yc-ars. Thse pa3t even years the cupehave iived in Orono., Slcis surý'.Vived by ber husband, one aoun, Boy F. Morgan, -Orono, two àd)ughu uS Mrs J)onalc! Myles r.Velma) Bomnilând Mrs. Jack Bairstow. D, e) rr aild, four grandeilîdren. Mrs. Morgans rested alt the Bar- low Funeral Home, ýorýno where srvce was held on 1oIarch ,28 at 2:00 p.m. witb the 11ev. H . Li. Hayne of the St. Saviour's Ang- lican Church, Orono, officiatiing. Temporary interment Lang Vault Orono. SMALL PLANE A S ON 401IIIWAY A * Cessna 172, flowýn by Yves Couvrette of St. Laurent, Quebec, was travelling from Montreal ta Toronto when it came upon bad weather c onditions and due to gas supply was forced te, land beside 401 Highway Mr. CouvrTette had thought he had enoughi gas to reacil Oshawa but did not and had ta land about one mile east of Newtonville. A spokesman for the Ontario Provincial Police said that the aircraft would have te be dis- mantled aý it would ntb' a]- lowed to take off from thýe high- way. QUEEN'S PARK APPROVES GCA PLANS FOR :SWEEP The Ganaraska Cônservation Authority bas received confirma- tion from the prývineiaI govern- ment that the SWEEP projeet of summer employment foi.' sue wili continue this year. Mrs. Barbara Smith, sèecre-tary- treasurer of thse îhoty said that while if h goîig ahead no application forms lbave beLen re- ceived yet. "A .lot cf ~îr~ gehs been makin -wmi i r gram xiii cn wJ'me sbe said. "It xiii îAc1 b opica- tion forns, shouldi va,-y oay. LOCAL, COlIN MAIET LOST (conitinucd from page 1) U, Ad 'o n a guaranteed premium price for h ir' O' fordclxery a ny T~ tîiî'. fe cre' xi'n'il 1h ýI W-ixc d", i gHe entirer 'l'hcy a, 011y C j 1 ADU.LT- lic(ïne3a zid Stoinil o ,îjjIut The Appal Orifrofin c 01. orreg- na Ric istered àerd. horse.) Jennie Vol i1i', o O taro Wnf i Wcat Church for. ceri-a purpo 3es.Weucî H dth'ît it i lht%, r 'it i Tink of tc, j ay premiunis du1r1 ic,,fy te h1Bodels( fa- sL an'd Wou ýc1 like thegra"in IeI eiîrdd rr;te) fltii- n JUNIOR- A vn i,i ~ii fi'hz.. IITÇf, mation should contact IXr. s. M. i ockington, Pmîlreha, -Iing l'1i ("inada Qukr Oats, Pet c bih- W' C INl fW~NZTON tisat the Durbam 4-1-1 Aii-lu Young'j peonic between th(' Ùg(-i of 12 to 20 years are reminded Clubs wil i' orc'ariing 0on Sat- urday, April 22nd from 1:30 pm. te 3:00 P.M- At Ithis time f here wilbe a film ou 4-14, discussion of1-t diffi'rent projects 'and reg- wrto.New mnembers are par- tîrnýiiarly invited f0 attend. NOISE- Sight and solind arc similar ini one' respect, savs ,HIa] Wrigll arnSafety Speciaiist, Ontario Dcpartment of Agriculture and Food. It's very bhard ta rend any- hng vhen you can't sec il tire htrs. jast as it's difficult 10 w i hen yIou don't hear ail the Prolongi'd cxpoe-nre tri ]oud noises, suchl as traütor. cari cause týrrîanmnl Irlearing 1oss, Noir th:r SPring field work will soon be un- derway you should do 'something about it. I f you operate your tractor or hammermili for severai hours a day, prât,,ect your cars. Acoustical carmuffs. will secýýen out noise, Dôn 't take a chance on your hearing. It's irre-placeable. HOPE SEEKS REVIEW 0F HYDRO LINE ROUTE ýA resolution recommending that Ontario Hydro place their proposed 500 KV transmission âne on a route other than the 'It -É'-- r u-fge, 'tcd as passe-d by l~I-1pee Township Council at Corlsuggested that Ontario I ~ p ~ou]d lok toward a more BokStack Nprîl 13th, 1972 loo-a hby Bill and Don- Àchardson (the spotted il 2 -by Raiph G. Martin of Lady Randolph ýhill). a Number -by Anders sen (suspense 'novc'l). Know Your Siamese Cat -by Earl Schneider. The Clue in the Diary -by Caro- lyn Keene (Nancy Drew my- -tery). i Moecules Today and Tomorrow by Margaret O. Hyde (mole- cules in action). EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS The Dragon in the Clock Box -by M. Jean Craig. The Paper Flower Tree -by Jac- quefine Ayer (A taie from Thahland). 1 Know An Old Lady -by Rose Bonne. M. Hadley. northerly approach than alternat- ive three, the exact location to be decided at a. meeting with Hydre. officiais, and, representatives of ail the neighboring municipalit- les. A ratepayers delegation to a previous Hope township counceil mecting, led by Edgar Nichols and Edwin Ruthven, had suggest- cd a diagonal route across tlle northern sectoir of thie towa,,ship, which they had m-apped out and presenitedto Couincil. Council rejected'the exact route proposed by the petition fromù the ratepayers, in favour of their owni more flexibley worded resolution. As Deputy-Rer-ve Weston Ban- i t 'r pointed out, 1-ydro does not fax our diagonal routes and at the 'cost of one million per mile to, beild' the hunes, thcy would be unîmkely to go too far out of theiir way to avoid buildings or farms. 10,000, PANCAKES EATEN AT MILLBROOK FESTIVAL; Nearly 10,000 pancakes came off the griddle in Millbrook last weekend, snmothered with, newly tapped maple sugar, al the affluai Pancake-Maple Sugar Festival of the Milibrook Lions Club. During the two-day festival, at t4ei Russell K ( ', dy farm more than 33,000 visitors, from ah over the area, sampled the pancakes and maple sugar whieh sold foir $1. a plate. The -oroceeds of the fe-itival went to the fund for Millbrook's medical centre. Cars were parkedciaiong the road leading to the Kennedy farm for as far back as a mile and a haîf on either side. A spokesman for the club said W21,l1,amrûC. IHall, B. Coi mm. Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wedneutay and Saturday Why Pay More? Save Money! ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY xvas the first year that w'any vis- itors were able to corne bysnw mobile. Tractors pulling carts trans.- ported people along the read from their cars to the festival site and tdok them back agai. 1ROY THOMPS4ON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 AI] Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cuphoards ý,'e huild from the foundaLem Up. Y_ k~i~ FUEL Oit and STVE)Oit Phone668-3341 - îole or, omp tà.,ourteous Sersvice Cali Us Today Cc'l JEANLUXTON or L'A2R--Y HANCOCK FOR APi V,.NTMLNT 160 CUURCH ST. BOW31ANVIILLE "'rô23am2510