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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1972, p. 1

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OronoWeekly VOLIMP 36, NUMBER 17 ORONO' WEEKLY T1M58~, WEDNI TLown hlall Meeting A Calrn Affair The Town Hall Meeting, organ- ized for Russell C. Honey, M.P. for Northumberland and Dur- ham riding, in Orono drew an attendance of some thirty per- sons last Thursday evening. The meeting, was chaired by -Mr. Dûn- aId Staples who introduced Coun- eillor Wilf Huskilson of Cobourtg who lias been organizing -isucb -taeetings tbroughof.ut the riding. Mr. Huskilson introduced Rus- sell C. Hloney who stated that he was present to hiear' from the e!lectors of the riding and that be would carry more away thian !we would give at the meeting. Betore opening the meeting to ~general questions, Mr. Honey eutlined activities since the last eealelection, Hle said tre ridl- Ïtng< represented 80,000 people ai dthiat he received 20 to 25 letters daily frem bis constitul- ents along with numerous phone vails. lie spokze of the difficulties duigthe recent change in bandlingr the Unempîcymient lu- sturar<'e benefits which in cases -were dIelayed. At this time 'lie Was lialdlinig 10 to 12 complaints each day. This situiation, he sait, lias now)% been corrected. He also SPoke of making ar-rangexnents for sehool cildren visits as wel as his; duties in the lieuse as Deputy Speaker and Chairman of thec Comnimittee of the whole lieuse. M1r. Honey spoke on the new lux >gislation whîch came lie offet on Januiary 18t. Hie sid peole were concerniedi about this lýegiRlation and rightly so. lie pointed eut that lie had held aý number of meetings- inis llre- gard witb his censtituents as did Other MN.P.s which resulted in changes andi abolishment of the Estate Tax. "'Basizally the new tax legisiation is gooti legisia- tion," lie said. Basic exemptions, bave been increased, to $1500,00 for single persons and f0 $2M5.00 for mnarried couples. He also stat- eti cmploymrent expense deduet- ions are allowed uip to $150.00 a year along with baby-sitting ex- penises for working mothers and moigexpenses because of new Job locations. Ie said the Capital Gains tax -was riew te Caniada but also fair. "'It dlpesinot apply to your own hoe"he said. Ife told bis audi- ence not to worry about valua- tion of their property because t1is eould easily be obtained whnneeessary. In this, hie said, suit yourself, but if is nething to oryabout. Nnierous questions were pre- -;ented to, Mr. Honey including ai wideî, range of federal affairs. On aaswerlng a question regarding the Auto Pact ogreement, Mr. Ilortey said he didn't know when tlis would be settled. "If will have te be negotiatcd", he 'stat- ed. Ili also pofinted eut that the Uuiit(l States could cancel this atany fîne if Uhey feif so in- clineti. 'It isalright to Say te lie tolgh" lhe, said, "but it is the degree 'tii-t matters." "we will work it ont," he said. In speaking on unemplo ymenf aniti inflation lie felt that Canada hati a gooti record. 1le sali if was diffictilt to finid'jobs fo)r the tremendous increase of people ini the labour force whieb bas grown faster than al ef central 'l;llreeand Great Bîftain. In referring to the control of in- flation he said the geverninent could not let it run to far as it would affect those on fixed in- comes. Mr. IHoney was challenged on tis point by one of the audience who saiti unemployment left 1p0ole wlthout anything and that Mr. Honey's explanation was too simple. ?Jr. IioneY agreed that they haýdn't be.n able ta keep up wifb fVie growing labour force but diti cniter thaf improvements l nse. chJai bOnefits, unemPloyment in- Wiurnce. medIca etc did hetp. Ie saiti 'it iS a case ef judgel- hesp)eaker was asked if if ivamn'fturnme te place wage con- trols as "uinions are going te -put lis outof business andi are prie- lng us out of competition."1 Mr. H-oney replied he did flot want tie see sucli legisiafion. If would mnean an army of people to pol- ice andi control,"l' e said. Rie re- ferred f4,) rent controls which were used during the war whicli he. teit was unsatistactory. On the matter of fereign ok- ei-shlip, he saids, there are area- la Canada where peeple want t he intlow of foreign capital, the Western Provinces, British Co)!- umhiia and the Maritimes. !lie sid they want to develop theih- provinces. , He saîd the objection comes fromn Ontari.e where they have had inflow of capital to develop. This probi cm, lie said, hati to be pictureti across the whole nation and there are differing viewst rom different sections. H1e pointed out that the 1 Prifiie Miister had saiti there, will lie new legisîstion in this matter in the near future. Teacher Pupil Ratio Compares With Average The student-teache2r ratio - i Northumberland andi Durbiai schools is close te the provincial :aiveage, accordîng te W. FranFL Thom,' director et education. A report, rel]easetI te nembers \fthe North umberla nd - IDurbIaîn County Board et Educioniir Thurs- d-ay ighlt, reveals that the stuti- ent -staff ratio for 1972-73 based, mn an estimaftcd sf.udent-staff is 17.5 te ene in secondfary schools and 24.3 te eue in elementarY Mfr. Thom said I here may beý gminor moýdificatIons ui the FaIl if there is a ditterence in flic actÙal figures te the estimateýtl figures. STh e report stated that there «are 452 secoudary scheel teacli- irs iu the fwo counties sud 687.9 elemientary sciiool teachers. Trainable retarded schools have. nine teacliers anti seven tcaching' aides. Mr. Thom, speaking about the student-feacher ratio said proli- lem; arise in sma1, f wo roon% schools, where there are 36 pu- pils te eue teacher. "In this case if is dif ficuit te know wbat te do," lie added. Times îESDAY. APRIL 26th, 1912 HARN ESS RA CING IN ORONO DEFJNMTLY OUT The harness races for Orono are defini.tely a thing of the past. The final bid to obtain dates for the local track failed. As a result harness raciing on a weekly ba- sis in Orono is at an end. The Fair Board will lose a revenue In an, amount of around $2000. Local'horsemen wifl l e forced to race elsewhere. The new Peterberiiugh treçk at Fraserville is expected to open on May 13th which will no doubt feature local horses and drivers over the season. iuilorGrdns Ma(ke Ds adi The Orono Junior Gardeners met on April llth in the United Church. The meeting opened with the boys and girls singing "0 Canada" ond repeating -the Club Creed. For this month's rol call each chil d named a bird. Mýaking' a "Dish Garden" was fuis montWs main feature. Twenty-one enthusiastic children gathered around tables with their dishes,, stones andi plants. Some made 'Ideserts" using cacti andi sand, while others made, "«gardens" with various small houseplants, mosses, stones anad china animaIs. The meeting closed with the children saying the Junior Gar- dener's Frayer. Davis Reveals Date For The Ulooked Generation Mlore and l'ore Young womien are gefflng hooked on cigarettes. At earlier anti èarlier ages. Up And Down' 1h. Book Stacks APRIL .97th, 1972 Aduit- Jarie's Surface Skimmers sud Hlydr-ofoils 1971-1972 Search by Dina Kennedy Pike. Tltis is the qtoiry et Mrs. Pike's search fofr lier husband whe dliappeareti in the Jutiean ~vldres. If is suggeýsted that Bishop James Pike's ewn book "The other side" shoulti be reati prier te reading '-Scarcli" Niglit outhfli White Bear by Al- exander Knox (a gripping anti nostalgie novel)' Peaceable Kingdom 'by Jan, dc Ilartog (fiction based on tact) a story ot the bcginnings et Quakerism, the Society et Friends iu Englandin l the 1600's. A masferly story by a înasterly Authlir. Other fifles in the lihrary by the samne Auther, "The littie Ark," "The Childreiî", "The Hospital," 111'he Captain," ail excellent. "ie Itefutriu etfSister Bairuetf by Elizabeth Hougliton (Ro- The Eartit by Lite Nature Lib- rary Windigo anti Other Tales et the Ojibwvays by Hcrberft.11 Schwarz Operation Destruct by Christ opli- er Nicole (uspense) H1onour Bounti by Mary Alice andi Johni Downie (a story et Canada) Easy Reading and i Pcture Books The Trufliful Harp by Lloyd Alexander Bouncing Betsy by Dorothy La- throp Foey anti the Birthday Prescuf by -Maxine Kunien anti Aune Sexton. Il Olga Beauchanip I I 'J In 19M0, tije percentage et girls in the 1240-18 bracket whe smoked bad shot up to lpr cent, 3 full Points hîgber than ini 1968. And the sharpest iu- creases were at very young ages: 13, 14, aud 15. Why? A recent article iu Seventeen, called "Beating the Cigarette Hfabit", intervlewed teenagers in- depth. One teenager who bati started smoking at '15 said, 'Tou thiuk it's neat, cool, older-loop- ing9, decadent, se you bave te smioke, too," she explained; "My first, boy trienti smoked, andi 1 learrncd from, him." Surveys show that tecuage girls rarcly buy their own first pack et cig- arettes. They are almost always oftered to them or even urged upýon tbema. The social pressure te smnoke said, "is strong in many youjng circles, How one comes .across te others is uppermost. One 15- year-oldl said, "Smoking is an actiVity that affects everything yen dOo sciatly. If a stranger sees you, smoking he gef s a cem- pletely different impression cf youl than if you're nef smoking, I Dev TWO GRASS FIRES ANS WERED BY DEPARTM2ENT Duringthe past week the Orono Clarke Fire Department answered, two cails for grass tires. The tirst fire was norfli of the Taunton road, north «~ Orono on April 2th. The second tire. was et the Cobbledick road, soûth in Clarke Township on the same date. On April 23rd the, Depart ment answered a caîl to Noone's Res- taurant where a, customer's car had cauglit tire. The only dam- age to the car was the seat. KENDAL COUPLE EINJURED IN HIGHWAY ACCIDENT Mr. and Mrs. Gary Therteil ot Kendal were injured in a car aocident Monday evenlng areunti 6:00 p.m. on Highway 115 at the Taunton roati. intersection. Also involved, in the accident was ÉIr. Grenville -Coppins cf Iàndsay. The injnred were report- ed in, satistactory condition in hospital. LOCDAL CAR STOLEN IN TORONTO PARKING LOT On Saturday of last 'weekMr John Witheridge, of the Orono Public School staff, bad bis car, stolen trom a parking lot in tbe city ot Toronto. As of Monday ev- ening tbe. car bad flot been re-. porteti by the clty police. At the time of parking tl* car Mr. Wither;dge was asked te, leave the keys in the car se it could ble moved. if se requireti. The key was to e l eft under the car mat. If's nef good for you but if makes yen 'dangerous.' Newadays al- most everyone knows smoking is bati for yeu. But girls really needti tat chance te show fhey are tougli andi net atraid et the world."1 Trying te look cool is one big reason for teenage smoking. But, more surprisingly, s0 is paretal example. Several stuti- ies show that girls tend te fol- low their mothers' smoking bce- havior andi disregard their tathers'. Between 1955 andti1970 the rates for women smokers increased; the rates for men ac- tually declineti. Changing the swinging, cool image et the smoker - created bY billions of advertising dollars over decades - is ne simple as- signnfn. But your local tuber- cossand respiratory disease association is frying, If's a mat- ter et lite and breath. Theft 0f M.ney Orono Raceway On January 19, 1972, Mr. Frank Grey, President et Oshawa H-arn- ess Management Ltd., repeorted te us that approximately $35,000.00 hati been stolen trom their pari- mutuel operati9 n in Orono, ont. This shortage occurred over a two year period from the 'track at Orono. Investigation et this imatter ,was conduce d by Sgt. Hlowarti Kerr et O.P.P. Anti-racketýs div- ison, Toronto, andi C*tntable I)oug Martin et O.P.P., Newcastle. 1On Sunday the 16th et April, 1972, Keif h Campbiell, the for-mer Mutuel Manager et the Orono op- erafion, was arrested at Orange- v ille Race Way by Kerr andi Mar- tin. On the l8th ot April, Campliel appeareti in Bownianville Provin- cial Court on 2 charges ef theit, andi was granteti bail. The allegeti amount i.nvolved is oVer $33AMO.00. s' *~r !,lopment plan A. report, which apparently lumps the Port Ilope-Cobourg area in a region with Peterbor- ough, is expected to be released by Provincial Treasurer and Min- ister of Municipal Affairs, Darey McKeough on June 1. Sp eaking in Peterborough rec- ently, Premlier William Davis said a new regional development plan for the Peterborough area will reach frorn Bowmanvjlle on the West 'to the village of 'Bath on the eýast and as far north as This area 'would cover port hlope and Cobourg and the rest ,of the United Counties. Specula- tion up ta now has been that eith- er the- United Countfies will re- Main A regionalarea on its owil or bc, geared towards Oshawa. Premier Davis did flot enlarge, but stated that the governmen~t wanted peCOpfle to be concerned about the quality ofgrowth that is to take place. There, was a need to develop recreational growth and, open space, for our children and our children's children he said.' Mayor , Michael Wladyka said that this move towards Peterbor- ough is exactly what he bas been talking about for some time now. "This will stop the idea of breaking into the core of small towns and destroying them with industriai devolopment when such a developinent could b« withlni commuting distance, but ini an ares which would be Ieat offensive to the quallty of corn- munlty living," lie said. The mayor said, In bis opinion, the small area of Port iHope anti Cobourg could flot grôw f3st enougli te Provide a tax base te maintain a region, Using the Peterboreigb, port flope and Cobourg aie@#. tU@ Lindsay, as a b bae l$Msd he entild work out au indutrie grewth Pattern and a de7velop,, nment pattern which would be th(- least destructive to the sinaUlel inunficipalities and at the saine tizne show Peterboroughi to de- velop its recreatîonal potential.

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