~~1 S5S, WEDNESPAY. APRIL 26t11, 1912 ýAINTS ,ex Flot sefiat' enamel _iloss Ena mel Kem UtI Gloss Oïl base high gloss ena mol Reg*, $4,70 qL t fr.p$2.99 Reg* $15.5O, gaiflor $9 KEM-wNAMEL Latex Sesni-gless-enaunel Reg. $4.15 qt. $2.99g Reg. $1400 gai $9.99, MAItTIN-SENOUR Reg. $11-95 gal. loterie orSei*Gloss gai. $5.95 MABTIN-SENOUR Reg. $9.95 gal Icterior Latex Wall Point gai. *4.q5 Ro'lph.Hardware ORONO, ONTAÏIO PHONE 983-5207 CORNISH'S, Oreo F resh Fruits Vegetables MeINT, )SH APPLES - 3 lb. Poly Bag....-................ ............... ....47c FLORIDA TOMATOES - 14 oz. Tube,...1.......... ...... ........... 39e HOT BOUSE CUCUMBERS - Each ................. ...................... .... 25e ONTARIO TURNIF ....................... .....* . 9 cents per pound GREEN ONIONS - LARGE BUNCH - 2 for ........ ........................ 25c Free, Pidnie Style Shoulder- 5 to 6 lb. avg. Pork Roast IL. 47c Tender - Meaty l'Boston Style*) Pork Bott R oust lbo 57C Yeu 'save twie with trim and price POrk Pork, Butt Chops lb. 69c or Shoulder Steak Burns Mild Scasoned, Small Link,, Beet and Park SAUSAGE Il. 550 Burns - Mild Seasoned 16-oz pkg. DOLOGNA lb, 59c Lean - Bonless - Cube style STEW BimrIEF wq 95e Tender - Jjuicy -Thick Cnt Blade Steak'. lb. 85c Besi Buy! - Bick's Wholc IUs 2,t«- jar' 3 C Feature! - Tomato 20 fi. oz. Bt. HEINZ KETCHUP 47c Feature! - Honey Gir 2 lb. Tub GOLDEN HONEY 95c Feature! - Suzette FIG BARS 2Z l. ctn.. l.59C Feature! - The round shredded wheat 16-oz. Quaker Muffets 42c Feature! - Red and White 24 oz. 'bat Siced Bread 4 for 88 Featui-e! - Dole Juice 40 fi. oz Tins PINEAPPLE ' 3 for $1 Feature! - Roasted Coftee 1 lb. bag Maxwell Noise 8 8c FREEZER SPECIAL! Branded.Beef Chuck Bone anid.Fat Trini 65 ta 75 lb. avg. lb. 69.c - - Kirby News Mrs. Don Cochrane is spending this week baby sittiing at lier sisters, Mrs. Steve Nimigons, in Whitby, while lier sister and liusband are in Atlantic City. Mr. and, Mrs. W. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hird, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sears, Scarborougli, Mrs. G. Morton, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris, Douglas and Charles *were, Saturday evening guests of -Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris, Richard and Kim for Richard-"s birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris called on Mr. and Mrs. Ted Copping on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Little and Bill, P'cton, visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allin on Sun- day .Mildred is spending this week with lier parents. Mrs. Hartwell Lowery visited Miss Katy Stewart in Oshawa Hos- pital,.an Monday. OTTAWA REPORT Russell C. Honey, Q.C., M.P. Northumberland - Durham, 'Te Canada Wildliwe Act, tlie first major wildihife conservation legisiation ta be intraduced ta Parliament in over 50 years, re- ceived first reading in the House of Commons flua week. Introduced by the Minister Of the Environment, flie Honourable Jack Davis, the new act wihI pro- vide the Minister with flie auth- ority to develop and, implIement, in cooperation with the-provinces, a more effective program of wild lite conservation. The Act, to be administered by the, Caniadian- Wiktiife Service, wiil pravide autliority , to the (A) f0 acquire control and man- age lands for conservation, re- searchi and interpretation on be- hlitof migratory- birds and other wildlife species. (B) ta enter ' ita agreements with fthe provinces and -territories ta study, manage and interpret wildlife. (C) ta take sucli mensures as he deems proper, in cooperation with provincial and territorial governînents, for the, pratcrtn of endangered wild'hife. The need for the legisiation arase tram the fact that wildlife, with the exception of migratory birds and wi]dlife in national parka, is under the legisiative jurisdictian of the provincial and territorial governments. And yet, because wildlife is no respecter af boundaries, there has been an increasing necd for more coordin- ation in wildlife management and researchi. Resolutions passed at federal-provincial 'wildlite con- ferences. have called for greater federal involvement. In 1966, the National Wildlife Palicy and Program was tabled in fhe House of Commons. It spelled out much 'wider object- ives 1or the Canadia'n Wildlife Service, including, the manage- ment at waterfowl habitat and the preservatiion of' endangered speciea., However, lack oat nde- quate federal legislatian delayed or prevented the tederal govern- ment tram carryîng out some of the pragrams outlined in, the pohicy.- "'NNCAL 1-IADACUES ARC FA&. ýSEVERE PAIN EXTENOS DOwN AFAR AS THE PANT5 POOEE Albet'sTexoco lu. Septic Tank Service' GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY L eskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a.m. - b - 5 p.m. %Ianday through Saturday PHONE 983-5760 Grant C. Waode Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box -82 Newtonville, Ouarte Telephone 786-2921 Box 61, Port Boe, ontari. Telephone 885-288 80B YEOMAI4Sý PLUMBING AND REATING' 24. Hour Service New Installations Alteration. Speclalizing lu Boft Water Heatlng Forced Air Bcatlng Septic Tank Work KL 1 Oromo SM iBuilding a flouse? or remodefling your present one, then contact Fl oyd Nicholson I Phone 983-5049 ORONOI SATURDAY ONLY Boy One GeO On. FREF SUN'DIES 45t Large Suze For the Ga rdeuer Gladioli Bulbs AUl popular varieties Large Jubo Buibs 8cýe.cd RtAINBOW MUITRE 25 ta hag $1.09 -Large Amsrtment- Middletons fOn". Mr.