OROJNO WEEKLY TEMS; WEflNESIJAY, APRIL 2ah, U'*2 Public SchoeI Entered Teunma meut (Intended for last week) Glrl'a Baske tbofl Summary Considering a -week of practice the girlsof Orono Public Sehool gave a great amount of effort towards a tournament in Bow- monville Higb School, Saturday, April 8th. The frst try was against Grand- view, who defeated us 10 to 6. Even thougb we lost oui- fi-st game, we didn't stop trying. We went on to meet Ontario Street. Agoin we los t 12 to 9. The next gaine was ogainst M. J. Hobbs Senior Public School who defeat- ed us 9 to 3. Our two final games were oa- gainst Crtwright and Newcastlc. - elost themn by a smail mai-gin of 12 to 6 and 10 to 4. The players expressed that they hadf a wonderful timie. The. girls give "thanks" to. their coach, Don Smith, and to the parents w-ho gave their time to driive hoth the gir-lsand boys to the tournament REPORT FROM QUIEENIS PARK (Continued from page 4) fundts budgeted, the requests for these payments could not pos- sibly be met. This bill at the i-e- quest of the -speaker was nfot i-e- ported. The above bis and others in- dicate the various situations that rn»ay develop in communitiies for which there lp no general legis- lation, and which must be con- sidc.red throughý other channels. The -private bis committee with public participation provîdes that leýgisiative vehicle. TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Public NOtiîc e CHANGE TO Dayig ht As directedl by Resolution of Couneil, citizens are requestcd to change to Daylight Savings Time by advaneing their dlocks and watches foi-wrd one boni- at MiWdnight, Saturday, Apil 29th, 1972. B. DeWITH, Acting Clcrk, Township of Clar-ke Boy's fBaskethal Sýummary On Saturday, April 8th at the Bowmanville 111gb School, thc senior basketball teams of Orono Public School competed in their first tournament. We con be proud of the pupils performance both on and off the court. The' boys, although they were initially awed by the large court and formidable opposition in the' first two games, managed to ga- ther themselves for two victorles. They lost to Newcastle 174. In the second game they. bowed to Grandview 12-2. The boys organized their new knowledge into a solid 'attack to defeat a Bowmanville school. In the interests of good sportsman- sMP in this gome, the boys scored a basket for Ontario Street, The foui-ti game was as close as the. thizd as they edged 'Cartwright 9-8. In the final gome they were over-whelmcd by a strong team repreenting M. J. Hobbs Senior Public School, who olong with Newcastle will represent this or- ea in the Campbellford tourna- ment on the fiftcenth. Scoring for Orono were: John Cornisix 12 points, Tomn Moffatt 9 Ken Coatham 4, Do-ug Rtutherford 2, Jonathan Staples 2 Nick Van- Segglcn 1. Oxford BIRICKLAYERS S T 0N E.MA SNS WILLIE J. SCIIWAHLM Phone 983-5609; Specializing lu ail kin3ds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimncv' Reipairs Elme r's Garage TEXACO SERVICE MM Ist. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Bîike Safety' A safe cyclist when travelling on any road, should keep to the right as close as possible to the edge of the road. Always ride iu single file, keeping both hands on the handie bars and having an eye out for cars approaching frorn the rear. Cycllsts should refrain from using provincial highways or other roads that are heavily laden with traffic, and subject to high speed. It is unlawful for any bicycle to be ridden on a controîl- ed acess highway such as Hwy., 401. In ail towns and villages it is unlawful for a bicycle to be operated on a public sidcwalk. Remember: A bicycle is a vehicle, anxd must'be operatcd as such. Driving TIp-. To stali your car on a freeway con Inivolve you and others iu an accident. If you are on afreeway, and suspect trouble - such as the gas guage showing empty and the engine begins to stali - pull off onto the shoulder. Do't risk coniing to a dead stop' in the driving lane. ST. SA&VîIURS ANGLICAN Establlshcd 1869 Regular Sundayr Worship Service - 9:30' a.m. Holy Communion- Furst and Third Sundays Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptisin by appointment with Rector 987-4745 The Rev. H. Robert Haync, B.A., L.Th. Cal) your llcensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractoe wýho sells, installa and ouaranteoe PLUMBING AND IIEATING OLD LAND 3MARKý TO BE REMOVED Last-Saturday Mr. Gery DuvtIl reported the old 1kag pole at the Township office to be in a dan- erous position as one trust had rottened off at the bottorn. The high winds were feit to ,threaten the structure which was -secured for the time by ropes. This work was done by Orono Hydro. It has since been decided that the structure is to corne down. It has served no real purpose for a number of years. JACK REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling cali WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Memffber of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board YEN EZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 % mile South of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAVS A WEEK Specializing In Pizza - Meals Also Week-End Speclals- ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontârlo Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodeillng Kitchen Cupboards W. build from the foundation up- UNITED CIIURC3 Orono Pastoral Rev. B. E. Loue SUNDAY, APRIL 3th Orono: United Church-- Church School - 10:00 a«u. Worship Service - 11:15 a.m. Discussion Group (Pshchology) Second and fourth 'Mondays May'Bth, May 22nd, Main- Hall 8:00 p.m. Dial-A-Thought - 983-9151' For' 1'hspirationaI Thought and And, tÔ, eave message for, the Migister. Kirby United Chuic-b Worship Service - 9:45 a.m Churc4,, Sehoor - 11:00, a.M, Odrville Chattertonf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTR.iC HEATING AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546, or 983-5940 àoRNO, ONTARIO IF YOU ARE IN NEF» 0FF RAVEL m CALL LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES ORDER NOW!. 'e Ladies' Slacks, See Our good selection of hligh.fashion sîocks. Materials poly- ester knits, buh4dcnims, fine cotton dcnims. Styles - stralght legs and fiai-es, regular risc and iow ýrisc, split knee, cuffed bottoms. Colours- plain shades, some with, contrasting trirn, stripes, checks and bobo prints. Sizes 10 to 42. PUICE» FROM $7.95 to $17.95 Pont Tops Crlmp kruits, polyester cre e, anti-on kuits and arnel - a11 easy- care. Long sleeves, shrt sleeves and sic veiess. Match them wlth slacks or shorts. A few plain shades, mostly piints. Sizes 10 te 42. PRICED FROM $5.50 te $17.95 Mens' Short Sleeve. Shirts, New short-sleeve 'shirts by "'Currie". Attractive pibts as, wcli as Plain shades of mauve, tan, brown and navy. Sizes S, -M, L. am XL PRICE, EACH - $6.00 - NEW SPRING and SUMMER MERCHANDI SE ARRIVING EAÙlH WEEK iei. miw W. Ww,