ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY lO0th, 19U2 Announce SceduLiles For Basebalilihas started in Orono this past week wth the Tykes taldng to the diamond on Moniday niglits, the Bantams on Tueýsd!ay niglits a nd the PeeWees on Wed- nesday niglits.,, The Tykes first gamne is MUay 27 with il games to fofl1ow. TWhe Bantams first home gamne is also May 27 with 19 gamnes to follow. The PeeWees play their first hçme gaine on May 31 with 11 gamnes there to follow. The Ass oki ation, nepds, sme- one to float and mark the bal diamond, prior to ail games to take the, load off the coaches. If anyone is interested please :con- tact Russ Major immediately., ORONO TYKE SCIIEDULE Mlay 27 - Thuriow at Orono, 3.30. May 29, Newcastle at Orono 6.30 Jup.e 5, Orono at Newcastle 6:30 June 10, Orono at Thuriow 2:00. June 17, Tliurlow at --trono, 3.30. Jan'Ie 19, Orono at Newcastie, 6:30 July 8, Orono at Thurlow, 2:00. JuIy 10, Orono at Newcaste. 6.30 July 17, Newcastle at Orono, 6130 July 22, Orono -at Tliuriow, 2:00 JuIy, 31, Newcastle at Orono, 6:30 August 5, Thurlow at Orono 2:00 PEEWEE SCIIEDULE b!ay 31,, Newcastle at Orono 6:00 June 3, Frankford at Orono, 2:00 June 8, Orono at Newcastle, 6:00 June 10, Orono at Thuiriow, 2.00 June 17, Oronoý at Frankford, 1:00 June 24, Thiurlow at Orono, 2.00 June 29, Orono at Nýewcastle, 6:00 July 1, Frankford at Orono 2:00 July 5, Newcastle at, rono, 6:00 'July 8, Orono at Thurlow, 2:00 'July 15, Orono at Frankford, 1:00 July 22, Thurlow at Orono, 3-30 BANTAM lSCIIEDULE May 24, Orono at Cobourg, '6:15 May 27, Lindsay at Orono, 1:00 May 31, Oro)no 'at Whitby, 6:15 Jue1, rono a t Frankford, 3:00 June 10, Frainkford at Orono, 2:00 June 15, o(no at Port Hope, 6:15 June 13, Lindsay at OQrono, 6:15 June 17, Thurlow atOrono, 1:00 June 18, Orono at Whitby, 6:00 June 20, Port Hope at Orono, 6:15 June 24, Orono at Thurlow, 1:30 June 27, Whitby at Orono 6:15 July 4, Orono at Lindsay, 6:.15 July 8, Frankford at rono, 2:00J July 11, Whitby at Orono, 6:15 July 15, Orono at Thurlow ,1:30 July .18, Orono at Lindsay, 6:15 July '22, Thurlow at Orono ,1:00 JuIy 25, Cobourg at Oroi July 29, Orono at Frani APPROVE CONSTRUC'] OF SUBWAY, BOWMi The Railwav Transpo mittee of the Canadian Commission has apprc construction of a subwý place the CPR overhea on number 2 highway westerly outskirts of ville and the reconsti an overhead bridge toc tin road over the CPR samne area, it was anno Northumberland -.Durl RusselI Honey. Mr. Honey said that5 of the cost of the firs up to a maximum of will be paid by the fe( ernment. CPR will pay1 121/2 percent of the co ever is the lesser, and tf wîll be paid by the C1 partment of- Tranporta Communication. The best proteCtilvel equipment against job accidents is already yours- your eyes, your ears, Our deepest qýympathy goes to Mr. Robt. Cliater and Ruth on the PREPARING BOOK FOR SCHîOOL OPENING A group of parents, studeýnts on the public2at ion of a book to and teachers is currently working be available after tie imove to intention of this group to inclune the new scliool in Orono. It is the as many items, pîctures etc f rom the past and present. A good deal of material lias already been as- sembled but if you know anyone wio lias any item of interest which couid be borrowed please contact the sehool. We cau use photos, report cards, stories, ar- ticles, poems, anecdotes etc. Can you help? Thec book promises to be of lastVeg historical initerest- and should be very popular with past and present stutients. no, 6:15 Mr- and Mrs. Ps Wna :ford, 3:00 and daugliter, Kingstnspent _____ the week-end with hîis parIents, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Wý,anan Their rnON daughter, Liisa Laurel-Anne, was baptised in Orono United Churcli [AN VILLE by 11ev. B. Long. ort Coin-rs. Dora jUcLaren and Mi-s.. Trprt Co- tbel Lycett ieft Thursday Iast -oved the by planîe for a vacaýton in Spain and England. ay t re On Friday, MVay 5, Mrs. lolt. ad bridge lnok ad duhe MiS on the llcok ad dultr M. Boma- elen Shak, journecyed to Mor- Buton of peth for the rae of dauLghit- 1er Peggy McCammond to Lorne carry Mar- ('onroy, on Saturday t'vening. 1in the MVr. and Mrs. John Hancock, ýounced by R1 rntaeld wt cham M.P. tt.i' rotaeld wh Rosemary and Daniel Shalc of Bowmianville, to Morpethi on Sat- 50 percent urday for tre wedding. They al st projeet, returned home Sunday after- if $250,000 noon. deral, gov-, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, $62,500 or ]Irs. Ilarry Bailey. âMr and MIVs., ost, which- George' Webster, Bôwmauilie, te balanc 'e. atterîded 'the wedding of their ntario De- cousin Miss Barbara Cummixîg ation and anud Mr. H{arald Wende in Kit- chnron Saturday, May 6th. Seif-defence is the secret of safety. You've got a lot to live for; work defensiveiy, and enjoy life. your brain. *Keep alert, work Tesr defensiVely, and you'1l stay sfiyi on the job. Sef- Defnce sudden passing of Mrs. Chater. Mrs. Joan Ard hald a baby shower for lier niece, Mrs. Jane Greenwood last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lowry at- tended the wedding Friday even- ing' of Mary Lou Toplcy, Mark- ham. Mrs. Hartwell Lowery and Mrs. IReg. Elliott visîted with Miss Katy Stewart at -Oshawa General Hospital on Monday. Mr. Ken Bail returned home from Bowmanbille Memorial Hos- pital on Mon day. Mrs. Sharon Caibo and Jenni- fer, Toronto are spending some time, with lier parents Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jolinston. Kihby U.C.W. ladies catered for the Red Cross Clinic held in Bowmanvilleilast Wednesday. Kirby U.C.W. held their May meeting at the churcli on May 9th. Mrs. Don Cochrane ý,was in charge of the devotional. Hymn 393 was sung with Mrs. Hartwell Lowery at the piano. Darla Lowery read the scripture.> Mrs. Dora Morris, Mrs. Grave Reid and Barbara Cochrane reznd different passages from the Bible with a discussion. Barabara presented gifts for the eldest grandmother with the grPatest number of grandeilîdren the youngest grairnmother; the oUn-s ohrwt the young- e st cýhý;id and alsýo the mother A ~ ~ ~ ~~fi ynwasngadteLord's prayer was eeae by ail. Dor- een Sewrtreaýd ltheminutes of the las;t meeting and rol eall was taken ýwith each mem,ïrber' giv- ing the name--- of a srn flower. Kirby Ul C'.W. are holding a salad super 0onJune î.4th. Uarabara Cochrane gave the tr,ý,svrer's report. Collection was received and the Mizpahi Bene- dictio.n was read in unison. Lunch was served by Mrs. Dora' Morris and Mfrs. Ruby Bryson. Meet Your M'id as Man Your local Midas mon, Keiih gunna invites you for a f ree exhou systemn inspection onytime, at 116 Eoc St. West, Oshawa, just ecost of Ontai Mtor Sales. Coul 576-8111. OPEN EVERY MON-DAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. WE INSTALL MUFFLERS FOR A LIVING. WE HAVE TO DO A BETTER JOB. Your rkmen's o pensatio oa an The Safety sociations, tarlo Ploe9354 ra THE FINEST NAME, I~N PIPES Exclusive Maple wood Di lator remove t.onue bit , julce. Ideal for beginners. Tesr by seasoned smokers Priced $8.95 te $50.0 ormeo, &u Orono B U;ildinî Brick- Blek -Comm~ Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet W 9813-5441 OU Realtor 234 King StreetEat Bowmandille 6z3-3393 Toronto 92-s4 Port Hope office 885-44 For pfrompt,' courtees, fi. eut service when buylo selling and for the larget - ection of properties im h area contact Orono AreaReretave Roy Poster 983-51ES