LoalMan Handcuffed - Shot At Mr. Rudy Jager of Toronto, who lias,*a cottage in Clarke Township between the fourth and fifth line south of the Orono Forestry Sta- tion, was surprised to face a shot- ~gun when lie opened his cottage 1The annual report for 1971 Irom the Fire Marshall's Office reports a total of twelve fires in Clarke Township during the year. The fire loss cannected with tMe tweive fires was $30148. The five year average froin 1967 ta 1971 la Clarke Township is 12 fires with an average yearly around 6 p.m. Saturday morning. Ilis cottage was occupied byan assailant who held the shotgun and who handcuffed Mr. Jager. Mr. Jager had left the city to en- joy the weekend at his cottage Oronoekly VOLUME 36, NUMBER 20 loss o! $30,868.00. The report shawed Bowmaivillie with 44 fires with a loss o! $36,- 242.00. Hope Township had 23 fires reported with a $44026. fire loss. Five fires were reported in Newcastle with a fire loss o! $17,289.00. and to go fishing. After a period of conversation Mr. Jager asked if he' could get some coffee out of lis car which the assailant agreed to and ac- c'ompanied the owner to the ve- limes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1972 Clarke High School Athietes Win, Top Honours At Meet Clarke High Schaol Athîctes did it again whea they topped the West Durham High School Track and Field Meet at the Carke 2Iigh Sechool on May 9th. The Clarke Athictes arnassed a total of 386 points, well above secon&-place Courtice who had 247% points. The Bowmanville Mligh School placed third with 1921/2 points with Cartwright tak- ing fourth and last place with -25 points. The following is a list of indiv- 1dual champions in which' Clarke held three tities. Senior Girls: Linda Bulis, Caour- tice,* Champion; Jennifer James, "ourtice, Runner Up. Junior Girls: Lynne Baliski, fIjurtice, Champion; K. Kerening, Cartwright, Runner Up. Midget Girls: CathýýY Budai, Courtice, Champion; i)ebbie Mil- ei-, Courtice, Runner Up. Senior Boys: Neil Brennan, C larke, Jllck Borek, Courtice, tie -hampions; Joe Bezubiak, Clarke, iLobbin, Winter, Clarke, tie Run- Three Students From Clarke Arec Hired The Ganaraska Conservation Authority have' aanounced that they have SWEEP workers who will start work June 26th. The ex- act programW has not as yet been worked out. Three students from Clarkie Township have been included. These are Susanne Bunti.ng, Ger- ry Thompson and Peggy Poster. Students wcre chosen from al municipalities within the bound- aries of the Ganaraska. ners Up: Junior Boys: lan Brennan, Clarke, Champion; Stan Kraken- stoel, Cartwrighît, Runner Up. Midget. Boys: Jim Brennan, Clarke,1 H enry Dykstî a, Bowman- ville tie Champions; John Turner, Courtice, Runner Up., TOWNSHIP CLERK BRUCE COLLINS Pictured above 'is Mr. Bruce Collins, A.M.T.C., who on May lst took aver duties cf clerk-admin- istrator for the Township bidle. On opening the door Mr. Jager slammed it against his in- truder and ran to nearby neigli- bours, Mxr and Mrs. Paul Grant. The initruder fired one shot at the fle-'ng Mr. Jager as lie took off through the small orchard to his neighbours. The policé were called and the shotgun was recovered being an automatie holding twenty sheils. It is believed the gun jammed an the second shel. It is also believed that the in- truder had spent the night in the cottage as lights had been seen by neighbours during Friday ev- ening. The Ontario Provincial are continuing their investiga- tions. Bapisms Orono United Church, Rev. Bl. Long administered the Sacrament of Baptisrn to the following children: Steven Lloyd Balfour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Balfour; Daniel Douglas Barrabaîl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barrabail; Cindy Marie Brown, daugliter of Mr. eand Mrs. Murray Brown; Ja- son Darren Harold Burhm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burnham; Kevin Clair Cowan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beverléy Cowan; Angela Michele Cowling, daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Cowling; Robin 9%ffers Scho .1 Bell To Lockhart Group Th'le Northumberland and Dur- hani County Board of Education fias offered a sch'ool bell which is in storage, ta be assembled in a praposed cairn at the Lockhard School in, Clarke' Township. The offer followcd a request for the bell along with financial assistance by the Lockhart' Teach- er-Parent Organization who wish ta erect a cairn at the school. TJhe Board did not give approvr ai for fînancial aid ta the pro- ject. Lee Ana Flsk, daugliter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Terry> Fisk; Susan Lynn Lycett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lycett; Cathy Lynn Me- Cullough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Peter McCullough; Jeanette Lyna Mercer, daughter1 of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer; Michael William Mitchell, son of'Mr. and MXi. Lianel Mitchell;' Pairicia Lynn Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 4lvobt., Reid; James Robert Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shar~p; Kelly, Josephine Taylor, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Taylor; Christopher Simon Tre- gunna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tregunna. Kirby Home & Schs.ol Orono UO'C.W. Holds Kirby Home and- School April meeting featured a presentation by the Junior Grades uinder the direction of Mr. C. OBrien. A comedy about a circus, its per- formers, and even its lion. Tihis was a "funi" eveaiag for the aud(i- ence, and the students, actresses, actors and stage hands, should certainly feel a sease of accom- plishment. It was indeed a job, well done. The Boy Scout movement is going ta organize a local troop, Kirby, Enterprise and Leskard. Many boys from this area are going ta Kendal now. Aayone who would like fo enrol, or per- haps work as a leader, is asked ta contact Mr. Wm. Forrest. Mr. Bol) Nictol and Mr. K. Entwisle brief- ed aur meeting on the Boy 'Scout arganization. Our May I. and S. meeting wil feature Mrs. L. Fenton, the area health nurse speaking on the var- led activities of the Health Unit. Followiag, there will be nomin- atio n of officers for 1972-73. The meeting will be held May 23, 1972 at 8 p.m. Successful Spring Fair The Presideat, Mrs. Cook, op- ened the U.C.W. Spriag Fair witli a welcome toalal. The Main Hall was tasteftully decorated witli Spriag rUowers and. yellow streamere. rihe Baking Tables were filled with ail kinds of baking. -,Home nmade breads, pies, cakes ùookies, tar >ts and numerous other, good- les. ýUnîts 2, 5 and 6 were la charge. Bouquets of spring fiowers were also for sale. Unit Four's table was piled higli with surprise packages froin ten cents ta seventy-flve, some- thing for everybody, girls, boys, ladies and gentlemen. They also sold different kinds of home made fudge and suckers. The. C.G.I.T. table had dolis mnade out of wool socks, doilies, aprons, niagnetie ornaments and platesof caady. They also liad a fish pond for the children. *Unit Three table sold ail kinds of jewelry, clothing, books and a White Elephant table filled witli numerous articles. Card tables with centre pieces of tulips and daffodilsi were set up for the tea. You could have your choice of plates of food from sandwiches ta, beautifully made up salad plates. This was Unit Vs projeet. The Sprîng Pair, taking in arou 'nd $305.00, was a great suc- cess. Edicational Croise C'ongrtulat!ionis ta Christine Todd on ing ticket il1:18 cf thie Oronio Hockey Mothers 5050 Stanley Cup Draw. Also ta il 'lmn Todd, the seller o! the win- ning icket who received $25.001. We ol like to thank, al those connected witli the selling cf the tickets and making the draw a camplete success. AII 1190 tickets were sold. Af- ter expenses of $7300; Christine Tod received $55850. Thaak you, Orono Hockey Alotiiers. Pictured above is Mrs. Barbara Black, president, presentlng Mis. Christine Todd, Orono, witli ler cheque. Mrs. Lenore Hickey, sec- retary, also cangratulates the win ner. One o! the newer developments ia education for Secondary School students is the educational cruise. These overseas trips are not a big holiday but an exercise la ed- ucation outside of the formai, classroom. Again this year, studeats in the tea Northumberland and Durham Secondary Seliools will have an opportunity ta take part la one of these cruises. The company' used for the counties cruise is "Neworld Cruises' which is made up of Air Canada and British lit- dia (P and O) Steamship unes. Bath companies are aid establish- ed companies wlth outstaading reputations for safety and- reli- ability. The fortlicoming cruise will take place from December 6 to I)ecember 19 and studeats will visit Italy, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus and Crete. The studeats fly front Toronto ta London, England, then ta Vealce, Italy where they will board the British ship "Uganda". The "Uganda" is a floating sehool and the approx- inîately 1,000 students on board froni maay couatries have ail th(s. necessities of life . There are physical education instructors, 2 doctors, clergy, games officer and an educational staff la addition ta the students' owa accompany- ing teacliers. Ia addition, dormitories are overlooked by the slip's special. personnel ta ensure that students feel at home. Studeats attend lectures, have classroom lessons and enjoy a pleasant but controil- cd sports and social program, wlîîle 'at sea, and o! course take part la tours and meet people while la port. Students are re- sponsible for their own expenses - fliglit, food, accommodation whidh are $420.00 for everything everything but pocket moaey. Students returning from last year's cruise whiých. focussed Olt Italy, Greece and Turkey found it ta be a tremendous education- ai experience. One stated lie learned more about himself and lfe la two weeks than ever be- fore. Q 12 Fires In Clarke Township Cause Fire LossOf 30,869.00 Area Students May Take IMM!