ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17,11972 Kendo News After a coid, backward spring, it would seem as if planting time hati arrived. Soute faîmers with lighter land are trying te culti- vate the fieldis. Mr. Reg. Elliott attended the funeral of a cousin in Powassan on Saturday. Mi. A. ihompsen accompanied hîm. Seven of the members of the Kendal Women's Institute took in the banquet when Newtonville Institute, ceichrateti the sixtietlî anniveîsary of, their founidinig,on Friday night, May 12. Onle of the ladies who hati been there on.the l2th cf May 1912. w%8 Mrs. Ethel Jones. She saîdti tat she ani Mis. Will Joncs are the onfly two IcI t that yere there sixty ye ars ago. The guest speaker, IVr.lerrnî- ansen, spolie on "Iookiiîg to the Futureý." Onie reinark s1ue matie was that shé îegretted the lack cf couîtesy ,axnong sotte cf oui youth., That veryý day she was waiti fg, for a street car whlen a long haired yeuth came up te. her and, said,, "Give tri a ti(leel" Net even "Please give mre a ticket". She repliti, "These 1 have are for senior citizens so would be ne use to yen." Ile saicl "Ohi" and departed.1 Next Sunday is Newtonville Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCRIWAHL phone 983-5606 Speelallzng In ail ldnds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES W. also,,do, chlmnev Revaira ElersGarg TEXACO SERVICE MillSt. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Aniversary at 10 a,.nî. Dr. Nor- nain Mackenzie ls 10 be tiiei Étuest speaker. le' las a cottage at Kenidal so e x hop cule Of the Kenldal folk xii] g'0 o t i this faions înissionlary whe nlow ivl, oLI ili-oeunuity. K îdal Annivei.sary is June 4tli. Last Su nday 1ev 'J', Steigrox e baptisî d Sheri LynriE CKenned, dauiglter cf Mr. :ind MmIVi';aiPh K<ennTedy. Ilis father andti notlwr Mr. aniVrs.lHarold Kennledy cf (Jiono, wre n alic aptshe serv ice andi Jalle's parents, i andi Mrs. Allen l"Foter wcre ai e; there. Tbe bab's great grand- inotliei ivùs. lmii E. Fostemr was a special guest. lViîs. Jack Follk ýaîg a lîcaui- fui solo 1elntitled \10et'i er". -Our Junior Choir sang "Wfliat a Woll- derful Changlie' luînry 111e lins been Wrolight, Sinice Jesus carne into rny Ieait." Rev. T1. Snelgiove telti the -children a story entified "Ged's Baby Sittîr." îIle preacheti from the scripture proverbls 31, verses 10-29, "Wlho can finti a virtuenis- wômanl? for lier prîce is fai above rv1uic <'te."Ilie spoke cf ChrIýistianil love witbin the family. Christlan love is net self centred. 110w elten we failte appreciate the other ineembers cf the famlily, cs$PecialiY Mother. At Kendumi W.1. Penny Sale, Mis. Il. Foster won tic quilt. This is thé first lime a member lias won the qui].t. Last year lime qulit was perfect enough te hàve, re- ceivcdl a first prize at any fair. It w.as fou by a teen age bey who teck it under bhis arm andi rode away.on a metercycle. The mem- bers used te quilt it themselves, riow they buy it, from someone for $40.00 as oui younger ladies are net skilled in the art of quilting. The crib quîlt Jackie Tuîansky. blanket by Mis. J. Local News The thice giandibildren cf li aniMrs. Sid' Bari-aball who wci.' tý (lîristened ' on Suinday vreý- Daniel Douglas, son cf Deuiganud Carol Barrabali, Petcîrboiommgh; Canthy Lynn, daugliter cf PeUt r anti Lynda McCullough,, Orono; and Robin Lee Ann, daughter et TJeriy and Nancy Fisk,- Pomty- pool. Aftcî the service MVr. amîti lYfs. Barrabali ýemie]iJinedl the following gtests for lunch, lorîg' xith the babies andi their parents:. Rev. andi Mis. Long, Ove ne; l and Mis. Geîald FiBk, 2/r- l)e ni Ji'k, Miss Sandra Fallis, Mr. VWin- sten Stewart (Gotfather), al of Pontypool; miss Joan Bea'ie.o Orone (Godmother); Mis. AI ai ikMis. Renton, 'l'ooe e;MAr. anti Mrs. irv'MeCullough, Mr. andi MVrs. Robert Kent, Mr. Grant Kent, Newcastle; Miss Kaien Boyehyn, Whitby: Mi. Fobt., Bar- iaball andi Master Scott MeCul- lough, Orone. Guests with Mi. andi . Mrm Geo',ge Dunlop, Shirley andi Bon- nie on Sunday after the chi'isten- ing cf Jeanette Lynn Meicel' werc Jeanette's Parents Mi. and Mis. Bruce Mercec cf Bîacebridge; Mr. ST AVIO0URS. ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 Regular. Sunday Worshîp Service - 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointmelt wlth Rector 987-4745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A.. L.Th. was won by The woellen Moffat, Orono. Projects Apprevsd Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Dur- ham, in a press release from Queen's Park this week, anneunc- eti ea grant 6f $199,500. by the Ileneurable Rene Brunelle, Min- ister cf Community and Social Services towards the addition te the 'Golden Piough Lotige in Cc- bourg. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- flam, lu a press release from Queen's Park this week anneuuc-: .ed the designatien by the Iloneur- able Gordon Carton, Minister cf Tansportation anti Communica- tions, of Ceunty Road No. 3 fer construction. This section of rond assumeti bythe Unitedi Countis joins No. 2 1-lighway at Couitice anti the Taunton Rond. The roati is tiesig- nateti Development Rond-No. 945 anti reconstruction wili commence within the near future. ATTENTION FARMERS, ~ WHY PAY -MORE? BAVE ON Premlum Quality GAS OLINE DIESEL MOTOR OIL Farma Tanks and Pumps Availahie CALLCOET 668t-3341 DX L1 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Callyour lfrensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor who seils, Install. and guaran-ten, PLUMiBÎING AND IIEATLING and ]Vrs. Bruce Mercer Sr., Ms Valerie Mercer, Mir. i 'hin With- eridge and Mrs. Ken Gainsby. kri. and- Mrs. Joe Stapies spent the weekend m4th Mr. and Mis. Jac k Bail, John an(] Barbara in Ayîrner. Mr. and Mis. Andai Schibc(r, Susan, Seyn ur and Briia sp2mt the weekend at their "Ai" Ranch Sommerville R{d., Orono. Mr. and Mis. Wayne Bailey, Shawn and Timothy were Sunday visitors with Mr. and- Mis. Roy Little anti Lynn, Kendal. On Sunday meorning at the JACK 99 king St., E. BO WMAN VILLE When Buying or Seliing call WLr AK YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and- Dis-, trict Real Estate Board' V E NE Z A RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 1kmile south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Speciallzing lI Pizza - MeQus, Also Week-End Speclals ROY THOMPSO I Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cupboards ~e bild fromn the foundatten Ip UNITED CHURCI Orone PastoraL Charge Mnster Rev. B. E. Lonvg B.Th. Orono United Church- Chiurcli School- 10:00 a.:~ Worship Service - 11:15 a:m Discussion Group (Psychoiegyp 8:00 p.mf. - Main Hall May 22, June 5, June 19 Dial-A-Thought - 983-9151 For Inspirationalý Thought anâl Prayer. Andi to leave message for«er MIinister., Kirby United Church- *Worship Service - 9:45 a.i Church School -1i1:00.m Orville Chattertom? ELECTRICAL CONTRAR4 ELECTRIC HEAINZG AND SERVICK Phone 983-5546 or 8' ORONO, ONTARJO' IF VOU ARE IN NEED 0F, GRAVÉ'L CALI, 786-2972 LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES ORDER NOW! GOOrb Be sure to see ou r f îîst shipment of *D RES SE S which have just arrived AÀ