ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1972 «UEENS PARK FEELS ,'.ýCT,10NS NOT UNWISE The Nortl'umibcrlafld and Dur- ".iam Count, "'card of Editcatien s -not acted unwiscly" in any _sUge of deveiopment of the clos- iing of thc tv,-i sehools in Ilamil- ','on tow.nship or the sciectien of. hesite. for the new senior ci- ý' ecntary school. Accordini' te the director Of vnducation, W.. Frank Thomn, Ibis >w--as the impression . çvpn bv fthc D)epuly Minister of Education Dr. q tewart and other depart, um-ent officiais at a meeting iin 1Toronto last week. ?Mr. Thonm told m'niberz cf the( 1ordthat ihg' ninister and 1bis ~asecitesi"dicatedl that they -ý.!ere in "romplete agreemnt" aiththe stcps taken by the The deptiy minister had irbvit- *d tV- ce~~ comrnit1e,' of ithe .adminU ,'iv e couneil cf the, bNort humberland - Durham board, ýo attend a meeting in Tor.onto ý,o r-3view the steps takcn toards heprovision of a new senior ei- ierÀic>itarysellool for Cobourg-and Illamilton township. The losing of the schoois in -%ehe north end cf Hamilton town- shpand the sciection of a site ,-on ihe Cobourg town boundary, ~oicf Ze1her's County Fair, bas ~îvda lot cf controversy ni txthéh township and the town. PeUtions freoin the Hamilton 'ownship Ratepayers' Associa- 4iuhave heen disappearing and, apirvýng at the departineut and 1, d iions art- fliatraeaesi !i,,burg ai-el h rcs f ýruv g up a pretition plasi sbe uilding of the proposed in yecent years, as thcy attempt to find a suitable source of feed- er cattie and calves. Expansion of fe ýd1ot operations in xx esteci Canada and the decision te mnai- et more fecd grains through, ive- stock bas greatly redâccd Pie availability cf feeders fremi these traditienal sources. Net enly h'ave numbers cf western feeders becîî eurtaiicd, the increased cemipeti- tien frem prairie feediots bas forccd the price sharpby tupward. A 'further complication bas been mounting lesses during shipinent, as a resuit cf sbippîng fever or IBR after calves arrive ln the cast. In order that Ontarie's vast pc- teîîtial for beef production may_ be rcalized, the Government cf Ontario will assist farmers and livestockmen to expand their brecding lierds. The assistance xiii take the forM od goverament guarantees on bank loans. Farm- cî-s residing in Ontario with a gres annual farm income of $3,000 are eligible to partieipat.e in the prograin. The minimum boan'is set at $2,500 and the max- imumn ameunt avalable xiii be $15,000. The maximum loan per heifer is $2150. The guaranteed ]oans -will bc for a tcrm of seven years, bear- ing in terest at the current prime rate plus 1% * .J)uring the first two ,ears of the pregram, in oth- er words until the heifers may be expected tocorne into production, interest nnly wilI bc payable. Over the final fivé years of the loan equal payments of principal plus intcrest wi]1 be paid. The cattie purchgsed or their offspring wlll bc sccurity for the boans, and the animals must be propgrly identified and protected by a comprehelisive liability insurance pelicy. The full amount of the loan may be rcpaid at any time without notice or penalty. The program is retroactive to April 1, 1972. Kirby News Mr. Hoeward Stapleton, Osh awa wias a Saturday evcning sup- per guest cf Mr. and.Nr.s- Keii Bal. Mr. and Mrs. Lavera Pattcrsoîî. Oreîîo, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mcir- cer and Kcnny, Hampton anîd Miss Susaîî Bail, Oshawa, wert Sunday supper giiests of AMr. anîd Mrs. Ken Bail. Mrs. 1-artwell Lowerv is ai- tending the General Clîurch Co iin ference lield in Kingston Tirdu te Tliursday cf this wcek. On ,MeIthcr's I)ay at Kirhy Clîurch, 1ev.. Lonîg baptised the folloewing hables: Jairie Thinas Henderson, son cf' Mr. and Mr';. Tom Hlenderson, Bowmravillh, Dlane Lynn Lowcry, -daughter ()[ Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lowcry, Scarborouglh aîd Kim Marina Stock Hlarris, daughter of Mr. and d Mrs. Ion Harris. Six childtren of the 1rmary and Junior Classes of thle Sunday Sehool sang a sdng anid the choir sang "My Mother's Old Bible is Truc". After church the congregation enjoyed a- soc-, i a1 hour in tlic Sunday School Guests of AIlr. arid Mrs. Ken 1lenderson after the Christening of their grandson Jamie, wcre Mrs. McDonald, Janice, Jlandy and Ann of Toronto and mnembers of thcir own family for a buffet. krncheon on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Rutherford, on be- haif of the Cancer Society, wishes te thank ail the Kirby folk for their generous donations to the Cancer Fund in 'the sumý of $101. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lowery, Richard and Diaine, Scarlboroiigt wcrc Sunday visiteîý- with Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lewery and Mr. and Mrs. john Lowery. -etion Control 4~' rIO INTRODUCES, PEFETi CATTLE LOAN 'fic " overument cf Ontario lias îintmo'uccd a prcî'ram te enceuir-, âge )tigterm expansion in the spro i c'sb-'ef cow-calf herci. In ias, the "Ontario l3ccf fe rrLoan Pregraini," it con- -sst f a ystemi oý govrnmtic!I ,;guarn"iteeý; op bank boans te farn'- -rs Fer fle prc os f brcd or ~upnbeef heifers. -i"e lbo len i ireasiyig pres- saae n Ontarie beef pro4ucer, Hoover 2asflce Toaster Hmeover Rair Dryer Unbreakablc Tenite Construction - Filtercd Air Flow Folds up neatly for travel or storage Four heat variations wiith remote control HOO%à%JVER BLENDER SOLID STATE SEVEN SPEED ALL PARTS REMOVABLE FOR EASYý CLEANING Priccd only at... STAINLESS STEEL RADIANT HEAT DETECTOR COPPERTONE PANELS $2%6.9&5 Hoover Electric Kettie Hot watcr in a hurry. Just plug in this stainless steel beauty. Full Thermostat Coatrol No risk cf boiling dry and $1O.50 ORONO, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 983-5207 x 8 - tX ~ (416) 983-~G30 'I