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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1972, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEIjNESDAY, MAY 24th,. 1972 HOMO MILK MILK 20/ 3qt. bug 75,c Red or Blue - Lean, Tender lb. Short Rib Roast IL 68<c You save twice with trnn and price Blade Boue Removed Blade Roast lb. 78c Tender- Juicy - Thick Cut Blade Steak lb. 84c Fresh -Minced - Burger Blend GROUND BEEF lb. 69c AJleas Northeru Spy 28 oz. glass APPLE SAUCE 3 for $1 INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. jar axwell Housýe $1.69 1Pure Spning 6 botties 99c and deposit WHITE SUGAR GRÂNULATED 5 ILbug63c 10 IL.$1.25 FABRIC SOFTENER plastic FLEECY64 o«.79 Robin Hood, Layer Style, Assorted CAKE MIXES 3 for 95c Supreme - 5 Varieties - Cello pkgs. Fancy Biscvits- 3 for $1 90lh Auniversary Offer - Buy of the Week E. D. Smith - Assortel varieties 9 fi. oz. jars Pure Jams & Jellies 3-89c SALAD DRESSING MI1 RAC E WHIP SEA WAVE BRAND 32 oz. jar o8c 15% fi oz.tin Pâeue 983-5201 Northumiberlandl and Durhams Couaty Board of Educatio'n Educational Plans for Cobourg-Hamilton in orler to correct f alse rumours and misinformation the Board of T4ducation presents the following facts: The proposed SENIOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOR COBOURG/ HAMILTON WILL- -accomm 1odate ail grades 7 and 8 in the two municipalities -povdefistclssedcahoalfailtisincîudlng a -well-stocked Ilp r a lh s m n r ra, sa d r aso m , a d specal rooms for Science, musice, art, sopworkhoe eis, physi- cal educaton, an ancillary spce fr office' udne health, -alwmany students towaM and other urbun studetso be trans- ported by cpll1egiate buses on second' runs wthout additlonal cost -remove need for, substandard classrooms in Cobourg, two-room schools at Bewdley and Harwood, and portables throughout both inunicipalities -free space to establish adqquate Ibiraries in existing schools -enable Dale Road to serve students in its area as a primary and Junior school for which it is equipped. -permit PlainviUlte become a K.- 1 school for ail north Hamilton and for Camborne to accommodate ail grades 2 - 6 from the north as well as K - 6 Iocaily -eliminate crisscross busing in north Hamilton where K, 2, 3, 4, 5 presently attending Bewdley; 1, 4 and 6, Plainville; and 2, 3, 4, 5, Harwood -avoid holdup by Ontario Municipal Board of new housing devel- opments. in Cobourg and Hamilton hecause of school board ina- bility to assure adequate school accommiodation -leave Baltimore, Cook's and Merin Greer unchanged Costs associated with the p rojet- -the local share of site and construction costs wiil be paid over twenty years at less than one mill annually -overail busing cests will be virtuaily uuchanged -theý province eucourages, the closing of two-room sehoofs by con- tinuing to pay its share on any unmatured debentures Suitability of the location- -Over go percent of the elementary students resîde lu Cobourg or 'South of Camborne and pre-sehool figures for the north mndi- cate decreasing enrolment. Eisting senior elementary sehols- -Three such schoels serve Darliugton Township, Hamilton Town- ship and Port Hope and others wiil be considered as the need arises. Communication with the publi- -In additioi to comprehensive coverage by news media, weUl-ad- vertised public meetings were heîd i May 1970, August 1970, October 1971 and November 1971. Hamilton council aiso met wlth Board as did a delçgation of citizens. The Board; however, ivibf l peased te bus lnterested parents to visit the large M. j. Hobbs Senior Elementary School at Hampton, The'Ministryof Education is conversant wlth the Board's plans and has approved each step la their Implemçntation. THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHIAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUÇNI'ION May 9, 972COBOURG;--ONTARIO Albet'sTexaco i <ENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983- 5249, Orono TOBACCO SALE TO CHINA 'HELP' TO UNITED COUNTIES The first "trial" sale of $750,- 000 worth of Canadian tobacco to the People's Republic of China announced last week holds "tre- mendous potential"' for tobacco growers in the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland, Peter Newell, a Newcastle tobac- co grower stated. The sale announced by the On- tario Flue-Cured Tobacco Grow- ers' Marketing Board, lias been credited by observers to the board's first exhibit of Canadian leaf at the Canton Trade Fair in November. Mr. Newell, chairman of the board's export committee and a nember of the delegation to the Canton Fair, said the sale will "definitely help ail tobacco grow- cause the area is noted for pro- ers in the United counties" be- ducing higli-grade tobacco of the quality to be exported to China. He said many tobacco farmers had to cease operations because in the United Counties recently they could flot grow large enougli crops to operate economically. "The future potential of this first trial Canadian skie to the Chinese, is enormous," he said. One of the major breaks iu the sale, however, la the fact that Canada lias beaten thé' U.S. to the Chinese tobacco market. Mr. Newell said during his trip te, China last year, lie discovered that. Chinese-produced tobacco lias a ",bland" aroma and fiavour. "If we now establish Canadian flavour, in Chinese cigarettes and the cigarettes they will export, it will be mucli more difficuit for the Ainericans to break into the mnarket later." lie said. American tobacco trade with China, whieh previous to the Sec- ond World War totalled 150 mill- ion tons annua]y, was eyer re- newed after it ceased during Uie war. Marketing boardi officiaIs have estimated that after the trial sale of about 600,000 Pounds of tobacco to thc Chinese, a potential mark- et for frorn 20-25 million pounds of Canadian tobaccô per year migl,,t-be created within China. Accordlng te, 1971 statistics the United Counties lad about 150 tobacco farna, producing a total 7.5 million pounds of tobacco an- nually worth $4.2 million Septic Tank -Service-' GENERAL PUMPING. 24 HOUE SERVICE bORNE HARDY Leshard, Ontario Phone 983-5728 Leskard Welding ANI) FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 a.nî. - te - 5 p.m Wonday through Saturday PHONE 98»-760 Grant C. Wade Insurnce gency GENERAL INSURANCE B ox 82 Newtonvllle, Ontario .Telephone 786-2921 Box 61, Port Hope, Ontario Telephone 885-2288 BOB YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations ., Alterations Repaire Speclallzlng laIHot Water Heatig Foreed Air Meeating Septic Tank Work E.R. 1 Orono 983-5i24 Building a House? or reinodelng your prosemi «ue, tiien contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 ORONO Boxed Plants Flowers and Vegetables 18 Plants to a Box Vegetables 12 plants per box 'PRICED 48 cents Geraniums - 75e and 85e Gladioli Bulbs Large Assortment 3j qt. bug 80c GINGERALE CORNISH'S, Orono Rubber Stamps Oronio Times i

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