ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEÛ~NESDAY, MAV 24th, 1972 Kirby,,News A fire on Sunday destroyed the barn on the farm, formerly own- ed by Bill Wannau now belong- ing to Mr. Grey. Master Kevin Lowery, had a birthday party last Wednesday with twenty of bis school chums belping hlm celebrate bis ninth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harris and family e njoyed the holiday weekend camping in Emily Park, Fenelon Falls and Algonquin Park., Mr. :and Mrs. Jim Ard and Gwenyth speut the holiday week end at Avonmore with ber broth- er, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Camp- bell and family. Mr. Duncan Campbell is a po- tient ln Bowmanville Memorial H-ospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart and -famîly spent the- holiday at their Cottage at Dunchurch near Parry Sound and visited her parents, Mr . and Mrs. Ed. Moore and, al membersof her fanily. Dr. Paul Rutherford, Listowel, callcd on his parent, Mr. and Mrs Sid Rutherford ou Sunday. A Cub meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. For- rest on Tuesday eveniug to make arrangements for their Cub Cam- pout and other activities. There is to be a Cub paper drive this coming Saturday, May 27th. So have your papers out to be pick- cd up. Kirby United Church Auniver- sary will be beld this coming Sun- day at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Sean Eyre will be the guest speaker. A salad supper is to be held on the l4th of June. Mr .and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery Starkville, visited wiith Mr, and Mrs. Ken Bail, Firday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hartweli Lowery attended the Nestieton United Church Supper Saturday evening. Miss Ana Switzer and Master Douglas Switzer, Port Perry, were holiday viitors with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Low- Ail-Day Fruit Blossom Tour Sponsored by the GREAT PINE RIDGE TOURIST COUNCIL SuniaMayj 2Stb Toronto Bay of Quinte Part of the tour commences east of Bowmanville FOLLOW THE BIG PPLE eSIGN" There will bc apple produets fo rsmale- inceluding Cider, Pies, Jellies and Eating- Apples> Re Use 0f Fairgrounds The recent fire lu. the stables at the Fair Grounds lu Orono has forcibly brought to the attention of the Directors the, hazards that can be created by unauthor- ized people trespassing on the Fair Grounds. The Directors wili be pleased to reply promptly to any reasonable request for authorization te use the Grounds. Unauthorized use of the Grounds may resuit in legal proceedings being instituted against the person or persons concerned. CLARENCE TURNER, PRESIDENT, DURHAM CENTRAL FAIR BOARD. Board 0f Education Runsinto Road Block It would seem that the North- umb.erland-Durham County Board of Education hais reached another road block in its attempts to' build the proposed senior elemn- entary schooi at the western lim- its of Cobourg. Uitil now ail the objections have been coming from Hamilton. Township ratepayers and council members, but Cobourg bas now entered the scene with its own objections or conditions which are making it difficuit for the board to get a severance.from the Committee of Adjustmeut. A committee of adjustment hearing on the 'matter, was ad- journed until May 30, in order to give the parties concerned, the board, Cobourg town council, and tbe owners of the property -Rito Tnvestmnents Ltd., the opportun- ity to discuss or to settie an a- greement. Apparently the town had ait agreement to "land lock" tlw property ln the area of the school site for a number of years and if the board of education wishes to continue with its plans to buijd a scbool there it will bave to meet certain conditions. The conditions, according to un- officiai reports, will make it neajrly impossible for the board to go ahead with plans because of the increased finances they wilI require. An engineer's report on the property sent by Cobourg coun- cil to the committee of adjust- ment hearing was '"kept secret." The board requires. approval from the committee of adjust- ment to sever the land lu quest- ion. Committee of adjustment de- cisions bave to bec approved byý the, Ontario Municipal Board. KENDAL EAGLES HAVE A BAD INNING The Kendal Eagles basebali club were holding their own on Monday lu Kendal against Osh- awa until the seventh inni'ng when the game blew wide open for the visitors.- At the end of the sixth the game stood at 2-1 for Oshawa but this close feature was soon to end. With four fielding errors by Kendal along with a bases loaded home run, a triple and somie single hits, the game went de- cidedly to the Oshawa Club' with the score after nine innings end- ing at 12-3. Four Kendal players took to the mound for* duties: Raipli Kennedy, Paul Jones, Gary Coop- er and Don Mercer., This was the opening game for the Eagles this, year. The next home game is to be played Sait- urday,, May 27th. BASEBALL IN ORONO Baseb aîl opens up lu Orono this week with the Orono Tykes playing host to Thurlow on Sait- urday at 3:30 p.m. This is' the second game of a double-header for Saturday afternoon. In thc f irst game starting at 1:00 p ni. thue Orono Bantams face the Lindsay entry. The Orono Pee Wees paly their first gaine on Friday evehiing in the Orono Park when they meet Newcastle at 6:00 p.m. CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Crosley Wail-to-Wafl or Area Rugs Complete Une of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F. A. Kramp, Furniture Ltd. 37- 41 King St. East J Phone 623-7071 Bouwmanville Free Estimates Decorating Service IDr. W. R,,KentDDS Bowmanville Professional Bldg. 222 ing St. E. Suite 106 Office Hours: Weekdays: ~te 6 Except Wednesday Aiternoons Telephone 623-734. William c. Hall, B. comm. Chartered Accountont Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AUl day Wednesdayý and Saturday t The Couneil of the Municipality of the Township, of. Clarke The Couneil of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke hereby gives notice that it intends to pass a By-Law to close or stop-up the Road Allowances in the Township of Clarke, lu the Couaty of Durham, f ollowing. that is to say: 1. The unopened road allowance between Lots 10 and il in the Sixth Concession of the Townshipof Çlarke, County of Durham, extending front the southerly limit of thie said Sixth Concession to the northerly limit thereof. 2. The unopened road allowance between Lots 30 and 31 in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the soutlierly ýlimit of the said Ninth Concession to the northerly limit teef 3. That portion of the Road Allowance between Concession 7 and 8, in the Town- ship of Clarke, County of Durham fromn the westerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 7 easterly for a distance of Four Hundred and Thirteen feet (413') more or less on the northerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 7 and a distance of Three Runidred and Seventy- seven and Nineteen one-huadredths feet (377.191) front the westerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 8 on the southerly limit of the said Lot 35, Concession 8. 4. That portion of the allowance for road between Lots 16 and 17, Concession 8, Township of Clarke. lu the County of Durhaim, more particularly described as follows Commencing at a point in the said allowance for road distant northerly Two Thousand, One Hundred and Fifty feet (2,150') more or less front the north limit of the road allowance between Concession 7 and 8 thence northerly to the South limit of allowance for road between Concession 8 and 9. The unopened road allowance between Lot, 18 ani 19 ia the Eigth Concession of the Township of Clarke, Connty of Durham, extending fromt the sontherly limit of the said Eighth Concession to the northerly limit thereof. The said description to be subjeet to the approval for deeding Registrar of Deeds before incorporation lu the enabling by-law. And Take Notice that any inte rested party desiring, to make dlaim or to oppose the said By-Law will be heard ia person or by proxy at the meeting of the said Council to be held lu the Township Hall at Orono, Ont. on the 6th. day of June. 1972, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the morming. Dated this th. day of May 1972. B. W. Collins, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Admnistrator of the Municipality.