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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1972, p. 1

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'-'t- Orono Weekiy, -VOLUME 36, NUMBER 26 Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 28th, 1972 Py ribute To S. Rutherford Over 300 Enrol On Retirement 'From Teax nching S aturday afternoon many froni the avea and a distance attende d the "At Home" held in honour of Mr. S. B. Rutherford, who has re- tired from the teaching profes- sion., The "At Home" xvas held ini very familiar suroundings for Mr. Rlutherford, the- Clarke Higli ýSchool. The event was most informia) with Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford welcoming guests and reliving as- sociations either in the classî oomi ýor in the community. Lunch was served in the caf- eteria where tables were set and ah enjoyed fruit punch, dainty sandwiches, cookies and eakes. Miss Janice, Rutherford attend- ed the register. Mr. Rutherford was présented 'with a gold watchi by the students of Clarke High School. The pres- entation was made by Miss Kathy Lovekin, president of -the stuclý 'ents' couneil. Mr. Rutherford' of Clarke Tonhpstarted h is profes~sion as a teacher at the Crook"d Creek Public School. After four years teaching at ('rooked- (reck lie accepted a position feaching 1à~ Nakina. In 1946 hle refuirrîed to soûùther.t Ontario and taughit for four ycars at the Forest 1h11l Junior High Sehool. Prior to coin- in g to the Orono Iligli Sehool i 1951 lie spent one year teaching in Bowmanville. Uce was on staff at the Clarke High School since If was opened and for a nuniber of years was vice-principal Alfhough MV.r. Rutherford ha5; 'refired lfrorn hie teching profes- sion, lie will continue lus nctiv- ities ini the field of education. 1-e bias accepted a position wit[h the Northumberland and Dur- biniBoard' of Educalion and ivill -'work out of the head office in Cobourg. LOOKING FAVORABLE ON ORONO AREA SUBDIVISION Council members of the Town- ship of Carke along wifh Town- ship officiais viewed, lasf weck, 'developmenfs in the Toronto a nd Woodstock area which have been undertaken by Home Smith En- terprises. This company plans te ,develop the 83-lot sub-division and construct prpfabricatced bouses norfh. of the Orono Cern- etery and are anxious to start the Plan T o Expand, Rice Lake Park The Ganaraska Conservation Authority Park which tal<es in the old Bamsey property on the south shore of Rice Lake may be extended by 100>feet aiong the shoreline. At a special planning meeting held recently, Hamilton Town- ship Council expressed no oppo- sition to the idea of the Conser- vation Authority taking over the lot which the municipaiity owns beside the Bamsey propcrty. Counillor Alen Dines, a nîem- ber of the Conservation Author- ity, presented the proI)osal to Couneil. Hie said. "We have about 100 feet of property east of the Bain- sey property which is supposedl to be éuse~d as parkland for the subdivision. "The Authority would like to take in this, land and add it onto this land. At present we are unable to care 'for if as a park and the Authority would fence it wîth posts wide enough apart to walk through from the subdivis- ion", vr. Dines said. Deputy-Reeve Foster Russel expressed agreement with the idea and said, "They wouid pol- ice it and look after it and th e people of the subdivision wouid. stili have the use of it." I "If would be an assef to their presenit park," Reeve Charles project as soon as possible. The, group frorn Clarke viewed the type of bouses whiclî are f0t be buît in the Orono area as well as touring the plant wbere thue bouses are asscmbied. Council members, who were asked, werc in favour of the type of devciop- ment and satisfied with the type of deve]oprnenf. Council heid a special meetinig on Monday evening fo discuss fhe sub-division agreement bv- law and gave authorifty to their solicit or to prepare a draft to be considcrcd ton) ght, Wédnesday. lietwccn the two groups. 1Final signing is expecfed on Tuesday, JuIy 4th. In Orono Swiniming Tlhe Orono Water Safcfy and Swimmîng Club beld their regis- tration for swimming on Wcdnes- day evening oh last week at the Oroino Pire Hall. Close ho 325 eildren werc cnrolcd lanfthc program wbich begins this coin- ing Monday 'at the Orono Swimý ming Pool, Classes for learners, beginners and tadpoles are fillcd fo capac- ity. Classes bein at 8:30 in flic morniag and continue until 1:00 Mrs. Shirley Reynolds and ber son Steven Reynolds are'flic bead instructors for fthe program which continues for flirce wecks In July. Burvrison said. "Maybc we couid vent if fo tliem for, a 'dollar a ycar?" Council agrecd Iliat Mv. Dines could take their couiments back fo flue Aufhority whielh couid fluen make furfhcr arangemenfs about how flic park shouid lic tîken over, Lorde Seeks Public "View On Growth Port Hope residents are going f0 gef flic opporfunify f0 take p>art in an "indivual opinion poil" sponisored by flic Lake Ont ario Ilegional Devclopmenf Council on J)arcy McKeougb's "Prospects for flic Lake Ontario Region." The questionnaire sheets will lie distribufcd to residents oh the municipalifies and rural areas ini flic eiglif comnties invoived in flic region -plans., -> 1 > A leffer which accompanies flic questionnaires urges rcsid- cats to rend "Prospects for tlic Lake Ontario Region" which will lic cnciosed and then stafe their opinions. f a fIc h letter, Don Rodgers, president oh LORDC, asks sever- ai' questions sucli as, "are you safisfied with living conditions fthc way thcy are la your corn- rnunity? Would you like your farnily to Coniînue f0 live in fhis aven? "JODRDO is xvorking fo make this region btheîvay ifs peopîle want itfto lie, foday and foi' gen- erations to corne. You can help hy tciling us what you wanf," Mr. Rodgers states. Mr. and Mvs. S. B. Rutrerford yea rs in the teacbing prohessîon. Miss Kathy Lovekin prcsented ave picturcd above during the M.Rtefr ihagl ac "At Homne" held in honour oh Mr. The At Home was bcd Saturday on.Ruehaf ord th atudent body. RFutherford following tliitry-seven at the Clarke High Sehool. McKeough Pulls No Punchs States Reeve 0f Clarke Reeve John Stone, wlîo attend- cd' the founding convention of the Association of Municipalities of Ontfario four days lasf weekI la Ottawa, stated that the Hon. Darcy McKeough, Minister of tie Treasury and Municipal Affairs, was the guest speaker and in a nearly two hour speech pullcd rio punches. 2500 delegates were present from across Ontario at the convention. Ileeve Stone stated that Me- Keough, in bis address, said that a regional goverrnment staîf. would begin in January of 1973. for Northumberland and Durbani as well as the County of Ontario. 'The rest of the province will be affected by '1975 stated the speak- er. Reeve Stone said it was unus- ual that the guest speaker at ftic convention was speaking during the first day. HIe feif fuis was purposely planned to add lin- petous to the meeting and to give evcryone. the opportunty todi cuiss flic iinister's proposais. Iteeve Stone also commrenfed tluît fthe working plans for a possibule Northumnberland-'Durhamrn rgiou would bc prcsented in January of 19713 and that during the year the st ructure' rnay lie completed with elections for a regional govern- iîeuît for 1974. 'l'lîe lon. Mr. McKeoughi, in his Ottawa address, nvoided flhe terini "regional goverament" which bas apparcntly fallen in disfavour. The ininistcr said that a proposai for the rationalization of North- umrberland and Durhamn will be nmade this hall. Foltowing the "proposais" for restructuring oh government in N orthumberland and D)urham ithe goveriimient- wiii pause for awhile to hear the local response and final proposais couid he prepared and introduced to thei legisiat ove by Janîîary 1Jpon askîng Ileeve Stone if lie was surpvised by the announce- nient by McKeoîîgh la Ottawa in the liglit ofhbis former announce- nients in Peterborough and Port Hope whcre there was toelie a lot of local input and sonietime Iwefore regional governrncnt, came into effeet in the area? Reeve Stone said ie was not suirprised. ITe pointed ouft that the Province lîad been pushing regio nai gov- ernmcnt very strongly before t he eleefion. The mandate by the cl- ectorafe toefthc Provincial gov- crnment gave' them "'al lich gunls te go abcad", said the liceve. The Ileeve aiso siid that hie iwas not srîrpriscd thaft, te decision wiI lic handed dlown fromn the Prov>- incial Government. liceve Stone aiso st aI d that MeKeough urged those munici- palifies who are working on an officiai plan te continue in their jfforts'. Tl'4ose municipalitier, who are not working on a plan xiii ho frozen as to developinent. Clarke Township is presently working on their official plan. The Reeve said therè is a lot of work to e idcone if regional government is coming. Ile said it wil require experience and sound judgement. Ile is bopehul thaf Clarke Teîwngîhip cati lie- corne a huli for this area. Durha.m NDPs Did No?' Commit Delegate On Waffles Last Wednesday cvening the rnembership of the Durhamn NDP Riding Association were address- cd by opposing speakers in re- gards the Wafflc movernent with- in the NDP party at a meeting held in Kirby Public Sehool. A lively question and opinion per- lod also existed affer the f wo speakers bad presented their views. The meeting, following flbc dis- cussion, did not f ake a definife stand for or against the pr opos- cd council proposai to outlaw flic Wahfle group within flic NDP Party.,The Durharn delegate, Wil- mer fis of Hlampt on, was left uncommitted and would vote as hie saw fit at the week-end confer- ence in Orillia. Tervy Morley of iKingston pre- scnted the NI)P Provincial Coun- cil view af flic Kivrby meeting stating fliaf the Waffle issue was one, of deep emotion. H-e raid the proposed conîvention vesoiîî- fion did nof mean the expulsion of the Waf hie gvoup froni flie NDP but ratixer fhiaf thîey nîust disliand as a party wifbin ftic NI)P Party. Morley said f liat flic Wafhlc grouip lad threafened f0 leave flic party but onflic othcî- hand lie eiuid sec others lcaving flic p:irty if fhiey, (the Wahles) werp lefrt to conîtinuîe 10 operale in flic preserit manner. Compromise, lie ';aid, was unacci'ptaiule f0 hoth groups. He said nio matter whiaf \vasi donc if xvould bc an unconi- fo-table situathin. He saw no other course luit to disliand flic Wazffie gu oup for lic couid not sec fthe NIP Party heing a party xw) tliotlft te sujpport of flic fîade uiiionisf. lie feif that the Waffles coîîljd live witlîin the party aîid, hoped thîey would notý take ouf flîcir nxeibersiîip. Stephen Penner of Toronto, presenting the Wafle, side stated fluat lic was awarc of the prob- hem fliat thc group bad caused tlic NDP Part y. Hie said the Waf- fies stand for an Indepeadent Socialîst Canada and wanted fe sec flic party ni(ve f0 the leht. If was his opinion thiat if the Waffles were expelled frorn the pavty that at least one-third of theic nîernbcrstiip woîîld Icave flic paî fy. Penner saîd lhe could sec no reason wlîy a group could not oi-ganiizc wifbin thc party lie- cause in no ot;bcr wny could ant effective noise lue icard. lie poinfed toefthc trade-unionists who ini fact aie an organzed gronp iiiin flic party. lc said everyone wvas figbfing four fte life of the prîty and' ibat flic Wafflc group was not flic offly group leaning toeflic left. Peaner sfated Ihat flic Wafflcs wiuuld accept a compromise. lHe also sfated that 64% of fthc riding associations are opposed to the council report but he addcd fluat fuis does nof mean Ilicy support flhc Waf fies. The riding associa- tions bave 120 delegafes of the frade uniiioi';ýts, lie said. The vast trade-union group n lmrany cases does not eleef their delegafes, nov lie said -,are fbey thal active wifh' ln the parfy. Hie said fthc Wafhlc group has had some oh ifs views accepfed and its candidates in fhe, past clection had donc real well considcring the faef thaf the NDP Party had not given them anïy support. Wilrner Hi il, Durhamn delegate, stated thaf fl'ue Wafflc group group, could nôf continue as if bas la the past but as a deegate be was nof cornmitted f0 eitlîcr side at this fime. Hie said lie would have to sec what would develop at the Orillia meeting be- fore making a decision. The Kir- by meeting left the decision to theii' delegate.

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