ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, 'WEÈD'NSDA&Y,, lUNE 2&hi, 19'i2 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES P M mey ý èm i. 923oe Kendal News A m0st successful Sunday Sehool Picnic was held at the home of Mr. Len Falls, Vie super- intendent, on Monday evening, June 26. They gathered at the sehool at 5 p.m. and the ramn draps began to faîl. They drove to Len's home and were invited ta corne in. About, forty old and young enjoyed a wonderful lunch, When it was cleared away the rain'had gone s0 everyone went eut on the beautiful level lawn and the well-planned races were enjoyed by ail. The prizes were numerous and original. Then the children enjoyed the various gamnes with tennis rackets and ba dminton birds, with quoits and foot baîl1s. Then Mrs. 'K. Wood and. Mr. M. Wagar played on their guitars while. an old fashioned sing song was enjoyed by young and old as they watched the set- ting sun conclude a happy event. Misses Ann and Peggy Foster attended the wedding of Marjorie Murphy and Harold McHolm in St. Joseph's Roman Catholie ChuÇrh in Bowmanville on Sat- urday, - June 24th. Ann has now retum'ned to hier summer employ- ment in London, Mr. Gordon Youngman of Cal- gary, Alberta visited his brother Mr. Robt. Youngman and family last weck. He had come down to attend a family wedding on June 17th. The Public Sehool children of Clarke Township held their an- fluai Field Day in Kendal Park on June 27. It was postpoued £rom last week 'becanse of the heavy rains., The weather was per- fect on the 27th. The Brownies wcre camping last weekend, June 24th. We hear that the heavy rains dampened the pleasure of this event. ýBetter weather ncxt time they hope. Drý. andW Mrs. Normnan Macken- zie, are holidaying at their sum- mer homecast of Kendal, The' Kendal Women's Institute met at the home of the president Mrs. J. Henderson on Thursday evcning, June_ 21 at 8 p.m. with eight members present and one visitor. The meeting opened with the singing of the Ode. Mrs. A. Low read - the minutes and Mrs, H. You need neyer buy another rnuff ler again! " Midaà Mufflers are guaran- teed, for as long as yon own the car, with free installa. tien at 600) shaps ia North America. " Custom pipe bending fer foreigu, antique and Amer- ican maade cars. We instail mufflers for a living We have to do a better job. meet your MIDAS menata: OSAW open the hall. The grand opcning took place September 7,.1860. He arrivcd by steamer at 9:30 p.m. The town was beautifullyý lit up by gas and candie ligit lHc rode in a. carniage drawn by some lead- ing citizens cearrying flaming tom- d',es, On ecd side of thc street vere the cavalry regiment, the artillcry regiment and the valua- teer rifles. After the speeches on the raîsed p]atforms the prince rctired into Victoria Hall ta the cheers of 20,000 People. About midnigit the great bail got un- dcrway. Tic ballroom waS richly decor- Foster gave a report on fie fin- ances. Mrs. G. Cathcart convenor for Education and Cultural Activit- ies took charge of the meeting. Tic motto bcing: Remove not the ancicut landmark which tiy fathers have set. Provcrbs 22: 28. The Roll Caîl was 'anme a public building or home that has historie intercst and you feel that it siould, be saved and, if necessary rcnovated .for future gencmationfs. This brought a fine response and includcd the home owncd by .Mrs. T. Garbutt with its pictur- esque appearance and winding stairway the old city hall Toron- to, a Gooderham and Worts Brew ery with beautiful stone work'set off by itself and several otier buildings. Tien Mrs. Catheant 'showedt them a picture of Victoria College Cobourg, now tic Ontario Mental Hospital. Fisiermen and sailors have us- cd this as a land mark ta guide' their siips into Cobourg harbour for the last one hundred and thirty-six years. Dr. Egerfon Ry- erson was its firstpresident. He ater was the founder of aur Pro- vincial educational system. Sic now siowed ficm a pictume of Victoria Hall, Cobourg. This is, the town hall of Cobourg situat- cd la the wcsf end of the Main street. La tic eightecn fifties, people thougit Cobourg was go- ing to be a'cify. Tiey built a rail- way ta Pcfterborough and tic Grand Trunk wcnt through Cob- ourg on its way ta Chicago. Thcy wantcd a' town hall worthy of a city. It was ta cost $110,000. The Prince of Wales was invitcd ta Durha*m'Colleg'eW ated with blue and scarlet drap- cies. Tiere were royal chairs and, ,ted scats for the company. Mcm- bers of the -Cobourg Cavalry in scarlet coats and brass helmets witi drawn swords guarded tic doors. Tic prince, as fond of dan- cing aS his grandson, Edward 8th entercd into the spirit of the bal wti great enthusiasm. A delic- ious spper was served about 2:30 p.m. t was daylight before if en- ded with the Royal Party driven two miles wcst ta the rame of Hon. Sydney Smith. Aftcr a short rcst the Royal party proceeded, amid cheers and an artillery sal- A SAFE AND HAPPY WEEK-END AND D)omini'on Day Vacation Specials BAND AIDS, 100's. $1.17 DIOVAL Liq., - Tab. $1.99 ACTIFED Tabs,, 24's $1.74. CLOSE-UP Toothpaste 2 for ..... 77c DETTOL .....------- 77e J and J BABY POWDER 14oz . ..................$1.16 AYDS 30 day supply $3.15 NOXZEMA 6 oz. spee. 99e Bayer ASPIRIN, 160's- 87e FILM - AUl Sizes - Real Saviags OLD SPICE After 'Shave .........$1.99 OLD SPICE Stick Deodaraut----- $1.33 TAME Spray-ou Riase $1.34 BRECK Shampao, 15 oz..... $1,99 Serviettes, white 150's' 49e PAPFR PLATES 100's 99e COPPERTONE Cream - Oul . ...... $1.69 GUARD Spray ....... $1.79 CALADRYL, 6 oz. $1,57 STUTT'S PHARMACY Orono, Phone 983-5009 - ReraiingDivision COURSES FOR ADULTS Check, this list of full time courses starting July le at Durham College's Retraining Division. Completion of them will imprave your job oppartunities. Courses are from 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Moaday through Friday, STARTING JULY lth Drafting Instruction is given in mechanical and architectural draftiag, blue print readiag and mathemnatics. Course ruiis 40 weeks, STARTING JULV 24th Marine Meehanics and Small Powered Equipmcnt Practical training in the repair and maintenance of power mowers, farm equipment, eut- board and inboard marineengines, skidoos, and power saws. Course mus 40 weeks. STARTING JULY 3lst Welder FlUter Practical Training in welding techniques, including are, acetelyne M.I.G. and T.I.G. welding.,Course mus 40 weeks. STARTING AIJGUST 7th Appliance Servicing Practical tra ining in the repair of ail small appliances (toasters> irons, vacuum dlean- ers, mixers.) Aiso training in the repair of major appliances (stoves, refrigeratars, washlng machines, dryers, and vendlng machines.) CONTINUOUS INTAKE PROGRAMME These programmes are organized te accommodate new entrants throughout the year. Therefore, a persan can join them anytime. Academie Upgrading Elemeutary Sehool Completion, Grade Levels 9 ta 12 - Each level aormaliy takea 16 w~eeks ta complete but if a stud- eut is willing ta work hard eaough with aur new concept of individual learning, he eau complete a grade la less time. Commercial Training Our Commercial Departmeat offers training ln Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Business Mathematies, Business Correspondeace, Courses ean be arranged for periods of t. n wecks and longer depeudiug on the time required ta rcach a level of proficiency to en able a studeut ta obtala employment. I DID YOU KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TRAINING ALLOWANCES? FOR DETAILS CONSULT YOUR LOCAL I CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE If you are not digible for Canada Manpower Assistance you may enrollinl a 16-week course for $40.00, or 40-week course for $120. Ta ensure aceeptance ou course contact îmmediately. MR. R. MALONE THE RETRAINING DIVISION DURHAM COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY SIMCOIE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO. TELEPHONE 576-0210 LCL 228, 234, 227 ute ,by the Cobourg - Peterbor- ough railWay to llarwood. CroSs- in iice Lake on the steamer, Otonabee to Hiawatha. There the, Indians had erected an arcli, the band played 'God Save the King, th e chief, aged 100 years, presen- ted an a4jdress and the Indian wo- men gave him some exquisite baskets to take home to their Queen. Then the Royal party wcnt by train to Peterborough. Oni June 6, 1972, Premier Wm. Davis re- laid the corner stone of Victoria Hall. A committee of local citi- zens' was formed and they plan a nation-wide campaign to raise $1.7 million to restore Victoria. Hall, which is considered one of the fincst examples of Georgia&. architecture in a public building in Canada. Brigham Pipe THE FINEST NAME IN PIPES Exclusive Maple wood DîffI- latar remoye -ngue bit a"d julce. Ideal for beginners. Treasured, by seasoned smokers. Priced $8.95 te $50.00 hMmAlT"iS BILLIARDS Orono, Ont. REAL 'ESTATEÉ LIMITED Bealter 234 Ring Street Eat Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronte 923-8174 Port Hove Office 88 5-4541 Fer prompt, courteoux. effle- eut service when buylng or semaig and for the largeot ne- ection of propertiez lm thse area Contact Orono Area RepresentAtl Roy Poster' 98-3-58 i Wifllam Turansky (Kendal) 983-5A, Ray Finnie (Bethany) 277-2 1Dane Pound 623-3965 1Roy Strowr 52 r Il' Bethawy 1