ORONO WEEKLY TIM, WEDNE8DAY,, lUNE 28th, 1972 8TH EASTERN ONTARIO STEAM & ANTIQUES HOW Antique Furniture - Weaving - Quilting Spinning - Model Steam Engines - Antique Cars Gas Tractors - Éit and Miss Engines FIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDA 1Y Juste 30, July.1, Compbellford Fairg rounods, Steani Pewered Sawsànilin operation Parades Daily - Old Tue Country 1musieî Cdekenz BarBQ A1 M*OMENT AND A MEMbltY FOR EVERV*ONE Holiday Swimming Time Table EFFECTIVE JULY 3rd, 1972 BRONZE ....8:30 a.m, SENIORS ----- .....-.... 12:30 p.m. INTERMEDIATES I ........ ..... 9:30 a.m. INTERMEDIATES Il............... 10:15 am. JUNIORS 1 --I .................. 11:00 a.m. JUNIORS Il ................................. 11:30 am. JUNIORS Hni ...................... 12:00 a.m. BEGINNERS 1I .................... 9: 15 a.m. BEGINNERS il ........9:35 a.m. BEGINNERS, 1 _---II >--------- ..9:55 am. BEGINNERS -IV ..................10:15 a.m, LEARN TO SWIMI .... .....11:15 a.m. LEARN TO SWIM il ...._.........11:30 a.mù. LEARN TO SWIM III . ... ...... 11:45 a. TADPOLES, I . .......--- - -----------10:45 a.m. TADPOLES il...-->................. 11:00 a.m. Values FuJIy Cooked - Shank Portion Snaoked Hauts lb. 59c Ideal for the Barbecue - Tender - plump CHJCKEN . RALVES IUST HEAT AND BAT, HAM' SUCES lb. 89c SWIFT PREMIUM -by the piece - HOLOGNA lbo 390 FREEZERSPECL contausrasa stews, ground meats. Beef Chucks lb. 63c SWIFT PREMIUM 6 - ounce pkg. Usa Cokect 590 -BRANDED '(eut and wrapped) 125-150 lbs BEEF FRONTS, lb. 65c Swif4.,Premiumu Sweejt Pickled Cryovac haives COTTAGES ROLLS 69c SwRIfM ta'bas $1. CORNISH9S, Orono. Me. 55e Chase and Samboru Roasted. Cash yeur 10c. COUPON COFFIE lb. bug 79c Ail Occasion Cakes for blrthdays, etc 2 lb 4 oz Vachon Cakes ea. $169 ,Fruit Drink Powders FRESHIE 1 pkgs. 49c BICK'S ASSORTED 12 fi. oz. jars RELISH-ES 3 for 89c îNSTANT COFFEE lOoz.jar NESCAFE jar $1,73 ALLEN'S ASSORTED 48 fi. oz. tins FR UIT DRINKS 3 for $1 Open SATURDAY, JULY lst Phone 983>5201 Albert's Texaco GENERAL RIMAMS Fusn3-59 Om Kirby .News Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs David Rutherford (nee Mariiyn Trim) who were 'united in mar nrage at Orono United Church on' Saturday, June 24th. Miss Lorna Lowery is holiday- ing atCamp Quin-Mo-Lac, Madoc, thîs week. Ken dal Cubs had a wet weekend for their Cub camporee at Lang- iey' park near Peterboroughi. Un- der the ileadership of Mr. Chris O'Brien everyone was weii taken care of. On Monday evening Ken- dai cubs were hosts to Newcastle 'cubs for a bail game at Kendai. EV7eryone enjoyed the game. Do nuts and. pop was-served after the game. Mr. O'Brien, Mrs. Fowlen and O. Thirteill< were, presented pens for their leadership through the year. On Friday evening thegrade 8s of MnI. Staples roomn of Kirby Cen- tennial school, heid a graduating party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry. Wednesday evening- of this, week they wili be having their graduation dinner and exer- cises at the school. Mn. and'Mrs. Lawrence Harris and Charles'visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Doug Hird, Whitby, on Sun- day. Doug and Joyce have just returned from their tour of Ice- land. Congratulations' to Mr. William Forrest who neceived the first gold watch £rom General Motors for twenty-fîve years service. Rev. R. C. White of, Oshawa wiil be' our guest speaker this coming Sunday at, Kirby United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cruess of Oshawa and Miss Susan Bail were supper guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball., XMr. and- Mrs..,Wmn. Reid, Sr. returned home on, the week-endl froei a two-wee trip of the east coast. .,eek-en.d visitors with Wr. and Mrs. 'S. B. Itutherford were Dr. and Mns. Paul Rutherford, Sandy, Mary Ami, Martha, Pamnela and Jocelyn, Mrs. -Jo Ann Richards, M'arc, Scott and Michael, Mr. and Mrs., R. H. Liscomb, Heidi Jo and Patrick, Janice Ruthierford and* David Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bian ClJoiingwood. Saturday caliers in- cluded. Mr. and Mrs. George Jan- off, Ot ' aa, Mrs. J. E . Collins of Fergus; Mr and Mrs. George Coi- lins and chiidren, Burford; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cummins and children, Toronto; as weli as many neighbours and friends and atten- ded the At Home in Clarke High sehool in honour of Sid, Local News Mr. and' Mrs. Bal, John and Barbara of Aylmer visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs Joe Staples. Mr. and Mrs. -Ken Steele, Elien and David visited with Mrs. A. McNalIy last Saturday and Sun- day. Ail attended the Sullivan - Holmes wedding in Oshawa. The Orono Post'Office wiii be closed both Saturday and Monday, Juiy lst and 3rd. Mail will be dis- patched Monday at 5:00 p.m. To the Editor: In answer to the "Onlooker" If lie were paying more attention to his favourite game lie wouldn't notice the lady lence hoppers or their pant savers. The Fence Hoppers. Editor's Note - Maybe he is playing his favourite game- watching the fence hoppers. ORONO BANTAM S DEFEAT PORT HOPE TEAM, The Orono Bantams took a wel deserved victory over Port Hope on June 2th at the Orono dia- mond. Orono took a two-run edge over the visitors with an 8-6 win. Don Martin took the win on the Orono mound with nine strike outs and giving up only one walk. Gary Cox came into relieve in the last inning to continue to ilontain the Port Hope batters. Gary Cox was the real- utility man for Orono with four lits with fou4r trips to the plate. He also scored two of the Orono, runs. Gord Blaker scored two,:runs Iwith the femainderby Nicky van Seg- gelen, Tom Moffat, Don Martin and Jim Brennan. CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Crosley Wail-to-Wall or Area Rugs Complete lUne or Kitcheu Carpet, Hardsurfaceu F. A. kralmp Furniture Ltd. 37 - 41 King St. Badt Phone 823-7071 Bowmanvllle PFre. Estimates »ecOratlng Service Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING U4 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Phone 983-5728 Leska rd Welding AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 8 amn. - to - 5 p.m. Wonday through Saturday PHONE 983-5760 ratC. Wade Insurance àAgency GENERAL INSURANCE, BOX 82 Ne wtonvilie, Ontario Telephome 786-2921 Box 61,, Port Hope; Ontarlo Telephone 885-2288 BOB YEOMANfS PLUMBiNG 'AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations- Alterations Repafrs Slpeclaliring la Rot Water Hfeatlng Feed Air Heating Sejptic Tank Work 1.3 IOrene 9352 Building a flouse? or remodelllng your present ene, then contact Floyd Nicholson PICNIC SUPPLIES PLATES CUFS TABLE CLOTI4S CANNED DRINKS Store CI.sdl Mlonaay July 3rd Middletons iPhone 983-5049 ORtONO 1