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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1972, p. 4

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ý-ORONOý WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,, lUNE 2Sth,- 1972 I. 1/ LOGS FASHI Nýle Main Street ORONO Phone 983-9350 SLACIKS' Crimplene - Fortrel -- Knîts - Jeans - Stretch Denim in white, green, bue, lime, yeilow, denini blue, brown, coral and red. Sizes 8 te 20 $7.9 5 to $14.9 5 GIRLS- Gowas and Pyjamas Fuil. guaranteed cotton' ini shades of pink, bine, and tangerine. Sizes 8-14 LADIES Rot Paits, Derm Shirts, Gowns or Gowa and Dus- ter Sets in pink, blue, coral, mauve -yellow and green .. Sizes S, M, L $3.9-1 399 BOYS PYJAMASý Carefree and comfortable in blue, brown, green or navy Sizes a-l S -18 DURABLE - DEPENDABLE - FERMA PREST Clarke Township PUBLIC NOTICE This Council hereby designates July 3rd as a legal holidgy and that the Municipal Offices wili be closed on this day (in Hieu of JuIy lst which fails en a Saturday). Carried lune -20, 1972 Strawwwberriesý #4Yý Pick Your Own ORONO TuesdayThurodey Saturday, Sunday 9:00 a.m. te 9:00 p.m. Bring your own quarts ýor Srd lime Clarke purchase there .bd.Strawber 3rd line of Clarke, % mile West Of DX Gas Station~ on Ne. 2 Highway No. 115 NEWCASTLE rovo p'Ltd.' Phone 987w4563 Letter To The Editor Orono. Police, Trustees Receive Orne Applicationi Dear Mr. Forrester: Re: Ontario Senior Citizens Week and the ever inflated cost of living. Much has been donc for our Senior Citizens 'but there is mach YET to do. As you, Mr. Forrester pointed out in your editorial last week, -it is the courtesy andl con- sideration of one individual for anot.her that makes this earth stili very livable. There are maiîy ways in which we can ail make things a. littie more pleasant for our Senior Citizens. and I 're- spectfully suggest that the Clarke Public Library lead the way. Wc will soon' be holding another Open Ilouse for the Residents of Clarke Township, to show our two new rooms. This would be a good opportunity te show oui' regard, by reducing the cost of miembership cards, fifty per cent to aur Senior Cîtizens. Let the Hairdressers in this Township follow their couinter- parts on4the Wcst Coast by set- ting aside one day every week or one day cvery two weeks, for Senior Citizens to have their liair dressed at fifty per cent off al services. There are sure]y enou gh taxi's between Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville that one trip could be made at reduced fanes for aid- er people, possihly evei y tw'o weeks, ln order that those witli no means of transportation could get to- Bowmanville. Nobody lbS- es - Everybody gains. So ]et us as individuais tny'to extend aur appreciation of our Senior Citi7- ens ail fifty-two weekcs of the year. It would be appropriate 1 think at this time to quote part- of a speech made by Dr. Enrie WûalIk,,er, President of Penn. State Ûnvrity, during a graduating ceremony. He started, by point- ing to'the assembled guests of the graduatîng class. "r would like yoù t o lookc and sec some of thje nmst remankable people ever to waik the earth. These. your -Parents and Grand- parents> are the people who, wNithi- ini just fîve décades have, by, by their work increased' your life expectancy by appnokinately 50 per cent: who,' while cuttinig the working day'by a'third, have more than douhled per capita out- put. These are the people who have given you a heaithier world thant they found and because of thiF you no longer have ta fean cpi- demics of typhus, diptheria, smallpox, that they knew in their youth,, T.B. is almost unheard of. "Let me remind you that these remarkable 'people Iived through history's grcatest depression., Many of them know what it is to be poor, what it is to be hungry and cold. And because of this. they determined it would not happen to you, that you wouid have a better life. You would have food to eat, milk to drink, vitamins ta, nourish you, a warni home, better schools and greater opportunities to succeed than they had. "Because they have given yoti the best, you are the tallest, healthiest, brightest and probab- ly the best iookung generation to inhabit the land. And because they are materialistie, you will work fewer hours, learn more, have more leisure time, travel to more distant places aid have more of a. chance to follow your, life's -ambition. 1"These are the people »who fought man's grisliest war. They are the people who defeated the tyrany of Hitler and who, when, it was over, had the compassion tM nAnd billionens f dollars to Willia4m C. HallF, B. comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newmatle 987-4240 Ail day Wecnesday gnd Saturday SUIMMEIR 8CROOL at the Oshawa Busineês Cellege, Summer Training, for Business and Personal use. Get ýa head start oen yeur business career. Be more employable for future summer eiuployment! Acquire useful, personal skîlls! For The University Student Starting lune 5 for Ten Weeks " Forkner shorthand and Typ- ing Course " Typung' - Accouîting Bus- iness Machines " Comprehensive Typing Course For Students from Grades 6-7-8 Startlng JUlY 5 for 9 Weeks " Basic Typing and Bookkeep- ing Course " Personal Typewritiîg Course FREE Literature available up- on request. Get ail the facts- then ACT. Enrolment Is ui- iteL. DNal 728,-0052, MALCOLM C., BApRE'T, Principal 18 SÎmcoe St. North, Omba For The High Sehool. Studexat Startlng July 5 for 8 Weeks *Pdrsonal Shbi-thaz*Typing Course *Typing - Bookkeeping Bus- iness Machines Personal Typcwritlng Course Complete Business Courses " Accelerated Secretarial Course " Junior Secretarial Course " Business Admin istration Course " Stenographic Course' " Acoouuting Course " Clerk-Typist 'Course Individual Instruction la aU major skll subJets Job place- meat service for graduates of complete courses. f -~ SLEEPWEAR The Orono Police Trustees met on Monday evening when it was learned that only one application lîad heen received for thie posi- tion of traffic control officer. The Trustees are to interview the ap- plicant on Friday evening. A letter was received from Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tennant coi- plainung about the condition of the road ini front of their home. It was stated that the road was not the praper width or was it properly ditched. Water laid on the road and the writers had to phîone the road departmeîît on a number of occasions te have it snowplowed Iast year. Mr. Woodyard said tlîat Mr. D)on Tennaît was te do some work on the section of road ta lower the crown and create a small ditch but that the work hiad not been donc. The Trustees endorsed this work to be donce but tlîat no major work would lie undertaken this year on the sec- tion of road. Aîîthority was, given ta -have work done on the park hli road., Authority was also giv en to I ive the V at Main andi Mill strcet cle'îned, up. A viater rate of $?0009 a iouli wa sv et for the nen' Orono Public lôchool. 1'liechiirmsan,. I Forrester, askce that the mîeeting be called ofpro-nerty owners in the Station Street area to coîîsider the de- fining of this street under a a good many of the world's re- maining ilus".... READ 'IT ,,YOUNGER GENER- ATION AND DIGEST IT. Yours, Olga Beauchamp. proper by-law. Mr. Woodyard its to make arrangements for the meeting as soon as possible. Mr. Woodyard- stated that Mr. A. Johinson had approached him in connection with the construc- tion of, a fountain in the area of the pump-house at the north eni- trance into Orono. It was stated' that some in the area would as- sist with such a project if feas- ible. Mr. Nicholson said he would assist with the work. Costs are to be obtained ani the group is to, view 'a fountaun before any further action is taken. VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115, and 35 4~mile'south of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEK specialiilng in Pizza -Mel AIlso c-EdSeal DM IWRe, kentDD'ý Bowmanvilie Professional Bld 222 King St. E. Suite 106 Office Hours: Weelçdays: 9 to 6 Except Wednesday 'Afterno'nr Telephone 623-7349

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