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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jul 1972, p. 1

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O)rono .,Weekly e Times Clarke Ontario SchoIDrs 'VOLUME 36, NUMBER 28 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 121h, 1972 Technical Task Force Hope Towlship'l Turns Down Fire Formation Discussed Cnrc Representatives of the 1tegion- al 1)evelopmient Branch of the IDepartmient of Municipal Affairs joined with the political task force to discuss appointments to the techinica], task for ce recently. This is the first meeting t0 discuss the appointments to the technical task force which wll study the teehnical aspects of de- velopm(ent, from a local stand- point. The political task force, wlîich 'was appointed by Darcy Mc- 1(eough, provincial treasurer andl ininister of Municipal Affairs, is ecomprif.ed of Mayor Michael Wladyka, Port Hope; Mayor Jack 3Iennan of Coburg; Reeve Charles ilurrisoni of Hamilton Township; iteeve Ioward Quantrili of Hlope TYownshin: Warden Rlay Chatten of te United Counties and Mr. ltlcKcough limselfý Mr. lMeKT.eouigh iwas fot'present at the ineeting lield last Thursday but he was represented by Joe ('ittin ofthie ,Regional Develop- ment Brannh. Wher i e spoke ini Port 11ope on the I eclînical task force on June 15, Mr. McKeough said lie expecteil the teclinical task force to be sçt up within the year. Thursday's meeting was the first concrete discusion of indiv- id'uals to be appointed to that lask for-ce. Mr. MeKeouph said the task -force- should be composcd- of "People related f0 the municipal- :îes, wbo arc 'intimately aware of the problemns involved." In addition bo the four or- five ap-fpointees from te four munic-' i1aities involved Mr. McKé-ougli ýýaid the technical task force will also have representation from the Lake Ontario Regional Develop- -ment Council and when required], will include technical represent- atives fromn the various provincial departments. Ail costs directly, associated with the political and technicai task forces will bc borne by the government with the understand ing that commitments be made only with the approval of the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Inter-governmental Affairs. Once the two forces are in op- eration, Mr. McKeough said, and once the basic plans are laid, then the lwo bodies may bring in professional consultants when needed. Several steps in Dialogue for Development' have taken place since Mr. McKeouigh rcleased "Prospects for the Lake Ontario Region" report at a meeting held in Peterborough June 1. On June 15, Mr. Mc\IKeough came to breakfast with local municip)al officialinbPort IHope and after breakfast lie annotinced the political task force and held a press conference. Two weeks ýago on a Tuesday evening, the second step in the Dialogue took place when citizens of the four municipalities werc invited to discuss plans for devel-, opment with civil servants from the Regional Development Branch. Over 120 people attendect the meeting at which the civil serv- ants listened 10, opinions qf in- dividuals, and answcred questions. At that ineefing they assured those present that the type and size of development was entirely up to the people of the region. Thus within the month since the "Prospects for the Lake On- tario RegioIQ" plan was introduc- ed at Peterborough, the dialogue for development bas been mov- ing rapidly ahead towards more and more decisive stages. 350 Attend Oron o Chamber- Annual Beef Barbecue The Oronjo fLamber of Coi- xiierce iieid Iheir annual Beef Bar.-B-Q oin Wedrîcsday evening-of last week. The 'event, along with -ircxvorks, was most successful witb a îl icase ini attend- a nec. The Bar ll-Q, as usual,, vas a contînnniiity outing with those in altendance, enjoying good food and a friendis atmosohpre. The menu included delicious barbe- caed beef, hicans, baked potatoes, cole siaw, pickles, donuts', milk andi coffee. Tht-eu lundred and fifty tikects were sold anîd the Chamber ex- pects to net in lte neighbourhood of $15000' after paying cosi.s which wîll also incelude tîte cost of fireworks, whieh were ignited later in the evening by the Orono- Carke fire departmenit. -Mrs. Etta Mitz of iRR 5, Madoc wvon the fifty-fifty draw arnd re- ceived a suni of $150.00 in cash, Membcrship of the Chamber was out in force to give a hanul lu prcsenting the Bar-B-Q and tî; make bbc cvening a success. GanaaskaAuthority Sets 1"Exorbitant" rates offered by Port Hope for a new lire protec- lion contract in southern Hope Township were Iurned downî by Hope Township Council on 1ri. day. "This agreement is not -anl a- greement it is blaçkniail," Deputy Reeve Weslon Banister comment- ed, "Let's just forget the whole thing.," The fire Protection contraet. whieh had been in effect sinc(e May 1967, was terîminated at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday night. Earlier last weekýh a meeting was held betweeri the lire and lights committee of Port Hope Town Conci] and Hope Town- ship Councillors at wbich the termis of a new a-îgreejnent were discussed. A. letter outlining the terin: wvas rcceived froin Port Hope Couneillor Phillip Clýayton at I"ri- day's meeting, but in tîLe letter the counelllir said that thie ternis weî'e less than tîtose originally agreed upon by Couricil anîd lxvold hlave ho Le ratifi ti Lv Poî Hoe Cone' if accepted by Hope Towlishuî Counecil. T'he conttar t ommfed ho jopeý Trowitsiip e'ouil bavec overcd ait fics s<uth of llighway 401, but not on H.igh'Iway '40L Port HoPe asked for an annuad stand lby fee 0f $3,000.- wlîcther there xvere anly lires or not. lit addition to the stand-by fec i Lere wvoul d be a charge of $500) per fire Plus $100. per hour or Piort ion thereof 10 cover walles for te Port 'Hope Fire l)cpart- tment. Poirt hope ls skdfor ant e'xtra charge on ait cails made on Vie Port h Iope communications sYstern wbiclh wcre notfire calis. According t10 Hope lownslîip conncillot's, Councillor Ciayton bad originally asked for $750. per filic, but lîad Iowered that rt-e [o $500 per~ fire. Under lte old contract tbe tow nshîip paid the toxvn $200 for .'aClîf ire the Port Hlope Fire De- parfiment coveredinhiLe townshilp and $50 per-bour for eachi fire. Afterlîeliaring the termns out- lined. in the letter Hope Towniship Counicillor Latirent Leonl said, "Those rates are ridicuilous, tell flin 1.0jusi foi-get it!" "9iIStead of o-îving these exorL,) itanf rates whieh would huy Port 1 tope anotiter fire tr uck vte can Luy, ouir f ire di ourtrient another imniper and build a hay dovvi ini lte south eind," Deptity-revc Mreston Bani',ler said. ('ouneil thien dopi cd aa resolku- [loti which slated that, "in viecw ofthîe e-so;rbitant rates outlined in the letti r received June 22 from lte tovvi of Port ilopr)e liec it resolved tîtat Hope Townshiîp 'iiI CcePt respoitsihility for fit- pri o)eci ion covc(rinig ai] of Hope Tow'nship, as weii as the souttL- et-n tvotliir-ds of lte township mIhich was forinerly covered by lte tùwn of Port H-ople. Regula'tions For, AreasCoecigA The Ganaraska Region Conser- vation Autbority at their recent meeting, passed regulations whichi -wîl govern the use of lands~ owned by the Ganaraska Conser- valion Authority. The regula-- fions are intended to control lte hssafesl and most orderly use Lthe Conservation areas by the ýt-ublic- and ho stimulate the best -dministration of the areas bav- .7"g regard ho the conservationi, iestoration and tlevcbopmcnt of ,he natural resources of the areas. The regulahions give authority hoc control damage 10 propertY or the destruction of trees or shrubs. It also eliminates hujnting and the firiiig of firearms unless ini a specifie designated at-ca or un- der the condition of an Authority permit. No pets are ho bc aliowed ho i-un at large and bbc regula- lions also set the hours oif use from 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. For the camping area, Garden 1h11l, tîte icngtb of stav was liiti- ib,"d tut seven days with a daiiy charge of $1.50. Snowmobiling in lte at-cas aise came up for discussion with te majorlty favouring the use of the conservation areas for suchi use. The Autborîty did, bowever, pro- (Continued page 6) Error Last week lnu Matt's Billiards and Bat-Lotsfiop adveî-tisernent we statedIliat the store wouid ho closed for lîolidays from July 22 to August 6tit. Tlhis is in error as the store and biliard Iîarliiur -eiti i naiii o eit dut-ing this poî-ioîi Tiieto e wi liowever, ho rio baî-bcring as Mr. Snehders iîs joining bis, wifc and bwo daugliteis who bave been vis- iting iit Holland. TJhe barbershop only, will be closed fron July 22nd ho Atîguis 6th., SUSAN WALTON 92.5% Susan Wallon with 92.5% top- ped her graduatîng class ah the Clarke Highi School. Susan is the daugh4mr of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wallon, Newcastle. MARY PATERSON 86.7% Mary is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson Qf New- castle. BRENDA HENDERSON 89%/ Brenda is the daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Trueman -Henderson of Newtonville. EVELENE BROWN 85.7% Evelene is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bown, Orono. ARLENE MUNRO 80.5% JOAN CALL 80.3% Arlene is the daugbler of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Munro, New- Joan is, the daughter of Mr. and castle. Mrs. Wm. Caîl, Newcastle. Newf Senior Public School [nu Old Bowmanville H.S. 'lite oli hîghi scitool building in' Iiýourifldi\ il w ili "defîiels' lieconrie a ri (., m senior public 'eîtl,"hid A] StrI ke (lite of the ad hoc 'committce formed tb igate disposai of lte .structure. The question now, he said, is 1)iom big the ~building \vilibc, lioou' moiel i olte original struci, tire will reinain anîd how big a 't 'ident popuii-îtion t ýil xs'iiiold. "T-hey have te gel the riew Clarke Schoo1 settled fit-st, said IMJ. tStrilce, 'l th-"eîe size of tat tieter nîires w hether we have to lIake ary stridents from New-, castle and places like that." Necetaîary renovalions hav'e been eslimnated tb cosl $900,000, "ýand as trustees, wc won'l go for that," bie added. Accordîng ho an ititetlini re- port, filled with tLe Board of hiducitîlttoni, te roof on the 1890 section of the scbool is iii bad shape, and there is some debate as bo whether il should bie me placcd or that section of the structure lot- down. Some neîv ad ditions' are also considered îîecessary according ho the reinort. "'Tbe good thing about rerio- valions", said Mr. Sirike, "is ltaI they can bie carried on aIl] inter but thcy haveto gel the Clarke Scbool setticd first, because thal is new construction and is goinig 10 dcpend' on the wcather. However, the malter' is finally sethled, bbe new sehool will go mbt operation in Septeniber 1973.

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