ORONê WEEKLY T1MfS> WEDNEISDY * JLY 1U, 02 OONO WEEKLY TIMES MM£ mmma-usnam u - moâfaw OR7g2mdw39 n u<b e pwn*ts m"- bu- fmà ot i.Pam 0-» A CREDIA TO KENDAL The Harveýy Jackson Mémorial Park in Kendal is certainly an asset to the Kendal comimunity as well as te, the township as a whole. It serves mnaiuly as a piay area and over tlhe years has hosted thousancts cf bail garies. This year again'the park is the home for two teams, the Inter- mediates and the Juniors. Through the efforts of the Kendal area citizeus the park does ' have one cf the best lall diapxonds ln the edist- rict. The diamotid with ail its facîlities is the result of inuch volunteer labour and help. To the many êpectators who attend games in Keudalý the mosti mpressive feature is thec peatness of the park. One can see ne weds or long grass as the grounds are wefl manicijred and cared for. We understand titis is maily through the efforts cf Mr. Roy Sleep aud he is certainly te bec cngratulated. The park operation is financed through the Keudal .Eecreation Associationi who obtain their funds thrcugh ant aýnnual carnival which, iucideutally, is being held tonight, Wýjednesday, July l2th. You still have time to get there te give your support te this group interested in their corn- $315 ?MILLION BEING SPENT if dellars and cents mean anything the health cf Lake Ontario should imyrove in the near future. This year a total cf $15 million is beinig spent in. researchi on Uic 'waters aud pollution aspects cf Lake Ontario. Tihis survey involvýes,.600 scientists, engineers, surveyors'and technicians as well as five major researcht vesel and numerous bucys and tiower5. The survey will be a great helit in directing monies and efforts in the boig Cdean11-up cf 1tehe lke wiich like Lake E-rie fias beengrig siçk under our very eyes. Suc!) acts as daumping, 18,000 tons cf phojsphate as well asra sewage fromi Niagara Falls, N..and imany cases cf industrial ýwaste mu,,st stop if' Canaçians sand Arnl- enicans are te enjey this g-reat body cof water botitfo survival and pleasure. t is encouraging te note the efforts now underway and it is te be hoped when the survey is completed and the facts kznown that the political envirouimenit can surge ahead to correct the problemis cf Vic water supply in the Great Lakes. WELL SAID, MR., CARTON Three cheers for Gordon Carton! Speaking at the ,-Ontario Safety Leaguè citation luncheon (two days alter tce Dominion Day weekend holiday during which 29 people were killed on Ontario rcads)l he said: "The major.ity cf Ontarîo's drivers seem te divest themselves cf their sanity- onice they get themselves behind a steeriug wý,heel." Se true, but toc bany cf the province's motonists are iridifferenitot such warnings, even from he, transport and communications ptinister. They wo't react te wcrds or .tatisties. Take 197~1 for example, Traffic fatalities jumped 15 Iper cent over the previeus year. Personal injuries r9se 13 per cent aud collisions were up 12 per cent over 1970. One thing remains, however distasteful - touglier traffie laws. That's precisely what th e minister lias in mind. His department'is lcoking at such things as compulsory aunual vehicle inspection, compulsory use cf seat beits, lîcensing cf drivint scitools, psyhological testiug cf licence applicants, plus reexamination of ail drivers. Where did we go wrong? The province has highly advauced -accident prevention legisiation and safety pro- motion.,It lias police forces that arceuvied by many count- erpart organizaticus cutside the province, It aise has the co-eperation cf dedi cated organizations like the Ontario Safety League. But, opviously,' this isn's enougli. Statistics don't lie, and as Mr. Carton says: "Yet, we cannot say that the major- ity cf drivers are safety conscious. To put it another way, driviug todaylias becs compared to the law cf the asphait jungle - where the law-abiding mctcrist becomes the Victîm?" One, other thing would help - more maximum sent- ences for those who violate traffic safety regulatieus. -Oshawa Times NEW CAMPSITE R~EGISTRA- TION IN ELEVEN PABKS This sumimer, il provincial parks in Southeru Ontario, nameiy Pinery, Ipperwash, Rondeau, 'Cy- prus.Lake, Fitzroy, Rideau, Dýar- lington, Presqu'ile, Earl Rowe, Grundy and Outiet Beach, will re- quire a camper to choose his site under ýa pre-selection system of registration. Tried on an. experimental basis during last summer's camping season,' the system was found to be advantageous to both the park visitor aud' for the park manage- ment. JUnder the. plan, a camper arriving at the campground office wil select an unoccupicd site, ob- tain his permit and then drive directly to the chosen, location. If his choice is unsuitable he must returru to the office and change the registration before occupying an alternate site. A large map ý,will permit the camper 'to. instantly sec and se- late 'each available site to al Park facilitiee and features includ- ing water,ý toilets and beach. Parks branch staff, of the min- istry of natural resources, point out that the new system has certain important advautages to NOXZEMA Regular $1.35 S99C. J-J BABY OIL 9 ounce 99C. BAND AIDS 100's 99e. UNIVAL ANTACID 1$1.57 LISTERINE 20 ounce $1.57 KAO CON' 6 ounce 99C. Orono, for camper to search, out vacant campsites. Campers can now pro- ceed diirectlyto selected çampsite,' a considerable reduction in the vehicle traffic on campground roads; only registered campers or their registered visitqrs may en- ter the campground area; up to the minute information on camp- sites which have been vacated; and împi7oved registration of cam- pers, especially important in le- cating campers in emergencies. Thestaff in any of the il parks, will be pleased to provide addi- tional informn'ation aud exe~ain thîs revised system which should assist the camper'to obtaina suit- able sitewith a minimum of delay PROPOSE MARKETING AGENCY FOR CORN The Ontario Fedieration of Ag- riculture decided last week tô pursue plans for a marketing a- gency to regulate Ontario grain coru. .The Federation's Board of Dir- ectors has înstructed its execu- tive.committee to meet with AgÉ- riculture Minister Win. Stewart, the Ontario Farm F'ýoducts Mvar- ketiIQg Board and the Onltarlo Corn Council, to discuss the proposail. BUFFERIN $1.37 BAN SPRAY DEOD. 5 ounce $1.19 SOFTIQUE V.O. 5 ITAIR SPRAY 7 ounce Phone 983-5009 s0 /car fo a ÏriJ's teari.. The Bo..uquet Invitation Uine Good taste needn't be expensive.- Our beautiful Bouquet Invitation LUne proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanshïp you could wish for!' Ir features Thermo- Engraving*-rich raised Iettering-elegant as the finest craftsmanship- yet costing sa littie! Coe seour unusuaI selection. O-Y;e f,6 Iwo weeL lf:ý~ i Oreo Wee13r Tures Undr th Fedration plan, -a farmer - controlled markoeting board wouki establish a multiple pricing systemi for cornl. Federa- tion President Gordon Hlli said in Toronto that corn grewers must begin merchandistiqg their corn more professionally. Why should breakfast cereal manufac- turers pay only a dollar a bushel for corn," he asked "when they seli it back to us as corn flakes at a dollar for a few ounces?7. These people should start paying what the corn is worth to them.- The propo sed corn marketing board would work closcly with. the Ontario Corn Council and its grain trade representatives. "The- corn industry is enormously cern- plex," Hll said. "We need the experience thattrade people have. to offer" Holday Notice ,Matis Barbershup wilI be closed JuIy 22nd te Agst ôth The Store and Billiards Hall wiil remain open during this period. MATTS BILLIARDS Gad Barbe-rshopi Orono, Ont, W. FRANK REAL 'ESTATE LIMITED M3 King Street East B owmanvifle 62-3398 Toronto 9U39174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteouxs, effld- ent sîervice when buyfrg or seling. and for the largest sel- eetloiiof propertles In 'the Contact Orono Area Representatlveg k' Sum mmer Savings. Photo Supplies Sun Tan ýPrep. STUTT'S PHARMACY Y» 71, ý-l