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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jul 1972, p. 3

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ORIOWEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, 1972 .l and Nirs. Lawrence Green- wood went Vo St. Catharines on1 Saturday to visit his sistci anîd ber husband Mr. and Mrs. IRay Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer eni- joyed their motor trip tbNw Brunswick with ber, si - -YTi s Hilda Holden and Mr. and Mrs. H-an y Mercer. Sympathy is ýextended te' Mr. Arthur Martens of Keadal We,,. t in the loss of hiq mother Mrs. A. MWartens of Orono who pass'ed awaày July 14 in Bowmanville liospitai. Rev. T. Sneigrove read the 9bth chapter of bbc Ats of bbe Apost- les to ver-e twerty 1lie told lîow Ananiasi entered into the bouse en Straight Street. God had given blm a veîy difficultt b-nk. liom could lie go and help a mai who had cone bu persecute Iiiirn! A coloured girl had become ai Christian. lier testimouy ia "C hiist nmade me able to, forgýive the Man whomurdered my father. Ananias was able te say, "Brother Saul receive thv sigit." So Sait], now renatneu Paul, dedicated biis life to Christian service. Every chburchi is a hous e on Straiglit St, Christian action is an, esentiai part of every church. Every mcm- ber should bc dedicated to Christ- ian teaclîing, service and action. Let us have a good attendance Oxford BWCKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCH'MAHL Phone 983-5606 Speeializinig in ail kinds of STONEWORK'and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev Repairs Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mli11 St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 SAVE ON Premiuxn Quality GQASOLINE DIESEL MWOTOR OIL Farm Tanks and Pumpa Available CALL COLLECT 668-3341 îw xt saindlýy, the Ila. -t Sujnday beu fore the. Augwuitrecess v heu eut miniter vvill be on vat atiow Mr-s. Roland Batten lias returnu- cdl to TForonito froniNWIO land to visiit vvilhlieb'r fam n'y. This is the lime of year that wve areapt I o get "inew ' potatoees that are brîîised and sunbu reot in a super-imarket. 1 w a oroî:l this ycar. We pas5ze' a "Potato" sign just iwcl uf icIoîr h ci' on the south side of the roiddand three or fourn utile-girls w e .e (îý ging potatoc'. Tiîey weciede- li'ioîî. On Saturday, the Juniors 7y cd Whitby and won, ia Kcîîdal Park. On Stinday afterrnoon thie Eagles played Port Ilope anul won by a score of, 6 to 1inlu Kndal. Mrs. Irene Mercer spentthile weekend with her daughiter MVi-Î. Jean Allen ai.tlîeir cottage. Mr, and Mrs. E'ddie Couronx~ have returncd from tlîeir trip t Voosonee, They went by train w-ýith his brother and wifc Ir and Mrs. Homeî- Couroux. Mrs. Boy Moster and Reid took Miss_ Ann Fost rr b London o11 Sun-rday where .sbe wîli couutîîîîie witlX her summer work of rehabîl- itation.' Mrs. Fo,1 ci and Rieid planned on viitiiug hei parnt, Mr. and Mrs. V fnSiden at Simcoe on the way5 home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. 13iii War- iag from Norwich last week end. She is Mrs. Marlott's sister. ANNEXATION - JUST ELECTION TALK The discussion by Port Hope Council on annexing land la Hlamilton Township is' not being taken seriously by the Reeve of Hamilton Towaship, Charies Bur- rison. He suggest'ed that it was ail l - ection talk designed to stir tlhe people up. Referring to the, discussion of the need for industrlal land. Reeve Burrison said, "If they cannot 'rua their own' business, how, ean thcy exoect to rua oui-s. OFFICES AND ART GALLERY PLANNED The Orange Hall on Jolua St. in Port Hope bas been purchosedi by Greer-Larke Limited, an envir- onmental consultant firm fromi Toronto Iwho plan to convcrt the building mbt offices and perhaps an art gallery. Williamr Greer and Charles Larke, principals of te firm, sai(I that the momenit they saw the building they had to buy it. Both men stated that they arc definitely not developers and that they want anything they set their hands on to be a better place te live or work. They hope that local erganiza- tiens of a cultural nature will rent office space and they hope tlîat once the building is rester- ed and made usable, that a local person or group wouid take over the position of înanagîng the building. DX DIL FOl INUEXATE DEUVT g Mr. -and Mis. Ia speat the Echo. Jack, Moffat and wc-ircad at Bon Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmttt and Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Kimmott of Trenton spent the week-end camping at Serpent Mounds Provincial Park. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mrs. Harry Bailey spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rickaby, Oakville and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Burlington. M r. and Mrs. Donald Staples and family spent Sunilay with Mrs. Maluske and Mrs. lone For- rester at Miss Ethel Bouck's cot- tage, Baptiste Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mather are holidaying in Sweden. .Mr. and Mrs. Matt Snelders and family are spending holidays with relatives and friends in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. NormanAllun left by plane last week to visit Eng- land and parts of Europe. ST.SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. iloly Communion- ,First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Seeond ani Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 . The Rev. Il. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Calflycr lcensed Plumbing IL Mechanical Contractor who seils, instail, and Buarantees _ C ARMAN1 PLUMBING AND HEATING CUSTOM MADE CARPET by Hlarding and Crosley Wall-to-Wali or Area Rugs Complete lime of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F A. Kramp Furniture Ltd, 37- 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Bon-manvile Free Estimates Decorating Service Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpcntry Work Remodelling Kitchien Cupboards e build frein the loundation up. UNITED CHURPeCN Orono asol Charge Minilster Bey. B. E. Lo3ng' B.Th. JULY 30, 1972 Oreno United Church: Worship Surv ice - 11:15 a.m. Kiî-by UJnited Church: Worshlip Service - 9:45 AUGLJST SCIIEDULE, Newcastle, Ont.. Aug. 6- United Church, 11:00 a.m. Aug. 13 Anglican Church Il am. Aug. 20 United Cburch Il a.m. Aug. 27- Anglican Church Il a.m. Sept. 3 United Church il ar. VACATION BIBLE SCHOQL OIhONO UNITED CHURCH Monlday July 31st te Friday Aug-. ust 4th - 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Cildrcn ages 4 to 12 years For information pîcase cali: Mrs. C. Kimmett 983-5719 Orvifle atro ELECTRICAL CON1IRÀCTING ELECJRIC flEMING AND SERVICE Phone. 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO JACK, ,RIcARD REALTOR' 99 Klng St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buylng or Selling çaul W L F fHAWKE% VOUR ORONO AREA REPRFSENTATIVE 983-5274 Memhe-r of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CALL 786-%972 LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, ORDER NOW! ATTENTION FARMERSf I WHY. PAY MORE?I Men's> Jackets Save on ail Clearance et ail Men's Spring and Sumnier Jacip- ets. Several styles i double knit fortrel , poplin, nylon In colours of brown,£ beige, tan, green and navy. Sizes 36 te 46 Ladies"' ;Drýesses CROOSE ANY AT 25%Off Ladies' H ot Pant Sets AmSTOG - -r I1

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