OTtONO WEEKLY TIMES,_WEDNESDAY,_AUGIJST 9th, 1972 tTlTt(NO '1'KES 1,OW ENTERI LF AGUF I LAYDOWNS The 0-octo Tyke Ba's'bal C1ub completed I heir rc gular season jplayý at tIc Orono) Park. on Sat. urday. Ti te' iow p -ovileri the ol)- position taking a 14-10 vîctory -ovcî tlbe Orono crew. Thuriow lias topp dcithe IcaguetfIls vear and O0rono bas yet to take a win f.-om the ieague leaders. I axe luton 1< d his teani intcs in the scoring division witlî 11e1ce runc. Pete Ad'egcest, Robert }bîrness and' Bon Tasma ail fol- iowed wifb two runs ecd, while Darre 'i Yo -eýke scn cI a single Pr R i ni rhee] the firni fivc iiv1.lîgs for O' ono f-il ng five t l t e and gis ing u txvo Trak.'oni Gustar pitclied the ;and ilee .wacl. Pete Adegteet ,crmmnted the game for Orono. Thl (i oro Ty]i c' shcte I tic playoff sei-les, on Tuesday even- Ing xiben tlîey faccd Newcastle ai the Orono Park. Tlie s' ries is a two ouf of thce series xifh fhe second gaine bcbng played in Ne veiast le o Gi 1111 ndi, ex coing alid 11!,i,-tird garne , if nccessary, U Oro to on-Satoi lôy 'fnon 'PJ0TYI,7 FS WIN FIIIST O~U F PLAYDOWNS WITH NEWCASTLE ThIe Oî-ono Tykes defeated flic ZNewcastle Tykes 8-7 Tuesday ev- nngin flic Orono Park lu the first gamne of their tw~oqji't of 11hree gamne playdown series. Rou Talsmna was thc winning p--iteher faking eleven strike outs in bis six innings of pitch ing. He -1 e up ciglit walks during bis finie on the 'mound. Tom Gustar picled the top of flic seventli taking one strike ouf and giving ,up fhree w aiks. In flic scoring departmnent Pete _Adcgeest and Bruce McKenzie eacýh scored two us witb single scores to Pou Taisma, Darrel .Zoschke, John West and Jim Ly- ,cett. The second game of, the series 'xviii bc played in Newcastle ou "rirrsday evening. A third game inecessary, wil be played lu Or- -fn on Saturday afternoon. tic IKENBAL EAGLES END SEASON ON A SAD NOTE The Kendal Eagles who coni- 'Vleted their regular scîedule ov- ~er tlic week-end resulting in thre tosses. The club now awaits word f0' ýeter the Intermediate 'C' OBA playdowns which is expected fo ýstarf flic week-end of Augusf 26. There arc five tcams lunflic divi- sion and it is expecfed that Ken- dal will play a team from the Otf- awa district. ffltIIAViA TAKES DOUBLE ]BFAIJER PLAYED IN KENDAL Oshawa won botb ganees of .a double leader played in Kendal Satur't'7p 5ej s.Thc first garne ~vas a 8-0 victory for Oshawa witli nedy. In the second game the Eagles were outscored 2-1 in a game displaying somne fine- pitching on both si des. Paul Jonses went the d-!s5ances for Kendal. Oshaw a won the game in the seventb, the last inning. zý Kendal bits we if to Ron West, Don Mcrcer, John Witheridge, and Grant Yeo. BOWIMANVILLE TAKE 9-2 WIN FROM1 KENDAL The Kendal Eagles on Sunday again met their 'Waterloo' in the town of Bowmanville. The game was .not-there for the Kendal crew who used four pitchers in an ef- fort to hold their opposition. Charles Reid, Barry Lane, Gary Coo-,ier and Kelly Lane ail saw moanci duties for the Eagles. Guy Parks belted out two bom- ers for Bowmranvilie and drove in four runs. Grant Yeo took two hits for Kendal witb singb leits to Pete Maartense, Kelly Lane and Fraser Wallace. Over the season the Kendal feam has had 10 wins, and 15 los- ses in the league sehedule. DOING WELL, AT KAWIAMIlI OVVN '[n oi)îoo driv er~s anîd two Oron hos s ee"tl"toi) lïloney afIle b 'aîi oxvný Ilst Thursday exeeing. 1(itlî West toool his x ci iii the iffh xwhite Oroio iore cs n ou lith ourth aïfd ,ixtli races. Doctor Kirk, owned hy Frank L. Stacey of Orono, n'as driven to a xin ini the lourth) race by Derelc Newinan also of Orono. T[he horse has yaccd well fhis year xith a \viahing taily of $1,890.00. Doctor Xirk was. againi raced on Sunday iri Kingston arnd was claimed in a $700.00 claimer, The fifth race at Kawarthia, xv'icii KeilI West xvon drivirîg ]King )Dir et, a hlorse ownied by W. Hambly, Oshawa and R. Me- Nelil,1!xhrige, saw no le ,s than four locali lorsem' Tn invo1 ed. Jactk WVili-nis foilowed in a fourili place finish with Judge Chief; Junior Wes t lift-iinul lRbl lon Cy and 1 fie Mlily and Xilnîa ýýoiusün blio-rseJaico ChLef i l ic sthplace finish. The siixtl race was aise a feat- ure for an Orono borse xith Dukîle Laird owned by P. M. Lunn, taie- ing the win. Salîîrday racing large croird again che track. also saw a Coîtigregafie ct The seconid race a gairî featured a wicî by ain aiea horse, Wec AI- bort, owned hy Moiley and Gor- don Robinscît of N'ent(ivilic ici a fimercf 2.11.4. KettWest drovcr to a si \th place finish drivîng Sanlu e Nn- i in ti fli ourtliace.f'he race was won ly Berltinar L-ad in 2 10. In tie cigh I rac e Biii Re id di tve lus on n horse' Prlices Kxare n to a ý,evenCi'g)-Iice finish. Juyior 'West dri ix ig Su rier DBol tool -lice xxiii in lie tî'ntlî ,,a c '."IÙ,i i i it' -i in sev'i i i lo { sil',tv mas e- ond place finishes an a fhird. TIc se Cii Stiits include i, qualifying races. The lhorse is owncd i>y Ross Boyel of Nçwx enstile and Calvinî Varley of Islibgton. Cul- t' P n (Contiuued from paie 1) Phase One of fIhereltoration ineindes patlîw xý s, dx coraxtix c Ici ces, tfise iilgof flic xater lex ci in the Qaxnx fsu'rf, the prov- i ,ion of ila r I "r n nintg area and the installation of sentinel ligliting. M1r. ]Reynoldssnul the con uit- iîtg engin'e s a- 'iiid thc commit- tee ithe xx c"k cotîlde, I arricri out of thc original estimate. "This is s iiy n oare nriin" or flieii- vifation tender," lie addeel. "Tie troule i, n e ihave ai champagne appu t il on a beri- i corru'," le added, "Tc leIciigiaci, estate pi-evidcd 'ic xnctcv $27 000 for flic projecc and the tonn n,,piied f0 île provincial govertmnulo des- ignwîte fie~ area as 4a cormnrntty centre" lu ordcr te lu' cligibie for government grants for t he test etation xxork. As we'll as fliclte Dep'rtîîcct <f Lands and Foerts agreod tf, c'orsltcl a fisli ladeler nItlite ponîdPrc]iirxii bru alwcrlçfor the icddcî l x 15 ri n cii Work on fhe fish laddcr xxar also te sta t tfIls year, ti c lecoi- ple'te'd next y"cair, liit ccordiicg te M11r. Jwoili rk oi e i"ad- der is l'ied in x ith tfic" genterai restoration and the deparfmenf duen't xvatt to stirl ' - itIe genercîl iroject gets non rway. "We arc not discouraged thaI things iave'l slarled te hapicen, just a littie dîsappointed. We laven'f clanetgd our nîtinds, thc project xii ll îî ndci y a- as ooi a,; po5;sib11e," le Said. The comisiffee is Jroefvi tha~t lIce înoJecf c au 1)dried ouit for flic piie if haet.c "Ter't cauglit l i'"the ne'ie 'or'r" 1,i e b c aoids raid, '"But m rie aeoffly ro (Continued from page 1) Thc Planning Board las taken objection te tIc decîsion and las lodgcd an appeai against tIc de- sion with fIe Ont ario Municipal Board. Mervyn B. Kelly, Bowman- ville, has leen rctained ly fIe Planning Board to lodge the ap- peal. ASKS FOR LIQUOR VOTE- Mr. J. Reid" on belaif- of fhe Orono CharnIer of Commerce, sulmitcd f0 council a 1sf of scvcn qucstions fhey woud likc placcd on a liquor ballot for a vote on fthc questions to le îeld at fhe same fime as fhe municipal elec- fions. Thc rcqucst was refcrrcd fo flic Township clemk and solici- tor for furthcr consideration. OBJECT TO NEW MOTEL- A delegation was received by council objecting to the grant- the erection of a new motel at the third line of Clarke just east of 115 Highway. Councîl however gave first and second reading to a by-law allowing the rezoning of the land to permit the erectioù of the motel. The by-law is to bc given further consideration at the next meeting. Council gave ail three readings to a by-law permitting two single family buildings on a lot located on the nortb side of the Taunton road north of Orono. OBJECT TO POND CONDITION- A letter was received by coun- cil from residents in the area of the Orono Miii pond lu whidb de- plorable conditions werc stated. Residents wished some action to bave the pond cleaned up and wa- ter conditions improved. It was pointed out ticat the Township had no jurisdiction over fhe pond. Mr. Wm. Bunting met with council lu this regard stating that. it was the intention to clean out thc pond and make considerabie im- provements. Work is expected to be undertaken this fali. ROAD CLOSINGS- Iu the matter of road ciosings which council advernised and con- sidered some time ago a new by- law is to be prepared leaving out the one road which lad been ob- jected to being elosed. Consideration of closing a road allowance north of Elmers Garage Orono, was refcrrcd to thc clerk. GRAVEL PIT PURCIIASE- The purclase of the J. Marvin gravel pit was tabled until tIc next- meeting. The matter is to be lookcd after by the Roard Su- perintendant. By resolution ýcouncil declared Friday afternoon, September 8tb, Orono Fair day a public, scîool holiday. Phone. Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday THE APPOINTMENT 0F LLOYlLD T AYLOR REPRESENTING INGROUND or DO-IT-YOURSELF KITS -or -INSTALLED Prhon e 983-5003 ORONO et 2 - ,~-1 Orono Amateur Athletic Associto FA1 efres ents - ies - BDingo - ie PrÔceds for Minor Sports in tise Orono area In case of bad weather the Fair wili be held in the Orono Arena 77ýý