~, ,~4 ~ , t ~ ORONO WEEKLY TrMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, "1"2 Resuits 0f Red Cross Swimming Tests In Orono The following is the results of the swimmings tests held in Orono I>' the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety': Bronze: John Cornish, Cheryl Cornish, Mark Carman. lst Bar: Tracie Stutt, Jane Reynolds 3rd Bar: Katby Grady, Stadle Stutt. John Cornish, Cheryl Cornish, Mark Carmait, Tracie Stutt, Jane Reyn.olds, Kathy Grady, Stacie stutt. Survival Swimming: Jane Staples, Kathy Homewood. Jane Reynolds, Stacie Stutt, Kathy G.rady, Lori Robinson, Jonathan Staples, Mich elle Major, Gwenyth Ard, Isobel Davidson, Evelyn Me- Laren, Palti Ilooey. Ken Coathani, Monica Konzelmnann, Paisley' Stutt Beth Nixon. Water Safet>' Seniior: Jane Staples, Jennifer Cathy Homewood. Payne, Water Safet>' Ttermediate: Lori Robinson., Jonathan Stariles Niclky Gibbs, Michelle M~ajor-, Gwenyth Ard, Isobel Davidson, Evelyn McLaren, Ken Coatham. Stephen Clark, Vieki Clark. Water Safet>' Junior:, Wendy Watson, Mari Lou Povi- eli, Deanna West, Muriel Gibsoît, Rose Marie Tax, Susan Woodlcy, Hleather Nixon, Dale Giribleti, Christine West, Bram Reid, Tom Moffat, Rodney Payne, rl.amm.y Boughen, Jake Reid, Ross Stu t, Scott Middleton, Katli> Moffat, Kevin I-ogg, Donna Tennant, lan Moffat, Janieileard, Julie Reid, Bian-Schoemnaker, Diane Wood- le>', Laurie West. Water Safety Beginuers: Karen Atkins, John Bolten, Gary Bridger, Henry Eikens, Don- na Gordon, Robert Harness, Jini Lycett, Nancy' Madili, Colleen Moffat, Terry Moffat, Melany Moore, Ronald Opoka, Kelly Rob- inson, Sherry Lee Robinson, Neil Rosseau, Rosemar>' Schmnergner, Margaret Taîsma, Mfichael Watson, Robert Grant, Sherry West, Rob- ert. Nelson, Aun AllUn, Danny Barlow, Lydia Carnian, Sheila Clark, Beth Gatcheli, Teresa Gimi. blett, Mary Lowery, Shel>' Lycett, fluane Major, Bonnie Preston, Karen Quantrill, Paul Tleed, Ini- grid Schmergner, Caroline Tax, Jo Ann Tax, Mark Tax, Heidi Schmid, Wilma Van Goor. Bob Veldhuis, Mary Ann Veldhnis, Jackie West, Kevin West, Kim Richards, Christine Benedict, Darlene Gordon, Raymond Tais- ma, Janet Van Goor, Cindy Eike-ns Refila Buima. Water Safet>' Pîe-Beginners, Jeanette Armstrong, Nancy Bridger, Anit Buma, Melanie Cowan, .Nancy Cowauî, Linda Gor- dIon, Lana Lowvery, Muriel Peak, Tina Peeters. Kevin Philip, Roy Piersma, Scott Richard, Shelley Robinson, John Semplonius, El- aine Sikma, Mark Stapleton. Kev- in Taîs ma, Robbie Taîsma, S teven Van «Haverbeke, Debbîe Veldhuis, Tinti Werry, I aunie Watson, Arth- t-r Boekee, Jake Boekee. Martin Boekee, Kim Bulmer,, Pain BuI. mer, Elsa Buma, Tanya Fonk, Scott 'Hudson, Brett Johnisoni Laurie Stacey, Mary Atm Van Goor, Danny Wagar, Heather Wat- son, Steven Wood, Jimmny Wood- le>', Sheila Boughen, Dale Curtis, Steven Grahama, Annette Hancock Lori Lycett, Tracy Reynolds, Jacki Tura nsky, Terry Watson, Donna Peake, Gary Strong, Caret Taîsma, Corine Turansky, Spencer Williams, Eanl Atkins, Debbie Benediet, Douglas Bëedict, Laur-. le Benedict, Patty Blaschkc, Pet- er lloulton, Morris Hickcy, Ken- dra Kemp, Tammy Madili, Jim Moffatt, Shane Longboat.1 1Inksterm-Graham A pretty wedding Was so 'lemii- ized in Morgan Chapel, Queen's University', Kingston, Ont. at 1:00 p.mn. Jul>' 8th, 1972 when Miss Jane Inkster, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Inkster, was un- ited ini marriage with Mr. Ter- rence E. Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graham, Orono. White mums formed the setting in the Cliapel. Rev. Basil Long, Orono, offici- ated andl Mrs. Aune Boughton was the organist. The bride was given in mar- niage by ber father. Her ful length gown was of white polyest- er crepe with cathedral cuffs, em- pire waist and victorian collar. lIer veil was of Swiss lace and was held at the crown by tliree pink. sweetheart roses. She car- ried abouquet of long stemrned Pink roses. Miss Gay' FitzPatrick was maid of honor and Miss Norma Mac- Oldrum was brides maid, both 'of Kingston, andi wore ice blue prin- cess style gowns of Cotton voile with victorian collars and long, full sleeves. Miss Patricia Burnett of Oakville, Ont., niece of the groom, was flower girl and wore a Swiss cotton printed gown in white with bine and green floral design. Il-r full lengtht gown xvas princess style with short puff sleeves and she carried a basket of white munis and baby's breath as were the nosegays carried, by the bridesmnaid and maid of honor. Y* DXrI)vid Cook was best man and the ushers were Mr. Brian Inkster, broth er of the bride and Mr. Philip Hiamilton, ail of King- ston. The îr cept îuri as held at the Pinelodge lIn east of Kingston. Thehids mothcu's dress was of si]k :înd (otton print in mauve, pink and purpie shades. Iler cor- sage was of white carnations. The groomn's unother wore an aqua knit dress with inatciiing coat antd ber corsage vîas of white swect- heart roses. For their wed4éid g trip to West- ern Canada anid (US.A. the bride wore a !ýa(y an rose floral dress in Swiss cotton with pavY Tennis C lub (Continue.d' from page 1) hat, shoes and purse. They . will re- theic h o couî-ts and suppi>' ]ight- side at 15 Regent St., Kingst oil n h ie new court. This will Ont. coIt Uic club an additinal $600.00 The bride is teaching at a ial labour donated b>' club bain Iligh School and Il. ý inemnbers. 1 is continuing studyiîîg atIVMr. Helson stated that the club University'. 'had investigated the possibility of the Provincial grant and were Prior to her w,,cdding th, ,,(,,assured Ihat. such would be paid for the construction of the court. wvas honoured at showers giîven are n Kn ae umte b>' Mrs. E. Milison, Orono, anadprienofh$2 e0.00 for tedr Gay' Fitzl>atrick, Kingston and the avhcprie is$g00od for thiwrty staff women of Sydenham 'Iligl iehpieî odfrti Sehool. She was entertained at a as dinner part>' given-by her brides- Mr. Ilelson is hopeful that 'the maid, Miss Norma MacOdrum. ivork can get underway înid Sep- tember. Carolyn Garrod, Newcastle Wins Legion, $1586.0O The Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion Welfare Fund- Draw was made at the end of the Ladies Auxiliar>' Bingo on Wednesday, August 23rd, 1972. Total sales for the montli increased slightly to $3372.00. Mrs. Alex Grant of 209 Scugog St., Bowmanvillc, wlto was playing Bingo dunring te night was called on by the cliairmnant in ake ftie draw for first prize of $1586 00. Mý/rs. Grant selected ticket ýNo. D2482, beld b>' Mrs., Carolyn Gar- rod of Newcastle~ as te winner. It would appear tîtat Mrs. Gar- rod's luck is stili holding out as it was oni>' a short tiîne ago site nwon the Irish Sweepstaîke prize. Mr. Bob "Buck" Rogers also presefit was called on to inake the second prize draw and lie sel- ected ticket No. D1060, lield b>' Mrs. Marvel Hfarper, IIR 4, Bow- manville as the winner of the $10000 consolation prize. Sellers' award(s foir the month went to Ed. Majer, Newcastle, president of Brancît 178, in the amounit of 0158.00 for the sale of the ticket to Mrs. Garrod. Hlerbie Gibson of Newcastle also rcceived $10. for the sale of the second prize ticket. While sales were up slightly for the month, chairman Stan. L. Dunu reports that total sales' were down $1236.00 from last August's, total., Witli the coming of Fail and Winffr - Branch 178 have quite a committmient to keep u p tîte normal charitable contriý butions, youthî sports, youth schol- ships,, etc. and will have to bring this total up to at Icast last year's level 'to be able to keép up their task of service to the communit>'. While summer vacations, and numberous otheÉ draws, have n doubt been, the reason for less sales, it lias been noted that tick- et sales in the stores have drap- ped off as much as 50% and the Legion Brandli is now showing a decrease oif $1248M0, over last years total for the 8 mouths. This is now the second month this year that sales have been below the $400000, hence Branch 178 mcm- bers will Ttc stniving during Sep- tember to get this figure back'ov- er $4000110 iný order that the prize nîoney will be at least $200000. Brancît 178 needs you r support to ltelj) them keep up, with their maan>' prograins -imake sure you have a ticket on the Sep- tember, Draw. Think about it. -Whien you play tennis, you wear tennis shoesWhen you walk, you wear good walking shoes. And whenyou Im Take a good look at your shoes. Make sure they're flot getting run down at the heel. Change fraying laces. And check the soles to see, that they're in good condition. Sure footwork begins with YrourWorkmen's Compensation Board and The Safety Associations, Ontarlo', 6 SALE 0F SCHOOLS BY TENDER October 2, 1972 The folloving losed sehool properties are to be sold by tender: (1) LESKARD SCHOOL Part Lot 31, Concession 8, Village of Leskard, Town- ship of. Clarke. Lot size .73 acres - 2 storey frame building. (2) ENTERPRISE SCHOOL Part Lot 23, Concession 9, Township of Clarke, 1/ mile south of intersectin 35 and 115 highway. Lot size .448 acres - frame building. (3) COWANVILLE SCHOOL Part Lot 17, Concession 4, Township of Clarke. Lot size %/ acre - existing frame building must be re moved. (4) LAKEPORT SCHOOL Part Lot 2, Concession B, Haldimand Township, situ- ated-2 miles southwest of the Village of Coiborne. Lot size 3 acres -. brick 1 storey building. CONDITIONS 0F SALE (1) Deposit of 101% of tender enclosed with tender. (2) Tenderers must make provision to pay balance in cash within 30 days of tender closing. (3) The board reserves the right to reject an>' or ail ten- ders received. Highest tenders flot necessaril>' accepted (4) Tenders must be received at the reception desk of the Board Office, D'Arc>' Street North, Cobourg, On- tario, not later than 3:00 p.m., Monday, October 2, 1972 (5) Separate tenders must be submitted for each property. (6) Tenders must be sealed in envelopes addressed to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Nort-humberland and Durham County Board of Education D'Arc>' Street North Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 Envelopes must indicate clearly that the>' contain a tender for closed sehool. NORTHIUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION 5V