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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Aug 1972, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, wEDNJI]SDAY, AUGUST 30, 1972, }E ALEAGLES 'STVMIED BY iBAlrtRy'S BAY T'le Kendal Eagles Inteimediate -...-eball Club floundered on Sat- -esday iii,,Parry's Bay iri thîir op- ,Cll]ng gaine in~ the Ortario Play- Qz'ýowins. Barry's Bay,, on thcir Iome diamnd, took a decisiv.c' '2-1 victory ovecr the local Eaglcs "esecnd. gaine ofîhe series vill icpLayed lun Keudal on SatiirdaY Kedl' itting, was itteffective adduring the nine innings of wlay1wrc only able to secure five ~igebits. These wcnt to -Ron W tR. RJiOpO. DJon Mercer, -Kelly Lane and Terry Carleton. Carleton sc(ired lte lba Kendal run inlte sixtîti innlig when zirst to bat lic bit a single. Ron West, lup titird, sintglc(l bu advance ýhIaretojj wlîo 'cor:e( on 'a sacri- 1'Fite bv Fraser Wallace. The only ýüther threat froîi Kendal camne în the ninth but it pctered out "itii nt)scorîng Uarry's Bay look nincteen bits e&l Paul Jones, pîf(ctinif two and -vwo thirds iîîuings, and 'Ferry Carieton finisliing lte came. Barry's Baiy scored one ruu in the second from off a home run. 'fie third vies a lîcy day with five runs crossing te plate off five bîts, three stolcu bases anid tv7o Rendal errors. Another borne run -was -belted ouf iii the four l for- BaýrryVs Bay. The Kendal crcwv carne î'p Nwth ;esnéstcady ball ini thecnext f~heu înuings but this did net -ild up for flicborne club took -,even bis in the eighf biiining to score five runs iinlte freine. To stay eliv ini lte playdow,,n sries the Eagles wilI have' to talce ~win on Saturday oi t teir hoine IIEN D A ,JUNIORS CePEN BEETON SÉRIES WITH A WIN - 4-1 T he Kendal Juniors opened zýhejr, piîwdown set-les with a win %,ïaer Beeton on the Keadat dia- =unnd Satux day afternoon The ýseres is a two ont of three garne, series ýwlth the second gaine to be played in Beedon Tuesday ev- ening. The third gaine, if neces. sary, wili be played in Kendal. The vin for Kendal was wel earncd,, on Saturday with ýomie fine ecluteh i)itchiing by Mike Mce- Gregor 'oirthte Kclndal nmound. He gave up nine hits in te gaine while his teant mates drove out a lesser number, seven. McGregor was there when the chips were doxvn. Thé game was well contest-, cd. Steve West again proved the hitier hci with a single, a double and a: triple Pete Ilerder- soli drove out a double, while Jerry Thorrpson, Bernie AI]dred an(] Jim Smith hadI singles. TheKendal crew.took .the score- board with single runs in the second ani fiftý and two in the bottomfn t he cighth. Beeton scor- cd their rim i1h the top of the ciglith. The gaine was one, of the finest played in Kendal this year. It is unders9tood that with -a win on Tuesday the Juniors will advance to tce finals witb the first gaine to bc played Saturday. The opposition is flot known at this time. HOLD THE PRESS The Kendal Juniors advance to the final round jof the Junior C playdowns for Ontario and Sun- day afternoon meet Tharnesville in Kendal Park at 2:30 p.m. The second gaine of the series will bc in Thamesville the folowing Sat- urday. On Tuesday evening the Jun- iors eliminated Beeton, in Beeton, with a 11-3 win. The victory gave Ke 'ndal the series two games to none, Ted Becker and Michael Car- man pitcbed the gamne for Kendal witb Steve West again leading the hitting attack with a borner, a double and a sngle. Jerry Thornp- son and Bernie AlIdrcd hoth fol- lowed with a double and a single each while Bill Robinson bit out for two singles. It is now to the finals. FOND) WOIIK EXPECTEI) THIS FALL OR WINTER Mir. Win. Bunting, superiîitend- cnt of tic Provincial Tree Nurs- ery ini Orono stated on Tuesday tliat lie understands work at the Orono Mill. Pond is to be under- 'taken fuis fail or winter He said tbe project lias been under con- sideration for Uic hast three years. The Counicil of the Township of Clarke reccived a petition front residents in Uhe area asking tbat it bc cleancd up and conditions of Chartered Accountant Phone. 'Newc~astle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday pollut iion cm ntd Mr. Btlii said titat the pro- ject wol'bc fic decpcnîng of t1le pond to allevia e vi ced growth in shalllow -,ater and also to irm- prove the~ habitat for fish. H1e said ,,lite, boindaries of the propcrty will first have to be est- ablished and if sufficient inforrn- will have te be rcsurveyed. A report front tthe Ontario Watcr Itesources Commission re- ceived by local aîithorities show that watcr condition in the pond is fairly free of any pollution. Mr. Burnhing said Iliat be bad had a test taken and it showed a con- siderable amrouint -of pollutants. The t ýo rein veucstae' and test the water again. It is un- derstood thtat to obtain a truc re- port many sarniples mnust be taken over a period of a couple'of days. When plans are available of the work tbey are 10 be submitted to the, Couinci of the To wnsbip for their comments as welLas coin- ments from the public., For schoôI SUPPLIES SHOP AT THE SIGN 0F THE LITTLE RED SCIIOOL HOUSE ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5009 Durham Ce.. tral Agrleultural "SocletyI the AT HARNESS RACING SATUR] PARI-MUTUEL WAGERINI Thursgday THURSDAY EVEN-ING: '7:00 P.MX. AUTO DEATII DODGERS Two I-lours of Flarming ,Auto Fury ADMISSION: ADULIS $1.001; STUDENTS .50 ORONO DAY MAMMOTH MID-WAY FARM MACHINERY BANDS IN ATTENDANCE * CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, POULTRY * LARGEST RABBIT SHOW IN COUNTRY G FARM PRODUCE, BAKING, CRAFTS - Friday aSaturday FRIDAY EVENING: HORSE JUMPING EX'I1BITION TEAM DRAWING CONTEST FOR HORSES Good pnize money wili be offered S- X-TUIDAY EVENING: 8:15 p.m. - PETER'S HALF DOZEN - One hour of entertainment - Real action for Youing and Old DANCE TO FOLLOW THE APPOINTMENT 0F LLOYD TAYLORý REPRESENTING ACORN PlOOLS INGROUND - or- DOIT-YOURSELF KITS -or .INSTALLED Phone ORONO

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