0 0 EKYTERW3NSA'E~IE6I! ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Second Clama Mla BaRgistration Number «9 YoWLshâed every hui'sday at thie Office ci publieaku à,"n Stpeet, Oronlo, Ontario. Phamo 9835u, WHAT OTHERS SAY The sudclen i *signatýon of Provincial Tlýrasurei'r Darcy MeKeough has done more than cast a pali over the Dàavis administration - it represents a political tragedy. mr. McKeough, a proud and able arch-Tory, was one of the strong members of the Progressive Conservative- team. A mThau of integ,,'y who knew how to get the jobs done, he was rcspected, if not beloved, on ail sides of the eolitical fence. He bowed out with dignity and with the assurantce tht; "I arn satisficd that I personally have donc nothing wrong." Fair-minded people will acceptthat explanation (as did the two opposition leaders ini the 'Legisiature, who did't try to conceai their higli regard for thie inister). His departure could create serlous repurcussionsfor the govrnmcnt; that's why, on departure, Ae did weil to explicitiy state what is at issue in his case. It's confidence in thie integrity of the system. HIe added: "I feel 1 arn guilty of no more than having made an error in judgement." While Mr. McKeough will be,missed, rneanwhile Premier William Davis'must quickly abandon lis indecisive and vague stance on the question of conflict of înterest, at least where hi5 cabinet members are concerned. Other- wise his administration faces a chaotic future. The premier must disclose now wbether other cabinet members have possible conflict and, if so, what tbey are. Ail eyes are on hum. Whether or not he is boid enough to tell bis cabinet tbey may not hold interests in Ontarlocompanies, he must move with haste to clear the air. The opposition leaders ýADUwLT COruSELN SERV"ICE C%'ommences' Se"pte 3tb If yout want to do so:nething about your education« you probably can. See your Aduit Counsellor 7 to 9 pmr. at the- new Bowma.ville High School 4b Liberty Street -Northt Thie service is free - confidential - and no appointment s necessary are right wben they demand that clear guidelines for such disclosures be estabiished by the goverument. Twomlinisters thus far have suffered embarrassiment because of the lackof legisiation in this sphere. The prem- ier's present thumb-rule for ministers - Jisclosure to him in secret of ally holdings - represents a woefulll inept and dangerous way of handllng such important matters. Wats'on-Marine &Cyce brings -you 7 reasons why the Chrysier 12.9 LE oureyes-yourfirst unine oS *elf *Def enoe. The best protective éequipment the job calis for them, and regular you cari ever own is already check-ups if your eyesight's yours-one pair of eyes. Just below par. Take care of your knowing what's going on around' eyes, and they'11 see you safely you helps you avoid job'accidents. through the working day. So it makes good sense to look after your eyes, with The sure protective glasses if À .... alb. WcUY.t VurWlorkmen's Compensation Board und The SafetyAssodciatlon, Ontario, 0,0810 Fgair SE TEMBER 7, 8 and .9 Polîtiecaluve Ceiïg Taken, One of Canada's most reputable mnarket research companies is conducting an opinion poil in,. Northumberland and Durham for "an unknown pÔliticai source." The company, Canadian Facts, would not revgal the identity-of' thie politician whe commissioned thie survey. Russell Honey, M.P. for the rid- ing, said Aie definiteiy did not commission an opinion poli, but he speculated that Justice Minis- ter Alan Lawrence might com- mission one before making a de- cision to seek nomination in the riding. Questin number one is "Whîch party did you vote for in the. last election?"1 After acquaînting the voter with thie name of the incumbent member and informing, hlm that Alan Lawrence has indicated Aie will run, the interviewer then asks: "Which candidate would you vote for?" The third and final question posed by the interviewer is. "Wbat is thie reason for your choice?"' After gaining tbe information she wants,' the interviewer theni requests tbe name and address of the personi on the other end of, the uine. At this stage she volunteers that ail information given is "highly confidential."l She even admits that she is fnot from Port Hope but from Peterborough, since Port Hope is a small town wbere- everybody knows- everybody else, the information just inight leak, Thie interviewer said she did not know tbe identity of the pot- itician the company was working for. She reveaied that getting the name and address of the party being interviewed is essentiai for the opinion poli since Canadian Facts checks up to make sure the facts given are correct and that the interviewer bas done ber job properly. A cali to tbe company's bead- office in Toronto produced much thie same info rmation as given by the interviewer. Clark. Museum Thursday and F riday afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. evenings 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 2 to 5 Curator, - Mrs. Dick Roberts Assistant - Mrs. Robt, *Ianeck Your Shopping Centre for Men's and Ladies' TIMEX WATCHES WATCH BANDS LEATHER WALLETS BRIGHAM PIPES W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LI MUTED Realter 234 King Street East Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt,' courteous, effîd- ent service when buying et seiling and for the largeat sel ection of -propertiesinlutht, area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Poster 983-5801) William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Fimie 277-2280 (Bethany) Dane Found 623-3965ý Roy Stronz' 5'2 r 11 Bethany