i v ~ ~ -. I Ele ction. Day, MondayOctober3Ot This Monday, October 301h al -;cross Canada as well as in the ,-cding of. Northumberiland and Iýýurham polliing stations will o- pen for the federal election. It is the fhe choice of the people who will govern Canada duriing the Aý report was receivcd, by the ,-rooPoieTrustees from the 'ounties' flealth Unit rcferring te hecondition of lte water ln the -MnoMill. Pou(d. TJhe test was cLnducted bylte Hclth Unit and iac Ontarjo, Waîer Itesources Com- Thle, report stated that one ý,curce of pollution was correcîed An connection xith the, Orono somsewcr systein which ulti- na]ylead tb the Miii 'Pond. It vas also reportcd taI one fuirther feria of po.)lilion was noted at a pt'ocri adacet b Ihe 1pond and an 'ordr]h(d-ecn issued thalý the icndbin s Iobe ~corrected. 'Pelepot owevcr, did state bhat tese to ites in themacives n-ow lieing (leared up woulàDnot eppreciately qecrîease tie iînde- si-rable condition aI 'the pond. It ,was noted that rin-off from tbc 'doarari scxvers an11( frgm agricullur- leý lad did, to a large extent , add jr.tuecoiforucontent in the te bave, soute sidewalk wo'W donc ibsioth if atal possible. Mr.i Charles Pearce, manager of 'de Orono ilyd(ro anid. Waber Sys- brinm, stalcdl on Monday night that bic xater account now-bad over, $23000-00 la lb and Ibat at least $2,0.0of Ibis amiount could ,n' aîplied aîgainsb bbc cost of tbe ewseconnd Ocl f 1Ibis amount $1 ~ ~ ~ ~ , i500 areevdfrom the 'wome smnith sub-d (ivisio)n as an impo-;t charge on bbie 82 lots. Mr. Pearce was aiibhorize to - rite the OWRC to ibid ont xvbat progress had. bee n made towards bbcî second well. N\ew connection ,it'argeýs tfor xvalerfr new connec- [ions aýre te be -insiîuted xithin n onli long ith higher front- - ge chrge's for newy dvelopcd los tis epcte atlhbbccon- 11n1ýcin ha will be boosted Mr. Pearce qî,,o informed the Ifydro Commission that tbc Orono IHydre was noxv operating on the uine fellowing a recr'ntý incrael bc (ost of itydro l,ebcComs tn.lie saidJIbat Ilydro would bo e opcraling -at a ]os,;. wl'as rccommended thalt Ont- arsoIlyro go over bbc fînancial posýit ,ion efthlie local systern and niake tbeur recommnendalion. Mr. Pearce saiil that Orono Hydro had not increased ils rates sirtce 1968 ex ca tiougb four mw-c cases in bhe puýrchase price cf hidr had been i ffecîred hy Oiitario, hydro() At A vgue Pusc la peaingwif h Mr-. Car-roll l\coli!rning officer, lie frit that bis ws a gi-cater niimbér> j an-la1968, altbougb bise figures (1~ not been comparcd. Týhere wèrc eigbt advanice polis th.is year la comparison tb six polis in 1968 which did increase '&econvem.ence te voters. netx termn of four or five years. The poils open. aI 8.00 o'clock in the morning and' continue open until 7:00 p.m. in the flzeniù'Y. Three candidates represcnting thrce political parties. Wilmer Hill, NDP candidate, Support For Tobacco Growers Lciwrence The tobacco growers had to se- cure their own sales to China. without fheip and despite direct discouragement f rom the federal government, Allan Lawrence stat- ed' in a press release issued last week. "The Progressive Conservative candidate made the statement to about 26 tobacco growers at a meeting in Port Hope Wednesday night. "The Liberal government has given very littie in the way of de- ve]oping foreign markets since the days of George lices and Al- vin Hlamilton of the D)iefenbaker era," Mr. Lawrence said. H1e remainded bis audience that Canada lias slowly been losing ifs agi-cultral arket in suich things, as cheese and apples. "We have lost these and other, markets due to'the ignorance and the current Unemployrnent Insur- apatliy of the Trudeau govern- ment," he claimcd. ]Referring to the recently an- nounced federal park projects Mr, Lawrence said- "the Liberals seem to think they Can buv the people with their oxvn money, but these: are typical old-time port barrel, projects which have to be paid for by the hard working taxpayers." The PC candidate predicted that the current unemployment Insur- ance deficit, already admitted by the government 10 be $544-million xviii reach one bill.ion, dollars by year's end "A, Conservative government is making his second bid te re- present the riding in Ottawa;. Russell C. Honey, Liberal can- didate and incumbent member, is seeekiig. a furtherburn E seeking another term in Ottawa having beld. this position since :DAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1972 BadmintonOpens 1962. Allan Iawrence recent Minister of Justice in Ontario, is making his first bid for the federal house as the Conservative member for the Northumberland Durham rid- In the '1968 election Russell C. Honey held a 2463 majority with 13,546 votes to John Pratt, con- servative candidate with 11,083 votes. Wilmer Hill for the N.D.P. collected 6029 votes from ,the Northumberand Durham riding. The choice is yours on October 31st make sure you make the most of it --be sure to vote. In Orono School Fire Hits For Badminton is bcing played cv- ery Tuesday <and Thursday in the ýGen.eral Purpose roo m of the Or- 010Public Sehool. Activilies in this sport arc open 10 anyone wish- ing to Play and is from the hour of seven o'clock to ten o'clock. Il was Pointed out by Mrs. Mar- garet Mercer that on occasions the Club will havïe 10 give up a night or two due to use of the room by the school or affiliatcd groups. Alîhough Badminton bas. just started there has been a good. turnout. Two courts have been establisbcd and on aay of the nigbts have been in constant use. Birds ar-e supplied by the Club witli each person playing 25 cents to play ecd nigbt. For those wishing to play bad- minton te action goes most every Tuesdlay anîd Thursdlay. You iii be xelcome. Port Hope l'le Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Îlliott Trndcau will visit Port Hope briefiy on Friday ev- cnfing. 'The l'rime Minister will bc at the Liberal Cornimittee Rooms, 22 Wallon Street, for about one heour conirrercing at 8:15 p.m. will cerbainly tighlen up regula- ions and prosecute those who ebeal," he said. "The Unemploy- ment Insurance conceptis, a good tbing if Properly operabcd, but when we allow more money la wcckly benefits than the mini- mum wage, i's cerbainly time for a change." Hlon ey Defenids P At Orono Liberal Mà%lee t Rusell C. Ilconey, incumbent- Liberal candidate ia Nortihumber- land and Durhbam addIressed, corne fifby supporters and members of bbc Clarke Liberal Association la the Oddfcllow's Hall, Orono, last Tues'day evcnisîg. Thec Lib(,I ai a<i(acsupported tbc polîcies cf bhc Liberal govera- eîn"nl ini Ottavaisad'r by Perre '1unl tt.lie dsnlsay, hbever, titb ipreemetscou]d be made in sorne ai-cas and Ibat these woiîld ,be bandicd. M.lnnyspolie cf Mi-. Trudeau as a ac t îp îlc-adex airl said lie vcdarept tw he;!allengerfeo Mi svr-Pncc le n.,Jebetclwo le ersat ivy Iia,,c. tHc poinired cul ita Ai Tn av i-ce lad con- t 'uaiy a lideP Iiî. Trcleau aCI aIse bis peficies but net one le Sa id hlavc .s le ari i'.-I 'erac xl te d'tînite cuîn- et c î_Iîý, it Lhose arras lic dencunices. Mr. Heoney spoke' cf bbc leader- ship given by lte Prinme Miister and Canada in gain ing recognition cf Retd C hina le tise I T.N. as well as lus leadership in holding bbc (Cminaorwe-ltli I cccliier. ITe said teraesouil be rie ceaxparisca he- I xeerî "ucieau and SLainfield' la lcdîsî uaiitie t. AIttis lpoint Mr. lfnev statrd an 'xanxple cf ltedgtîg by bite Con e vatix es as sheowri duritg lteint reoduction ef the cris'is ut Ottebre. 'l'ise <înserv- afuxs lmb' aid, did net uake any iiotvýý ual l 1,tl iy (,s ttcî'iiiiucd the asoon cf lte p 'ole cf Canada. Titis, lice, a, ile net leadership. li lIoyîi- s'uidlihe wanted le xepresent lte ridiug again lu Of f 'siv'î and viîs' amaxus for ri-- (ectîyr linlie .,esl lie was inl eresl- cd ia serving the riding as long eaS lic A"scciieu an~d i cliis de- Sirt's P i t bt xx: " rot a s lXis le ,hav e t' omides'r "3 or'ovni- An ilectioa of offie s le the Clarke 11h rai A ,'ccialion cras itnld xith E. R. Wecdyard, presi- deitt, Donald S. SIxples, vice-pres- ident and' E. I. Jevelnin beisîg i- cicctecd to office. Mr. Roger Kirk'- palrick of Port Hope cenducted lise election. Second lime Jssb Fî'iday lt eOrone -Clarke Fi-e Departmnt iras called le lte prcpes'ly of Mr-. Bud Vistue, easî of Newcastle antd coulis ofN"o. 2 Hligliway folloxing the report of a fis-e. Vilsis 1 ' lise second eaule o bbc propes'ty and on hotu occas- ions it is felI tbte fi-es iîad heen întenliesial]y set. The Vistue ps-opcrby is adjacenb te tise Bird proneriy whee a bar'n was rccently destroycd by fire. The Bird fis-e is stili under ln- vestigations as iti lacensidcrcd this fis-e ivas aise intelntionaîly set. Mr-. G. Duval], of lise local lire depariment said that uitIle daims- age was donc te l'ie struèlure on Friday. A fire lîad been set la bbc Honey Slams Insurance Abuse- "Sotine people, in Canada are mî-'sing the, Unemployment In- sui-ilce schenfie 10 the detriment Of those Who could really use the assistat-ce," Russell Honey, ii- cumbent Liberal MP, said in *Bowranville lasI xvcek., Speaking to a group of 125 party workers and guests at a social ev ening in Bowmanville, Mr Honey, said taI people have the righit 10 receive Unemployment Insurance because they pay into it. "But there is a small number of people Who devote their time and energy to finding ways to beat the system," he added. 1The incumbent MP concedcd that the Act did need some tiftht- dning up, but he reminded those present, that the Act is only one year oidý and thal ail parties en- dorscd il whcn it was: dcbated ia the House of Càïtnmons. Mr. U-oney said the only major ameyidment to the' Act was pro- posed by the Conservatives,' "If would have allowed a one week waiting period instead of the presenit .Iwo weeks and would have cost the taxpayer an addi- tional' $1.76-million. býasemient; but 'was put out before any damage resulted. A. similar fire was set in the basement some six weeks. ago. Mr. 'Virtue is building a aew home- on his propcrty and, it la this building that has been affect- ed by the two fires. Rents School For Centre The Browa's area cast of New- castle officially formed a Brown's Community Associabion on Sun- day wben Ibey elected 'an execu- live te head the group. The Sun- day meeting was beld in tbc Ncw- tonville Public Scbool witb about forty present. The Association was prîmarily formed tb operate bbc lwo-room Brown's Scbool as a Community Centre. The Association is bo Icase the ;nused sebool for a per- iod of six months from the Couaty Board of Educalion and was agrec- able te the Ici-ms as establishcd by bbc Board. The Brown's group is te pay a rent cf $75,00 a monlb and at the end cf six monîlsis 15te inforin bbc Board witetber or net bbey wish bo purchase bbc build- ing at a. price of $19,000.00. On Sunday M/essrs. F. llawes, Bate r, Goodwin and Mrs. Ibbib- son! were elected lb bite executive of, bbc Association. Also appoint- cd was a Ways and Means Com- milIce and a Building Committce. A vote was laken at bbc meet- ing on whetbcr or 'not the Assoc- iation would rent b-te building for bbc six monbb period. This vote pasard 22-4 te rent tbc building. With a rent of $75.00 and other operating expenses il was cstim- abed that it would cest thc Associ- ation $195A0 mon thlv b operate tbc former scitool as a Community Centre. Tise Ways and Means Commit- tee arc te org'tnize a Canvas cf the area for operabing funds and te seek nîemh"rsitips la bbc Asso- ciation at $10,00 a family. A decision on whctber bo pur- chase bbc building bas net as ycb been made. The group are now anxieus to obtain lte build'ing cf- ficilly anîd le gel il lIe oopera- bien as- a Corrnuiiity Centre. 0f Ro ForDrop-I enreF Tiie Oraîte Police Tr.ustees, on lV'enl ' 'ac.i îauied the use cf m x ' '.'vo ulu i 11lie Oreno ifysise Biîii-ihg tb he used as a dccx lin centîre.Per mi selon xras gx'anir'd 1>tiruse he i-coin ibree iigi, abeurc ~ rtrinais, Fillai s anrd S'ilti-diveý. Tlhe ioom viii bc copen] Morts'ys ad Fxidays fî'orn 7 le Il einai osSaluslaj s f'eeî 3 vii, le12 pin. or,17 Iît ci ' 131-i- made fii i il gs Z1'ettxî'-lln i e Or- eue Ultiirýd ('itrcli. Il nias fr11 tai , sulit a centi'ire weond basuper pi-S"nt luse <of lte bus-ch hb cIls- er groups. 'The' use of lihe miinicipal room was cotditional Ihat tbbc <entre was preperly supervised, open te parents 'A1rlîtty le, didIi nt allow drugs or alclitol le ciii ci- bhc ir. itw)loitering aroxsnd bbe bu'ldinig and bisaIlite group lookç aftcr tlieur ccvi carefctukitig. The gr'eîp taiseosti lltaItbey hà'l mpprmciid t1,~ P-oc ict'ilPolice crue wofld' s'inakea sightly visit lu lte î'î'tre if 'o rpe .Tbey ai.s' eaf :t" 1ev ' îîd rsmetf bbc of t mY I tî rs v7ic s),ande s eIýA i p t 1 ' 'i I s lhei It- II il4re Li n ti1 ' tth. ie cenître. t Jr Troc'x a 'e xl s5c,' al thc ci' sp isitimsd ~ iSe'sior- it- izefl5 Vil bt'll coies aroizd tiseir homses. Tise centtre is le epen on Mon- d'îy, October 30th. lb was agrced upot i taIbite group wotîld re- port ntontlily te bhc Orono Police Trustees. VOLUME 36, NUMBER 42 ORONO WEEKLY TIMESWDE Water Condition Tested, At Orono Miii- Pond c»