ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAt OICTOBER 25thl, 197-2 H NE'Y THU1NGS, Costume- Bali Sponsored by the Newcastle Lions'Club ,Saturday, Otober -28t COMMUNITY HALL, NEWCASTLE Dancing 9 pm.to 1 arM Boor Prizes and Bar Privileges $4,00 per Couple For Reservations Phone 9874822 G TS DONE- HONEY Russill Cex Pubis.hed by the liorthumberland-Durham Liberal Assoclatioe FRESH PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER PORK RýOAS"T lb. 55 LEAN - TENDER - BOSTON STYLE PORK BUTE -ROAST IL.65c Tender WeUl Trimmed 200x2 ply FACIAL Buy of Week It" or Shoulder Chops 75e k Sxciss3 o 5 Buru Shamrock Rindless BACON 'lb. FREEZER SPECIAL! 125 M 3 Beef Hindquarters 5lb. aver. ý83c Burns Small Link SAUSAGE lb. 69o Burns Skinless Wieners IL 59c Schneiders Skillet Strips lb. 99c Canada Packers by the piece lb. 39c INSTANT COFFEE 10 fi. 'oz. jar Maxwell House $1.99 BEEF OR IRISH 24 fi. oz. tin Puritan Stews 49c Ailen's - NEW PACK - PURE 48 fi. oz. Apple Julce 2 for 77c Pre-Priced 89c, LUX LIQOUID King Size 790 King SIme (25e coupon lu each pkg.> Sunlight Powder $1.69 VIVA2 2ply Bathroom Tissue 6 roils $1 Phone q83,5201 Spy ;Apple ,Crop Two heavy frosts have pýractie- ally ruined the Spy apple crop in, this area this year-for table use. Most of the erop of spys 'is now bcing dirËeteci to processig for juice. The ci-op did 'suirvive the heavy frost of October 1Oth 'but was damhaged again last wreek with a similar heavy frost. Mr.,Bob Watt of thie M inistry of Agriculture and Food, reports that most growers will reciaim ýome valueý- by selinig Itle fruit for processing.- Somne growcrs are, he said,' making dlaim, through their crop insurance. Orono Building Contractor Brick- Blch . Ceuo St... Work Carientry - cabluet W Ploors - Ttle 983-5441 ORGE @peu Y ENOBSE Roeted Frosts Hit' VICTORIA HIALL GRANT rh... 988-SMS ORtoNo1 w :9 LENEL REPAIE Phno, 8-5L9 rn ,APPLICATION "Victoria Hall's", restoration is important for.the people of this arca," Russelil Ioney, incumbent Liberal MP, said recently. It must 'progress and it must' have sup-; Mr. Honcy has endorsed the Vic- toria, Ral application for a $103,-, 000 grant'under the Federal gov- ernment's local initiatives pro-. gramn. "I arn glad the restoration soci- ety bas made the application," he said, revea]ing that he' has been in touch with, the departinent and isho4peful that, approval will be given- before ýthe -'end*'of'-Novcr- ber.' It was.afederal grant of $20,000 last winter that got the projýct started, according to a press re- lease issjecd by thi1e1 incumbena MP. H1e said, the vo rk accomplish- cd with that grant enablcd the public to sec the potential of the building.. It provided wrkfor ciglit men.. LAWRENCE FAVORS WOMEN DECIDING ABORTION ISSUE "The maie dorinafed House of Commons should not set abortion laws.without the full consultation witb. women,l 'Allan Lawrence, Progressive Conservative candi- date said in a prcss relcase issued recently. "Whien a vote is held,",he said, "it should be a free vote and flot subjcct to party discipline." This statement was mnade by Mr. VENEZIA 'RESTAURANT Rlghway 115 andM3 ¼mile s»" of Oreno PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A W1iFEK speeialziig in Pizza - Moals AIes Week-End Speclala Lawrence, according ,to 'théeeý lease, during a question and ans- wcr period with some 300 people< at -a, wine, and cheese, Party ai; Bowmanville. "tsthe wvomen who have te berthe chiliren and they should c- ainly have a 'stong voie lun the matter,,' he said. On- the subi ect of welfare--and une mployment .insurance. abuses, -Mr. Lawrence urged a policy of morP consultation and co-ordina- tionl be.tween municipal, provincial and-federal jurisd'ictions to avoid obvious- duplications of admini*j trations and costs. "it is far too easy to abuse the wclfare and uncrnployment regu- lations under the present scheme and we have some People' sitting at horme when theyý could be work- ing. -lowever, I do recognize* the principle that we must, look af1ter thiose who genuine]y nced, help and' cannot look, af fer then-seIves", he, said. GENýERAL INSURANýCE. Box 82, Newtonviile, Ontario Télephone 7s6-921- Box 61, Port Hope, Ontario. Teléphone .885-2288 I BOB YEOMANS PLUMdBING AND HEATING 24 Heur Service New Installations Uterations Repaire Speiallsing in iRot Water 1 eating forced Air Reating Septie Tank Wort 1,. rono 983-SM1 Buldnga fOuse?' or reui.dIlIg yeur preetut *e e e ommet Floy1d Nicholson -- i Bologna CORNISR'S, Orono 1 -Àoo- ý ,