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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Oct 1972, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1972 NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Elec tors of the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham that in compliance with The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, chapter 95, the period f'or nominations in the said Townhipof Claýrk. IS THE PERIOD FROM 7th ovmbe i72 untlil at 5 o'clock in the afternoon (being the period between the twenty-fifth and twenty-first days before- poliing day), for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office(s) of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS 1 Trustee to lie elected by the Separate Schooi Supporters for the County Board of Educa- tion iwill be accepted by the clerk of Cobourg (Mr. B. W. Baxter) up to November 13, 1972 1 Trustee to bce elected by the Separate Schooi Supporters for the combined county separ- ate sehool board wiil be received by the cierk (Mr. W. Rundie) of Dariington Township up to November 13, 197Z. 2 Truàtccs to lie elected, by the Public Schooi Supporters for the county board of education will bc received by the cierk (Mr. B. W. Collins) of Clarke Township. of which ail Eiectors are hereby required to take notice and govern'themseive's accord- ingiy, and if a greater-number of candidates than required to fi the said offices, are nominated and make the required declarations, polils will be opened on the dates, stated below for the purposes of taking the polil from il o'ciock in the forenoon until 8 o1ciock in the afternoon. THE CORPORATION'0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE ADVANCE POU - First Day - 2 '7th November 1972 (being'seven days before polllng day) TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO0 ADVANCE POL' -'SecondDa- 2ndDecemiber,1972 (being two days before poiling day) TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO pOf)iLUNG DAY -,1th!ecembr 1972 POLLING SUBDIVISIONS: No. 1 - Community Hall, Newtonville No.,2 - Residence . Mr.'Robert Simpson, Golf Course Rd. No. 3 - Lockliart Sehool House Auditorium No. 4 - Orange Hall, Kendal1 No. 5- Township Hall, Orono No. 6- Leskard Church No. 7- Residence - Mr. Kenncth Henderson, Lot 23, Con. 7 No. 8 - Residence - James Stark, Lot 8, Con. 5 No. 9- Township Hall, Orono No. 10- Township Hall, Orono And at the said Election B. W. Colins, Clerk,--shal l e Returning Officer. THE CORPORATION 0F THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE POLLING SUBDIVISIONS: No. 1 - Community Hall, Newcastle No. 2 - Comm unity Hall, Newcastle, No. 3- Commuflity Hall, Newcastle andt the said Election Jean McCuilough, Clerk, shal be Returnig Officer. under my hand this 20th day of October 1972. < B. W. C OLLINS, Returning Officer ENVIRONMENT IGNORED AS ELECTION ISSUE Only one candidate in four has responded to an Ontario wide can- vass of opinion 0o1 key Canadian environmental issues. The Feder- ation of Ontarlo'Naturalists stated today that sucb a rate of i eturn i'eveals an astônishing iack of Crin- didate interest in the environmient as a fundame.ntal election issue. The rate of returu by party was noticably different with the Lib- erals 'returining 6% of the quest- ionnaires sent, whereas the Con- servatiVes and the N.D.P. return- cd 27% and 44% respectively. John Livingston, President- of the F.O.N., observed that "in spif c of the disappointing return, the F.O.N. canvass lias been suc- ccssful in identifying the views of concerned candidates on kcy en- viromnecîtal issues." The con servationists evaluat ion of the returneil questionnaires in- dicate that: 100%~ of the respondents agrced that environinental impact state- nients mnust bc prcpared for al large land use or natural resource developrn"nts and that this state- ment bce publicized before any preparat¶ory work niay begin. 87% of the respondents disagrccd with flic Federal Govcrnmcnt's intention to build a second airport in Picker inir Township. Only 1% thongMh that the need for a second Toionto airport had been estak- l he I. 12,/ did[ not express an opinioni. 55% of the r espondents agree(l tliat the ('an adian Government shoffld adopt an exeniplary pop- uLIalior, Policy ahned at the earli- est stabulizaf ion of human numb- er,; in Canada. 3% Iad no opinion and 42%/ disagrccd, 77% of the responÏdents agrecd finît the basic purpose of our Nat- ionial Parks was to preserve out- standing niatural areas, or features and that developments whicli arc an attraction in their own riglit (c.g. ski rcsorts) ouglit to bic de- veloped in scparate public or pri- vate recreation areas. 3% liad no opinion and 20% disagreed. 100% of thc respondents agreed that cndangercd species must be protcctcd by govcrnmcnt action, aînd thought it irnpcrative -liat Ciiaaaratify" the drafti'UN Con- vention forbidding thé export, TIPS FOR AIIEA HIKERS by Anne Gocbl Dveîy h'king farniiy sliould haîve a good 'map of flic local reg- ion. This mtay lic houglit from the SnUrvys and ci pping Branch in Ottavva. The adeîres.s is: Map Dist- ribution C 6i1ciiii3oth St., Ot- t Iv7 'I'iOnt. lin order to cover the area from Port Granby to G rafton and from the shore.ine to Springville and Jtosencath, you will necd four 3ii:~1D).1 West Haif; 31.D1 Fast rialf; 30 M-16 West ilf; and 30 IM-161 East -Iaif, Series A751. '111ese Inaps cost 50 cents- ecd, or sliglitly more, and, glued to- gether, give You n map roughly tbree feet square. Ilefore evcr)7 hikçe, parent and cliild should sit dlown together with- their map and plan cxactly whcre thec clild is going. rt is very easy to avoid higliways and urncc- essary trespassing tlirough farm- land if every hike is carcfully plnnned. Tiere are miles 'and miles Of quiet country roads wliere a chuld can walk or bicycle safely. Us~e your map to locate, public pic(nicîng areas sucli as'the Ganar- aska Conservation area, Sylvan GlIen and Garden Hiil Conscrya- ti An Area, safe stretches of Lake Ontarlo sioreline, and intere'sfing strétches of abandoned or under- developed; toxvn ship roads., Another fascinating hike is down tie Ganaràska Trail. For in- formation about this trail, wîite te: Tice(ianaraska Trail Associ- ation, Fritli buse, RR 2, Cold- wît er, Ontario. The Ganaraskn 'frrail runs froni Port Hope to Millbrook and on to Omemee and includes a variety of landscape, and scenery. Student membcrship-costs $2.00, Idults $4 and family, $5. A map of the trail cornes witli the mcmbership Children can lie driven fo one point of the trail and picked up at another point at a predetermin- cd time. Happy hiking! inylp)rt Or transit of sucli species. Tite F.0.N. wil l e identifying. tic' top cnvironmental Candidates in thc very near future. NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Police Village of Orono in the County of Durham that in compliance with The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, chap- ter 95, the period for nominations in the said POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO is the pcriod from i November12unlil l3th Noveber1972 at 5 o'clock in the afternoon' (being the period between the twenty-fifth and twenty-first days before polllng day) for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office (s) of Three olceTrustees of which ail Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themseives accordingly, and if a greater number of candi- dates than required to fil the said officesý, are nominated and make the required declaration, poils.wiii be opened on the dates stated. beiow for the purposes of taking the poli from 11 o'clock in the forenoen unil 8 o'ciock in theý afternoon. A DVANCE POLL - FIRST DAY - 27th NOVEMBER, 1972 (being seven days before polling day) TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO ADVANCE POLL,- SECOND DAY - 2nd DECEMBER, 1972 (being two days before poliing day) TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO POLLING DAY 4th Dûecember 1972- ORONO HYDRO OFFICE Given under my hand this 2th day of October, 1972. B. W. COLLINS, Returning Officer Given - -- ----- ----

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