OPONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNÊSÎIAX, NOVEMBERIs t, 1972 The OroTnQ Hortiçultural Soogety TFail Show and Photographic com- petition was held, on Thursday, October 26th in the Main Hall of the church. MNrs. C.* Miller was the judge' for the fali show with thewinners, as follows: "Hedgerow Gleaniings"- Mrs. Zegers, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Buck- ley. "By tbe Fireside", - Mr. Zegers, Mrs, Chapman, Mrg. Zegers,, 'Olden Days"- Mrs. Chaurnan Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. Zegers. "Small Ta Ik" - Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Schmid, Mrs. Zegers.> "Forever Beautiful" - Mrs. Ze- Sers, Mrs. Chapmnan. Mrs. Edtgar James presented the slides andl gave the vQmments of the judge, Mr. John Pratt,, science teacher at Ridgeway Senior school in Oshawa and Past President of the Oshawa Camera Club. The ini- -fiai five classes were for those -êho had flot previously syhown sides and we were pl1eased to -have both Mr. and Mrs., E. Brown -as entrants. This list of winners will be pub- lished next week. President Mrs. C. Billings, ask- ed Mrs. E. Couvier to corne for- ward and she was p1resented wbih a Certif ic?,te of Menit for her years of service to the. Orono So- ciety as lunch convenor, secretairy and President.. Mrs. Couier e- pressed her thank and said she had always enjoyed the work. Due to the generosit.v ofMr and Mrs. S. Holmes sixteen mem- bers received lily bulbs as door prizes. Mrs. C. Gunter gave a deliehtful report of the Provincial Conven- tion in Kingston. in the form of a poem which she had composed& Mrs. Billings said that a tree was being planted on the lawn at the Parliament Buildings in Tor- onto, in honour of Mr. J. Clarke, a prominent horticulturalist, who bas visited our society at varions timhes. The President announcedt the District 4 meeting at Brighton on October 28. A number from the Queen's Park Report mitee 'cO lotçdSoe,,Vebic- les and AlTranVhce l)iig ie ee~Of Otbr16, die 0u,Ont oSelýct Gommit-,itee on Orono, Society attend.d and re- dort a good meeting. One interest- ing item was anl illustrated talk on1 delphiniums. Mrs. Billings had obtaIned th e prize wvinning slides which were shown at the convention ini June and Mrs. Jlames showed these. The Christmas show will be held, on Noveinber 30th. Delicious *doughnuts, tea and coffee were served by Mrs. B. CoWari and the lunch commn-ittee., Kîrby News Mrs. Don Cochrane attended a baby shower for her niece, Mrs. David Westlake, at the home of Mvrs. Mark Wainwright, Oshawa, last Tucsday evening. Airs. Neta Ransberry. Mrs. Mýaryý Forrest and Mrs. Barbara Coch- rane w ire among those who at- tended the Penny Sale and Tua at the Anglican Church in Orono last Saturdav. Miss Lorna Lowery was a natient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville the latter part of last week having her foot operated on., Guest speaker at Kirby Ujnited Church this coming Sunday will be Rev. Mellow from -Courticeý. Mr. Gordon Walker and Gail of Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Ho- ward Stapleton, Oshawa, were Sunday dinnter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken' Baill Mr. and Mrs. La- verne Patterson and Mr.- and Mrs. Briuce Mercer wre also vis- itorý Master KennY Mrcer 1-1% been staying with his grandpar- Dr. John Nelles of Port Elgin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Chapman last week. Mn. and- Mrs. Stanlev Chanman and Clair enjoyed the, lovely sup- per held at Biackstock last Fri- day evening. Another new home is goinig Up west of Merrili Graham's. TENDER- MEATY - IELL TRIMMED I.,.BLADE ROAST lb. 7 YOU SAVE TWICE WITHR TRIM AND PRICE aJIA~JA~A A~S8.5 - Sehueiders Famous RedIffHots Brand Wieners Skinless 67c,. Meaty - WelI Trinmed BLADE STEAKS 79c Tender - Thick Cut Branded RIB STEAKS lb. $1.12~ Ideal for Meat Loaves GroundChuck lb. 89c CH9ASE ami SANBORN ROASTED COFFEE 1 lb., Bug 89c Sunspun Canadian Process CHEESE SUICES 16 oz, 79c lb. 79c SPAGHETTI OR 1 lb. pkgs Cateli M caroni 2 for 49 BAKERV FEATUREI Red and White APPLEPIES 24 oz. 49,C pý uu1 Choice Quality VI 19 fi. oz. tins Crîým Style Corn 4 - 99C 72 oz. ITANT or 5 lb. QUICK your choice Robia»Hoo dOats 79 ]BEST BUY! ' SOFT 1 lb. tubs Parkay' Ma4fine 3 -$1 Single Ply Bathroom Wondersoff Tissus 2 -2 ?c Treesweet (frona concentrlate) 48 fi. oz. ORANGE JUIICE 45C Phone -4)3«5201 Motorizcd Snow Vebiceles and Ail- 'Terrain Vehicles- visited the comn- munities of Thunder Bay, Fort Frances, Kenora, and Dryden for the ourpose of hearing briefs and having discussions xith inlerested citizens in the respective commun- Rties on the use, cortrol, and oper- ation of ail-terrain vehicles includ. ing snoxvmobiles, trail bikes, 'dune buggies etc. The visit to Northwestern On- tario' came after several weeks of research and, organization by the committee at Queeni's Park durîng which time a study of eisting legisiation was made, discussions with manufacturers were, under taken, including visits to Outboard Marine in. Petcrborough, and at- tendance~ by representatives of the committent ATV Conferenc- es in Ottawa, Augusta, Maine and Kitchener. Armed witb information gain- ed through these visits, and that provided by the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications, local snowmobile clubs and envir- onmentalists, the committee had an excellent basis for discussion with the groups which were pres- ent at the well attended meetings in the communities, of North- western Ontario. Groups, which 'met with the committee on this occasion , ýin- cluded representatives of the Thunder Bay, Kenora, Dryden and Fort Francis OP.P., the mayors and councils of Fort Francis, Ken- ora, Dryden, Sioux Lookout and Red Lake. the Sno-sur fers Snow- mobile Club of Atikokan , the Nerthwestern Ontario Conserva- tion Federation of Anglers and Huriters, the Ministry of Natural J1esourçes, the Ontario Trappers Association. the Objibway Power Toboggan Club of Sioux Lookout, Polaris Snowmobile lndustry of Minneapois, Treaty No. 3 Grand Council of Indians, and a large number of interested individuals. VEN EZIA RESTA RANT Rlghway n % luille PIlont OPEN 7 D EK p i zia M Is Mueo Week-End Speclal Orono Building Contractor Brick - Bloc -c r Stene k Carpentry - ab et W Blocu - C « Iý83-5441 ORC Albert's Texaco GENIERAL REPAIES »"au98-548 Oe.. In Northwestern Ontario the siiowniobffe, in addition to being a popular formn of family recre- Slois 'ilso and in particular, for thle native people, essential to their way of life, having replaced the snowvshoe and the pack in tbr? harveŽsting of furs. A significant number of ideas and( s~uggestions resPecting the op- eî'ition of Snowvmobiles emerged from ME discussions including a redic-tion in the registration fee, speclil consideral ion for'. native pepelighway use, safety bel- nmets, use of timber and' mine roads, training courses, local by- laws, property rights etc. The sug- gestions and viewpoints are al recorded and will bave an impiort- ant bearing on the final decisions of the committee. The hearings are an exercise in:participatory demoeracy provid- ing an opportunity for cittizens t6 discuss problems directly wi[th el- ected representatiVes of parlia- ment. As a resuit, the citizens are able to play a-very important rois in the drafting of legisliion. Grant C. Wa de Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtonvifle, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 B ox 61, Port Hope, Ontarie Telephone, 885-2288 BOB YEOMANS PLUMBING .A» EATIG 21 Heur Service New installations - Aiteratiegu .Repair. Speclallalngla 'Met water Heating loeed Air eatIug Septle Tanit Werk ILI. 1 Oren. 9".54 Building flouse? or remodellln your pr mte eue, then cen FI ic i son Phene 983-5449 ORONO 1ORONO. ONT. - Novenîber Speclal Co.munity, Telephone Ce, Ltd. CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ORONO EXCHANGE FOR ROASTINÇr" ~ORISRSOrouao Xin a wide seleètîon for EARLY MAILING Choose those cards for over- seas now. They wifl soen have to be posted. Middletons 1- . -- ql4nPT RIR