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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1972, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER làt, 1972 Kendol-News A pretty candlelight, wedding tooýk place ini Kendal 'United Church on Sturday eveniag, Oc- tober 28. 1972. whea Rev. T. Saci- grove united la marriage Judy Genil Mercer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mercer of Newfoundlnnd to William John Mercer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer of Kendal. Miss Florence Mercer, sister of the bride, was maid of honour and Mrs. Brian Foster, siste'r of the groom was bridesmaid. Mr. Jlobt. Geach wns groomsman while the tisher wns Mr. Brian Poster. The wedding reception was heid at the home of is parents. They plan to reside in Toronto. Biii- works for the Donway Ford Molt- ors of Toronto. Guests attendâed the wedding from HIamnilton, Tor- onto and Oshawa. 1.Mr. and MrJs. Thos. Stevens have returned 'froin two weeks spent with relatives near Braadon and in Winnipeg. They report a very dry season in the Brandon area with\no water In the fnrmer's cisteras. Mr. and Mrs. Cy. Elsey of Osh- awa and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elsey of Toronto visited with their sis- ter Mrs Geo. 'Mercer inst weekead and were guests at Bll's wedding. -Mrs. R. Eliioftt Mrs. A. Downes, Mr-s. fi. Poster. Mrs. T. Stevens, Mrs. G. Cthcnrt and Miss C. Stew- art attended the Regional Con- fereace of the 'United Church Women in Newcastle on October 24th to hear Rev. Norman Mack- enzie lead the 'discussion on "Whnt Christianity meanas to you"l. They brought with them their gifts of knitted mitts and scarves for the Indians. of 'Nortbern Can- ada. The Kendal Women's rinstituite mi 'et at the home of Mrs. A. Low oni Thursday eveaing, Occber 26m with ten m1em1bers rsn n fiee visitors. The meetingonedwhte inigiag of theOd. he M_.J Headerson weleomed the vfisifrs especîally the dsrc rsdn Mrs. H. BT-rdiey anti Mrs ,. W. Hurrie cf Mpe~oeTeroi caUl was, -"TEilsomething Kend!al. Mn.ity." Thinigs e 1nmed by mmu- bers were sew a cases3 and cook- ing cassc sçm~ore he cInsti- tute. The.celecti( street ilighting of lKendal wnas acieved 1wben the Insitue Pesientvisited each ra ayrfd blind is sga ture on a peiti.on whicb wns pre sented to the Clarke Counceil in Oxford STO EMAlsONS WILI J. SCIBWAHL Phonée 983-5606 Specializing i ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also hme Rena rs 1961. 4-H clubs used to be taugl 0 by W.I. leaders. Families in need from fire etce were lielped. Pins with the sehool crest xere present. ed to ench pupil that passed froin Kendal Sehool irito I11gh School. Centennial t cees were planted etc. Camp fees are paid for those who attend summer camp. The minutes were read by Mrs. A. LQW. Plans were made to at- tend the W.I. Convention la the Royal York on Thursday, 'Nov. 9, on a bus froin Solijua to Toronto. Our treasurer reaorted a net profit of' $1655 froin the luacheon served at our antique displny in September. Mrs. 1-. Bradley gave us some fine sugge,,tioris, on "What it menas to be a goodct<itizen." We must forget ourselves -.and think of others. Do we welcone -thel stranger? As good citizcns we must choose good leaders. Miss C. Stewart chose as ber topic ',Our Institute Story". This is a new book tellinf.1,ofte life of Adelaide Hoodless ýand the grent work she did in improviag health through courseý in nutrit- ion, sewing and homebaking ia rural institutes. Now the Institute is a world wide orgainization and branches ont into many fields. It was suggested that the Insti- tute purchase this book. Another member suggested that a new book worth readiagf as a Christmnas gift to a man xvas "The E vaders" wtueh 'tells the story of eight Canadi an airmen who were shot down over enemy territory duriag the war and manageâ to evade capture by the enemy because of the help of the Rlesistance who riskedt their lives to help our' air- men,' The author is Edmuad Cos- grove. Mr. Art Low showed coloured slides of thie'ladies inoid fashion- ed Vosturne ut the antique display. 'Ihc(n he showed some heautiful pc'esof 1-lawai i which. he took wietlîer<' last winter. A ;at y uîcwa provided by Mr.W. Tuaukvad Mrs. H. KoIý 1,1- "' -nîe- Iîg, VWednesday November 15. Analyses coadcted by the On-' tarlo Mleilstvy of Iýhe Environ»_xent and othier agencies over the past few ycars have shin that saow aknfroin roadlways may contai.n a high conce ntration ôf suspeadcd solids, dissolved saîts, organic and autrient materiais an(l other con- taminants. Ia an effort to miaîm- ize the poiiutîag affectsof- these matelriais on rivers and lakes Enviroameat Ontario issued a statement la November 1971, to the effect that direct disposai of snow to watercourses should be ciiminnted wherever possible. -A second technical task force was formed to ]oo1ç into the prob- lemis of snow disposai. This com- 'mittee, macle up of representatives froin Enviroriment Ontario and severai other provincial ministries, the Federal Departinent of the Environument and a number of municipalities through ont Ontar- io, met to formtilate a poiicy oný snow disp'osai that mwould lbe ac- ceptable to tbe entire province. Q.P.P. Report, The N.'eWcaistle Betachinent of the Ontario Provincial Police be- tween October lSth and October 2lst,, 1972, investigated 18 motor vehicle accidents la which 9 per- sons were injured, and as a resivit Il persons were charged with driving offences iacluding 2 crim- miai trnffic offences. Aisocompieted by the New- castle officers. were 85 general in- vestigations in which 5 were break, enter and theft, 3 theft, 1 wilful danmage compinint, 4 tres- passîng -occurrences, 5 disturb- ances, 3 missîag, person reports, 1 arson investJ,iaion and 1 threat- ening complaint. There were 5 reports of lost property, 3 incid- ends of found property and 2 in- vestigations' involving the recov- cry of stolen property. Two. persons are cbarged with criminal, offences, 4. persoas char- ged witlî liquor offences, and 5 persoas cbarged with împnired driviag. Major occurrences iavestigated la Jthe past week are as follows: A motorcycle stoien at Mosport during a race in July 1972, wns recovered abandoned at St. Ste-ph. en, New Brunswick. Stolen from a farin near Beth- any between Oct. 4 and 15, 1972, was a quantity of riding equip- ment, including, saddle stirrups, head, stal and training bit. 'Aiso stoien was a goid bicycle. The stolen items were valued at $335. A suspiicious vehiele was check- cd by Newcastie OPP Officers, Oct. 16, 1972, on Bigbway 401 near Bennett Rd. Two maie occu- pants of the car were an-ested upon recovery of $50000 of stolen goods located- i he vehicle. The recovered prinerty was stolea from a Varief y store near Co- bourg. On October 16, 1972 txvo Osh- awva men enfered a buisiness'prefa- ises ln Zion, and there tbreatened a young ffirl xith i --knife. The two men fled thene, bclicved Ari evaluationo -fdata collect 'd by bhe task freindïcates thti the quantity (,.Èîoiiutants od lYi the snox vvases en.uid'erably froin region ta region. Studies xi] therefore continue toa more fully determine the optimun course of action that shouid be laken by the province. For the comig winter, environ- mental policy xiii be the saine as last y car %vith one sliit change. The ban of any disposai of snow which iii permit the discharge of pollutants dircctly ite a water- course wili he continued. How- e ver, under emergeacy conditions disposai of> snow of acceptable qunlity couid be allowed where alternative means are not avail- able. An application for direct dis- posai wili be required prior to the commencement of such disposai froin the Ministry of the Environ- ment. The receiving watercourse xiii then l)e evaluated and ver.- mission to dispose of mcxv la this mannér wiil be graated or denied. frightLened awnay, but were soon arreted and charged with posses- sion of an offensive weapon. Aý service station located ut the Junction of County Rond 1 and Scugog Road in Ilampton was ualawfully entered on Oct. 17, 1972. Entry was gained by smash- ing the window in the vas4 side door of the premises. Stolen it- ems. included anenw lattery, bat- tery fluid, motor oil, and a numant- ity of tools valued at aproxiimiat- ely $200.00. On October 19, 1972 a farmer near Solina reported that two large dogs have bis cattie corner- ed and have killed one. The offic- er upon arrivaI approached, the scene accompanied by the fariner, but, were turned bnck by the dogs. Finally a second officer ar- rived on the scene and destroyed the dogs usiag n rifle. Four juveniles froin the Court- ice area were recently held re- sponsible. for n series of break-las and wilful damage that occurred at the Courtice Secondary 'and 'el- emcntry schiools withia the ln'st, 5 or- 6 montlms A summier cottage located on the -lkeshoire road east of New- tonville was reported brokea iaWo on Oct. 21. 1972. Stolen wns a quauitity of' camping equipinent and several household items val- iied at $100.00. Driving Tip: It is an offence under the high-- xvay traffic net to drive n vehicle on a highway whea the Windows on front, side or renr of the ve- bidle are obstructed ia any way as to flot give the driver a clear, view wbile driving the motor ve- hicle. This menas it is illegal to, drive with windows steamed up, frosted over, or, covered with snow. Frosted Windows are coin- mont during 1 he chilly fali moaths. Ensure al Windows are celar be- fore settig your vehicle in motion. Remember! You cnn't nvoid a collision if you. cannot see coming. LO'NGC'S CIENTRE Main'Street ORIONO Phone 983-930i DIRES SES STYLES. GALORE STYLES FOR FALL STYLES FOR ALL /'~\, ~\ Up to the minjute fashions in tur- - tic necks -tie necklines - shirt waists and Two-piece Suits in solids, stripes, prints and plaids Sizes 8 20,.1612 241/ý ~Te'eFnntastic Value in black, "dark brown, medium broi",nn v Vuefrom $9.95 to $14.95 Need a Good THmYIÇENEW In Suede, Viinyl , Leather and Costume Jeweflery Sizes S., M.,, L. $2.95 to ss.,95 .GIRLS Fashion ftiwear and Eskimo Parkas lu bine, red, mulberry and tan- gerîne. Sizes 8 - 14 $14.95 te $17-95 Fashion by Rol,ý Countyý or f duatio 0n cordially invites you to attend the at 7:30 "o'clock J = SnowDisosa InOntrlo0

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