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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1972, p. 1

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M ns, 1TWO IDEFINITE FOR Mr. Carveth successfully operates TOWNSIP REEVE a farm in Clarke Township. Mr. Layng, an archîteet, oper- Two candidates have now de- ates lis own firm in Toronto.,1He clared they will contest the P05 hbas owned property in Clarke ition of Reeve for the Township Township for five yeârs, moving -of Clar-ke. Incumbent deVuty- to the fifth line a year and a reeve Rod CaIrvethi stated his pos- haîf ago. ition a menth alo and on Tuesdav Mr. Layng stated Lie lias had Mr. John Layngl of R.R. 1 Orono, consicierable experience in plan- stated lie -would, be irunning for nig hang omel ben n Ihe office of Reeve. ig an omrybe - volved in plans for twelve cities Mr. Carveth lias been deputy- and towns. He said owning Lis ie-eve of Clarke Township for two ardhitect firm, lie would be able -cars and prior to this lield a te provide the necessary time to seat on council for four years. the réeveship of tlie Townsliip, H1e said lie was interested in, plan- ning and feit more could ànd should be done witlitlie present- ly proposed Township plan. H1e aise stated that mainten- ance of the roads was deplorable set back se tbat better mainten- and feit capital works sliould be ince could be mnaintained at no increase in cost. In the Maý4_ the, farming community lie said there sliould, be a better rapport as ini the next twenty years tliere will be a revival of tlie fnrming comnmuniity. "This is an interest- ing Part cf Ithe country... smail enough tînt individuals can be granted, special considci*ations wlien approaching council with problems," lie said. In spea king tb Wr. E. fI. Wood- yard, a former 'Rleeve of--Clarke, lie stated that lie liad been ap- proaclied to seek election as Reeve but liadt not made any de- cision at tliis time. Hie said a number of items to corne before council in -tlie coming. year will require a lot of diplomacy, tîme and thouglit. fHe said the reeve- slip was a serious matter and lie wanted te, consîder lis decision. ForSh cl oar d Mr. cKn Lyaîl cf Newcastle sfafcd hast week fiat lic would a- gain sck electien te flie County Board of Education for Northum- berland and Durhnm. Mr. Lylil ccnfcsfed fhe clecetion two years age whcn Messrs W. H. Carman, Orono and L. Greenweod, Clarke Township, were elected. VOLUME 36, -NUMBER 44, Revenue te fthe 1orttumber- laýnd-D)urham Barof Education las drepped fuis year because cf an unexpected decrease iii fIe enrelmnent cf secendarv sdliool dtudcnts. Because cf thc drop in reven- ue, Bsiness Administraiter, îA- McLed said f liathfeeoard is he-ading for a defijcit cf $500if sýpen)ding is net çcurtailed a ccord. rngly, fie assu 1ed B oa rd m1r týliat spcnding weuktd be eut ,and bI iudget wou]d be mt "The bdetw s-st befeore dfnt eneiretfigures lere aveu 1 - fbe" ie sftated, ',and edigis now witliin budget but tlic rev- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8'th, 1972 Orono Homtýe And Schcol Club Nominations An1d Arrange- Open Forum Advance Poils Thlic Oonio EHome and Scicolù lub are holdling7 an Open Fo Fruni ,ýu the Oron.o PbleShool for candfidate(s seeking election te h oor f Eduction. epups ftile form is "te giv adiae inopportunity te premcnt their -iews and a iset gv )-t tlue opportulnity to questio>n the candidates. Th'le forum h sbeing hld on Noveinber 2lst conunwrucin",' 8:00 p.m. Mr. Don Long, presid- ent of Ithe Assý,ociationt salitlie knew of only Messrs. Carman, Greenwood and Lyall who' have h itiatcd tiiey xviii rua for'ofie New This Year, With the Iederal electien eut, cf flic way for flie time heing, attention is noxv directed tovward municipal elections arict those f'or the County Boiird c. f Education. Carndidates cckliiiig election M these two ffIclds must comply xii tL.uiI' iînicipil Elections Aî,, 1972 and file thLir nomination p'îpcîs bitetven Novcîîîbcr 7Ui andî five o'elock on Sov mbei J3. C'anidatfl, liafictia tesekîg efti er ftii"coufcit of ticeion 5;hip ofnilrkce, thc Oî'oao Police TrLîstes fil hir paper with flue cie. k cf0l!cToxvuusý;iîîofCake Mfr. B. W Coi li. T se seking ciectioe tue SearafeScii xvih lc o f cougandtos qeeking yelection ùto ti(!ccînbinied Seprmra le Selînol lloaird witli fie cîIerk cf iarlinuglon Township in Nonuiiîatioii paliers are aviil- aile frein the respective clcrkis dîiriuîg regiîlar bi.sitiess heurs. 'l'îvo advaance poîlis will he bell for the Mniian îd Board cf Educal ion elci onth lis year. The Advine'Polis i n Cirlie Town- slpwiil l be eld in tie Townshîip F1,i]01 onboffh oev'*sions, November 2.7 mnid, lkeemb'er 2rid. Polling dai ' v hall Ie Voîayicember itli. enue fhas dro-Iped.",* Eadli secondfary scicol stuident represents about $900 in grants for fhe sdlioo], year, according le Mlr. McLecd, and 'figures received in tlic Board 'in formation stated that fluere w erc 175 less pupils on, September 30, 1972, fluan thc Board bcd mecpefd. In ticeIcer) Secondary Schools under tic Board tiiere were 7,722 stu'dents enrolled as opposed te tic- 7,907 ,stuidents whiceh tiie Board lhîad pi'ojectùd wculd enrol Board inember' Wes Dcxvii teck studenth wluo go oni welfaî'c te fasik, sayiî'g fiat some stuîd- euh ýceine into flie srliocis for (Continued on page 3) ronor, e ex Botli Messrs. Carmin and Green- wood are seeking rethelection to represent Clarke and Hope Town- ships as well as the Village of Newcastle. ýOther candidates may be in- tending to run for these offices fromn any of thc municipalities but are unknown by the Times, Nominations close N ovember l3tli, 1972. Quiet, la Orono So Far Only one incuxnibent mieier of the Orono Police Trustees, Roy Forrester, lias to this dalde, defin- itcly declared their intention te sieék re-election. Mfr. Nicholsonî stated lie liad niot as yet given consideration on wliether lie xvouid be a candidate. Mr. Woodyard said, on Sunday, tliat lie had not definitely decided on whetlier to seek election as Reeve of Clarke or, to seek re- election toi the Police Trustees. At this time no one else lias made public tlieir intentions to, run for a seat on the Trustees. Guest Speaker At School Oponming T'le m e- 1 S, ý New, Eleàmentary School Offiàgcially O1pened In Orono Acrigte youltlis att fic or- ~ncDro-InCentre, onmi na cvnigflc cnteis tpreov iiig succesful he Centre opencda -wek ge and is openr Monda'Y ~îdFriday eiig a vl s ,Sfuda ftcmaooli tand evenimu~ 'lccentre is lield ln a back roî etbQ flic11orenue hdro office. 'F'ic centre attractsi) UP 10 tbrty (ioî-doiî Iiooey stattes tiîat ftie youtlî at fines, xli( iv î;e liei-in goiup xviiasi seniior citizeais 1(1 play cards, clucclers, <lciii odti jobs ai'oufîd 1hiri'homes, darts and te listen -to trnusie,' ul as siovellîîug sîîcxv, aking oube f gins ave been don- lavcs aad contaŽt ('an h', made ated Ie flic roiln as weIlliv; some by phoning himn at '983-5530. fîîîd i aciiznof Oroîuo. A group is shown above, having îut ereSt ila licki 1.Tw'ty Cciiidcatic h im iug ivcîu te xerw ii tteidtttceat fuis, tiiïî odiga Soc lu Ifop fuis Saturday. with ail gainei ilî ut c. Tribute was paid te tic North- umberland and Durham County Board of Elducation lasf week at thc officiai openîng cf the new Orono PubliceScliool. 'Mr; Doùg- las Moffatt, principal cf thc 'schcol commended the Board in fiat they lad allowed' total in- volvement cf tie scicel staff and community ini tic planning cf fie schoci building. At Icasf tirce hundred and fifty attended the opening 'and ae- claimed the new building as a credit to tic community and te tic Board cf Educafion. Mr. Moffatt spoke cf tic old building construcfed ini 1915 as sound structurally but statcd as a fire frap by many. Tle aiso said there was 'some sad feelings by some as if was tomn down. Tlie principal spoke cf the Op- en Concept plan and stated that he, was confident flic system wquld be cf greaf benefit te fie students. fie again tlianked fie Board for allowing the decision te be, made at fie cemmunity level. Board diairman, Robert Eaidus, stated, fIat, fheichsdliwas ratier unique in tic area of tlie counfy sysf cm. Hie said, the physical aspect cf flic building will allow a modern learning apprendh, (Continued on page 3) Lowers Revenue TURFE SEEKING DEPUTY-RPEEVESHIP IN CLARKE TOWNSHIIP Týo this dat e three residents in, Clarke Township have deciaresi that they will be secking electiOn as Deputylteeve of thIc muaici- pality on Decemnber 4tlî. Incum- bent niembers cf Courîcili 'oed Copping, (ronq and- Frank Gray, Newcastle have declared their'in- tention to run for the T?)eputy-' reevcship as well as Kirk Ent- wisie cf Newtonvillc. Mi». Gray, a farmier. bas served as a Councillor silice 1967 wbile Mr. Copping, a130 a fariner, lias been on Counicil for two years. Mr. Coppingstates titat lie iii anx- tous te see thaf a balanced buid- get continues and notes th.-,t fliere is a need for eizroericrw" in Tonipaffairs at Ibis time. B()linca are 11e-long resîdeums ]Wr. 'Eîtwisle ih a Bn~ 'lecinician and Estilnator and is a partrier i National Granite Ltd. lf'ie 43 years of age anîd moved to Clarke Township some six ycars agýuo witli lus faiiy. Hie was edÏUcZat!edlangi .Ini announc- ing bis candffdacy lie said tiat fresli twentieth century. think- ing vas nccded !lu, planning in this ra.lie ai.ôso aid that the roehds in Hie 'Toýwrship wcre in terrible condition. FOURt ALREAL>Y SEEING ELIECTION TO <'OKNCIL With bothl Copping anîd Gr ay vacating t tLnir Cojuncil seats, a wide gap opens and te d-ate four candidates have declared thcir intenutien te von for election. Incuiîben t Robert Chater, a farier fronut te Leskardt area. Will seek re-election. Newcomers irickude Geî'rit Ileykoop, RU tN, Orono, Wayne MVeasor, RR1, New- castle and Charles Reid, Orono. .Mr. Ifeykoop presentiy owns and operates T1he Coach and Four restaurant ani is 42 years cf age. fle said lie lias ne real "beefs" bat f cels that bis expe 'rieruce in buiescould be lielpful in bringing a fresli new look te ('ounceil an.d an in-denti studv of Township affairs. fie lias studicd SLtistieal. ani Business Admin- isi ration holding posiftions in this ir'IWitt) Donritar Construction (Centiinued page 3) Miss Sylvia McPhee

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