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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1972, p. 3

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r- ORONO WEEKIJY TIMES, WEDNESVAY, NOVEMB1ER 8th, 1972 -DROP IN ENROLMENT LOWERS REVENUE (Continued from page 1) the fal athiefie pregram and then drop-eut ani go on welfare for the winter. "Thc studenf.s Just did flot corne back this fztil," W. Frank Thom, director of Educat ion said, Wedon't know exactly, what hiappcned te fhemý, perhaps they "rugit't gidne depart- mienits at fPic high (lihooljs we will b)e making l-a ,l1lTve-.ylaianalys ,is othe do ns.We ehave the fiure-s wýe vl1 bing them before, the Bad"Mrf. Thein statcd. Accodingte r. TomSeliol reutswl leind vili e Beardiof Euain Aniother pýrof'e-m icise d by tihe decrease inienro!wMent is tha!tc Board lias hired more, tedhrsfan are ineede<l. M'r. 'l'inmgave a e-xamfflecfd formula and said "we have to pay them from. September t4) June and that effects our budtçget." one secondary schd-bl which lias. three teachieis more than hie Sehool Openling (Contînucd from pge1) "This is fine for tueders, pûlpils aad the comimuifyý", Yhe said. Mr. Enkins ugdthemcommru n- ifyas a-whole f0 make use of thc building. The cara of He, Board ai- se referred ttIc corn nl- put and thflaf of thile staff ia fhe planning of flic building ,and cx- pessd is thanks for the words spokea la pra4ise by Mr, Moffatt. Rcy. Lon- ia officiallv ~ia tiag flic 'building spoke cf thc buligand school ar ea of understaading ançi frutih: "Wc iiivoke Ilis bessiag la thîs build-' Teacher-Child Relautionship 0of Greatest 'Importance Mi ss Sylvia McPheè, guest sp)eaiker at tfli- officiait eopeniag cf tire 0roiiW Public Sdliool in a mojit 'c, lisri-iùfg and, enthusiastie mauiner sýpoke of the motivations that are sç important te a chuld. Tlic spe,-aker, lad regarC for' the païst; thie tresent and the future. Mis ~McPeestated -that al ladon 'fsl~gin cemmon, be- iig thnt portion of life spent in sehooL S-e)spke of the past rig- id patra f the êducationaý syten oth mental and cf -a phyîci ntue.A chuld, could become -ér-Ushed and' stiff. In re-, ferin t the' new school shc said there wasvery littie resemb- lithat square brown desk. She sai, ,good, aad sound cdu- -,cation must recognize the chuld. Educatiop. is a, continual, process and there is.,always a great need te- refreslthetIcmid, she saîd. Aý chuld, sIc said, first learn as a child. They:then begîn school inw in -the search, of truth," lie said. Greetings Were presented by John Stone, reeve of the Town- ship of Clarke;, Garent Rickard on behiaîf of fhe United Counties along with. remarks from D. W. Patterson, superintendent of plan ning for the county board. Mt. W. L. Greenwood, a local member of the board infroduced the pafr guests while W. H. Carman introedced the guest speaker, Miss Sylvia McPhee. The speaker,>was fîanked by'Mr. Don. Long, presidient of the Oreno Home and School clubf., ),mo.-ng the, piatferm guests -as UIVi-al ae Posterwo is re- no)wned linM the( local ekhiceation field havingý being principal of the sdboci for many years. ,Foilowiing tIc transfer of the keys tothfeprincipal everyone foured fhe new building and werc served refreshments in the gen- eral purpese room. The sdhool band aad fhe sdhool Glee Club presenfed some deight fui musical select ions durin g the course cf the eveninàg. FEU-WELLlTRIMMýED HAM CZUT -FOR ROASTING' IDEAL FOR STUFFING- LEAN MEATY Fresh eut from flic lam "ulCt Pork teak b 9 No -waste - Ail Meat - Garanfteed Tender Pok Tnde rloin 1.6 Frozen Imported - Straight Bib Cut LAIMB CHOPS Al 79c SEASONED JUST RIGHT Pork Sausage lbn. 59C ,By the piece - TASTY COok Salami 88C Lucas Top Quality Side Bacon Il.97c Dananas 2 ibi. 270 14 oz. Stokely's Fancy llfoney Pod 14 fi. ons. ýPEAS 4 for, 88c David Pure Empress wvith COCOn'ut Chocolate Maullows 5-9c WESTON'S Fresh Daily Dinner Roills dozen 39c' Soft Maorgarine 3 for 89c ORIOLE BRAND E. D. SMITI'S Garden Co cktailý M~ount Royal Mandarin Reg. 43c. doz. 1 lb. tubs 28 fi. oz. btl. 37c 10 fi. oz. tins Oran ge Segments 4for 89c Stokely's Flnest - Fancy Quality . 12 fi. ozs. Kernel Corn 2 for 49c Phono 983,5201 and are curieus and, te maintain, this the child must he accepted as they are. She urged that the dhid be allýowed te risk mistake as well as being free of labels :and anixieties. 'Miss MePlice stated that a child needs te feel that it is good "te, be, me?' and te haive room te move and talk. "Ac-tivity- is growth an.d development an ïd a childshud question and.reach for new ideas andfelns Children live in the school day hby day, she asiJd, "and I say live". This building rnust be used. The child must -become a- pm-ducer. At 'this 1poi4t the speak~er com-, mented on; the work, on disPl ay in the school and she said she-, 1iknew. that, it was net'. ust put up for the1 school o pening. This was good and stated- "As you val- ue my work, value mie". One csseatiial Point stated the speaker i s:, tÈhe contact' bctween the teaçher and thc student and this is personal. If a sy e m fails it is gencrally in this area, sÙe said. " Whât we arce Ss st imp ýjortantC. she said. We are the stimulators, the mofivators, and those that praise. There is a concept of individu- ality," she said. The 'physical character of this building will add grcatly to this concept. VENEZIA 1Highway 115 and 35 ½mile south of Orono PHONE 9835ý651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Spe-cia1izing la ,Also W"eek-End Specials Brijck - Block -Concrf Stone Work Carnentry - Cabinet W Floors -Tile '1835441 ORC THE MAN WHO 15 AFRAIPTO GAT14ER MONEY, 8ECAUSE TME BEES HAVE 5 65 WILL NEVER SUCCE D. Albert's Texac'o GENERAL REPAIRS phonie 198"-"24 Oreno NOMINATIONS (Continued form page 1) Material and Rothmians'. He has- operated the Coach and Four for fi ve years nortli of Orono. Wa ?~~yn)e IVeasor, With lis f-"iiijY,- inevedl to Clarke Town- , i a year and a half ago and resides -faýst of Newcastle. Hie is }\r( P/1mnager for (UmI if l. mr. Moa','or stated it. wvas lime for new blooit on Counecil and a readiness to IIrogress with the growth of the area. Tle also .,,pointed out I1hai' Ahere is n uro eteitative ini the soqfithfor ('ounciJk Mr. (harls llid, O9rono, un- aatbefor covmment this week, ("~ ],;"" tath lted te run for sot ont Council. MAr. Ri 1-es ,-t of 0'ono and opeýrates thc Durfliaun Colinty Sales Aren. lie was edticated in the Township and fi.nrihered bis studcies :4t Gielplrr in Business, Administra- Nominations close as àf 5 e'- clock, November l3th for 'candi- dates seeking election to the municipal election of Clarke rQwnshlp. Gr aont C. Wade Insurance Agency GENEïRAL INSUR,4NCE Boi- 82 Ne*tlonville, OntaioI Telephone 786-2921 Box 61, Port Hope, Ontario Telephone 885-2288 BOB e.YEOMAýî1NS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations- Alterationg Repairs Speclalizing In Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septie Tank Work X.R., 1 Orono 983-5624 i ~Phonc 983-5049 Building a Bouse? or remodelling your present one, then contact, Fl-oyd NchoSon ....... ORONO November Special, November 1 to November 30 - is the time to bave an EXTENTION TELEPHONE Installed wthout, an InÈtall- k Mon charge. Only :monthly rentai charges For further information please cal 98-5800 or Zenith 46350 or contact your local service Co uniy Telehone o, Ltd. ONTENIL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ORONO XHAG CORNISR'S, Orono 1 'n 1- Chr istmOs' Cards in a wide selection for EARLV MAILING Choose those cards for over- seas now. They wiil soon have. to be posted. Middle tons ORONO, QNT. A,ý ;ým1.1

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