~i-i ngn~coo. fe saicih but thiÏ s Ilh going rate and you- hoe hywr ltmkn n have to compete to get 'the best. eërror in puttmng grades- 7 Mr. Carmann spoke of many ad- An -,i sehool adjacent to Clank vancemaents in the County over 'fIigh Schooll. Hle said it created the past few years referring to ex- problemns and imade second-rate tendeci aduit counselling, estab- citizens of the junior students. lishing library resource centres, l1e spoke of another such school computer education in Port Hope, âeWhich he siid. was not a success. Uneriycetcossasn Later in debate hie declineci to Orono, a dramatic change in the. name the sehool or his source of upgradiing of professional staff, November 1 to Noveniher 3 information. along wth principal workshops, lu the time to'have an' -If I get your support it will be to mention only a few. EXTENTON TELPHONEfurther considereci and put in the 1eas saici there were DIn dnsaledwihou p ~ ~ .pren)er location. more evening coutses for aduits. He was eritical ofth Hi- Mr. Carman stateci that-sm tien'charge. way entrance into Clarke High promise to change the system and Ony onhl enaichrgsschool andý said the Board was a- conditions but it mnust, be remem- wmaplyware of this condition ,and yet bered that a',trustee is only one Win pplyno improvements had been made. of 16 members. Being a board For further informiation please Mr. Lyall also said he disa- member lis a co-operative thing. eau greeci witih the tearing down, of 11e promised, if elected, to con- the old Orono Public sehool andi tinue to work for you. 983-5800 or Zenith 46350 contended that the people of Or- or contact your, local service ono should have first been asked ' Mr- Greenwood stated ,,a Ma fthey wanted it. "There aa a candidate for re-election and m fw s ai emd nopoie te lack of judgement here," he said. si emd opoie te In the matter of disposing of Brown's school he said the resi- den-ts of the,,airea should be able to purchase it for a sum of $7000. Y N E I insteaýd of $19,000 which has been ~ asked by t,1ýe Board. 4 ~ "If you~ give ie a vote FRi give RESTAURAAT vuthe best representation," lie Rlghway 115 and 35 saýid1. Picase g ime one of your ¼ mile South of, Orono votes onDecember 4th", lie said. PHONE 983-565 Mi. Cairman in addressing the OE ASAWE audience stated hie -was interest- SpecLiig« la ed in their chiildren and would Com u n ity Telephe'ne Co.'Ltd. always be available to meet with - Pizza -, Meis the parents. He said lie was seek- A» e-E S l CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ing re-election and bias had twelve ieWe-EdSea ORONO. EXCHANGE years of experience in the field of education,. i Value * Well Trimmed, Lean TENDER JUICY .-FULtLUT Donelern ist FIVE RB Prime Rib Steaks $1.15 Boneless ThIe cool w eather favounite STEW BiJEEF lb. 99c apeLeaf Rindless BACON lbMeg Mapfle L Grounid Suet lb.- 49c Maple Leaf '16 oz. Sliced Bologna 59c BEEF HEARTS.lb'. 59c CORNISR'*Sg,Orono Check'd Meats n Tender - SIRLOIN- T-BONE- WING o1 ms lb. $1,29 AK lb. 51.29 FREEZER SPECIAL SPECIAL- LOW PRICES ON QUALITY 1BEEF CUTS l.e. Hirdsl Sides, Chucks or Fronts. Inquire today. 3 VARIETIES 1 LUNCHEON MEAT PREM 2 12 oz. tins $ Light - Dark- Koko - Supreme Brand cello MaIow Biscuits pkg. 39c Feature - Monarch Brand Margarine 4 1I L.packs $1 Phoneo4)83-5201 Albert's Texacco GENERAL REPAIES FbomeU. M24 Oron. Phone 983-5728 Grant C. Wade GENERAL INSURANCEC Box 82,Newtonville, Ontario Telephone 7884821 box 61, Port Hope, Ontario Telephone 885-228 BOB YEOMANS PLUMBING AND> HEATING 24 Hour Service- New Installations - Alterations Repairs Speclalizing lai Hot Water Heatlng Forced Air Heating Septlc Tank Work ILI. 1 Orono 983-542 Building a fouse? or rean.d « eJi.ur pr«ee *ne e, esuleet Floyd Nicholson rPoe. 988nîmOBONO Il gai.e Ice Crteain ail flavours OONO, ONT. OronoBuilding Contractor Brick - lck - C.mert stome wiek Caruentay - Cabinet W Plou-Tie 983-5441 R