ORONO WEEKLY TfIMES, W #,SNESDAY, NOVEIMBER 22, 1972 «iotined rompage 1 anthe r ~Mid~ Muflersaregar- teedfo as long as yen iOwn t1ie ca, wtbfree inst'alla- ltien ait 600i shops in North f soipipe beuflng for fegantique andAmeýr- ieran madiecas We 1 mstWai mufflers fer a iving We have te de abetter job. meet your MIDAS men at:. OSHWA 0116 Bond -lst. W. Pbone 576-8111 Xelth Tregiuina, Brlan Ishil, [ Terry Sutclf fe system, Mr. Lawrence pointed eut that anyene, at any timne, can xwrite to hlm, postag2ý. free, and rnerelY address the enfvelope: Allan Lawrence, M.P, (Northum- berland-Durbam), Hous1e of Coni- mens, 0OTTAWA, Ontario. Any such letter does riot require stamps or postage. The ncw telephone system cov- eî s the whole 'riding, something not attempted before by an elect- ed representative, and the Zenith 9-6130 number nutomntically con- nects up xith a local Port Hope numbir where the message is taken for Mr. Harnc.le said that for ieiet i the,ý five tel- ephoneexhgecord by the, Port ïpef hme, at is con- stt< t e iding in PoiLHoei, CoorCold SrngGarde.n H-illi- Bc-wdle-y, N, ewtonville and Welom, te umer they should eall bhould be,8-21.However,' for the resý_t of the riding, înclud- ing slen te elephone ex- changes, pýeople should merely cali the Operator, and ask for the Zenith number. These other ex_ changes, covered by the Zenith number, are Orono, Blackstock, Bowmanville, Graiton-i Hamnpton, Newcastle, Oshawa, Roseneath, Baiiebooro, Bethiany, Cavan, lias- tings, Lindsay, Millbrook, Petcr- bora, and, Warkworth. Mr. Lawrence snid that if any- one has difficulty with the tele- phone -numbersý, or in reaching him, effective to-day these num- bers and full information about. them,, will, be available froni the Dîrccfory Assistance Service of the Bell Telephone 'Company, so that in the event that a note of the rnuýýmber is lest to anyone, by, cenactng Telephone Informa- tion, the number for the 'particu- lar are ais listed under "Allan Lawrenèe' M.P."ý. 1H,1e indicated that further announcements will soon be made respecing ether Towmship of Cla rke Final Instalment 0fTaixes DUE TUSA No;v e mber3,17 Payable -at1th Brandi Offices of the Canadian Imperial Blank of Co3mmeýrce at Orono and Newcastle. ATTEý,NTID 4 In w-Lu nr that yeu may dlaim the ONTARIO PROPERTY TAX CýREDIT on your 1972 INCOME TAX RETURN, the PROPERTY TAXIES shonld be paid in ful for,1972. (Feür more informaitionp contact the undersigned in the Miuicipall Office. at Oreno0). Treasurer - Tax Collecter KenalNews Mr. andl Mrs. Lloyd Hanwkins and yecungest daughter Betha vis- ited with Miss C. W. Stewart on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and fourý children of.Crookcd Creek visited Kendal ChUrch on Sunday. They have just moved to their new home from Bewmanville. Mr. Minllie Wybenga is build- ing the foundation for bis new home south of Kendal and just south of the ,big crceek. TheKndlWnn' sttt met at the honw e 0f Mrs,. anian lWlanders onWdnsa eeng bsrspreent.Thepresden,oMrs. J. Hndesonopencid themetn wit th Od. Tis programmie was in, charge of Mrs 11. Flioster cvno f EuainandCut ami Activities-. The IbuCaîl was "Namie somethin-gnw in our ed- uc ational system." Thiis brought a oo response:( wit h answers like: teopen coneept system la ne;lahngiuage cnnwbe li-teni- cdI te on a tape ,recorderý,, formnerly the coi.rrect proný,,ucItin was neyer eand.Tlehon nw brings th-e country studied righ0Jt intote clnssroom. The new miath- emnatics was discussed and sêemIs to have falleni short of expiecta- tiens; adult educatien has proven to be a great bielp to many people, In thc oh]d days aduits neyer thought of returning te the class- room, now the governnMent~ helps adultÉ to improve their'education. Some schools teach religion some do not. This was feit to, L_ a mistake as so many- children nev- er attend any'place of worship. The minutes were rend. It was decided to give a 'donation to Muscular Dystrophy. Mrs. H. Foster fbegan by aýaying, EPduscation iS 1n0 comme-ntak.It is the atttide l,t mksii diijl or interesting. She rnd ,flan Lic1 telling of theSae Streùt ipro- g'rambodatb ai vrU ren on cnncý V. Ope norning thley wlltèchte JE. It growýs bigIger and bggrtill it beconws an elephant.' Then enles alnd( their eggs make an interesting follow up. Even the great ELK bas a namne that begins with E. Many of these. children learn to rçad before going to school. A 'ddicious lunch was served by our hostesses, Mrs. A. Den4is and Mrs. J. Henderson. T7he next meeting will be at tht home Of Mrs. Reg. Elliett on December l3th. Each member is to bring a- long a $2.OO gift for an exchange of presents. Mrs. T. Stevens, Mrs H. FPoster, M?&s. R. Elliott and Mrs. G. Cath- cart attcndcd Orono United Church U.C.W. meeting on Thurs- day cvening to hear Mrs. Redi- path of Oshawa spealk on the Con- ference ln Saskatoopi when the Moderator was chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Carroll, Our storekeepers, journeyed te Ottawa this past weekend to sec bis mother who is in the hospital there following a severe stroke. On Sunday, Novtmber 26tb Mr. Moulton of Toronto will speak in Kendal Church. H1e is sent here by Alcohol and Drug Concerns Inc. Let us leayn what can be donc with this problem., Giftsale At The New Dutcb Oven GIFTS REDUCED FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Starting- November l4th te the cati of Detember Rî ELC To represent Townships of Clarke, Hope and the Village of Newcastle Couty Bloan! of Euato WBILL CARMAN Neyer tÊ)o busy to help -you Ne ü tobusy to werk for YOU. DhllCarmnan bas worked for' Equality of Opportunity - cononly - Community Vse of Sehools - Improvenients -in- CurrilU,ý Accommodation and Transportation. cl, CARMAN, Wm.IH. X Providing the means se that each chuld May realize a happy anid productive life. Clarke Towns'-hilp Voters Information Comnnîlttee Orono, December 1, 1972 Dear Voter: Every reside*it of Clarke Township eighteen years of age, and over will be entitled te vote titis coming Monday, December 4th. on seven separate ballots te Permit the establishiment of additional facilities for the sale of liquor ln Clarke Township. Many local residents and visitors te the area have complained about the'inconvenience of having to drive considerable distances te obtain supplies front L C B 0 and Brewers Retail stores located e1sewhere~ where votes have Made these outiets legal. The continued population groWth L i the Newcastle, Orono, Newtonville, Kendal, Leshard and Clarke Township suggest the need for these services to be established locally. It is Worth notiug that L C B 0 stores a"d Brewers Retail stores pay local taxes and 'provide employment for local people. They aise are somethlng of a magnet te attract various etijer types of retail business. (Many people do thefr general weekly shopping where they can obtain ahl the services they requiîre.) You can easilyidentify the seven separate ballots by theircolours as follows: LCBO STORES, White. BREWERS RETAIL STORES, Blue. ONTARIO WINE STORES, Light Green., (the for-egaing three ballots oavcr ail produets -'id in IfC() tor- a"d bt-er f-1 Brewers Betail stores). These ballots are for : cengesp BEVERAGE ROOMS FOR LADIES and 'ESCORTS - Pink. BEVERAGE ROOMS FOR MEN ONLV, Canary. W~tFP GE OOMS TO WHICH MEN ami WOMEN ABRE ADiITTEn, STNGFY OR~ ESCORTED,. Orange. IWltR AN!) W1NF wT'Pn ~M1PAîS. B"ff <Tq"1o<J only to restauraiâts that meet thé necessary standards). Eaeh ballot stands entirelv bv it-elf. Each is Chagesare needed onl the clam"ke Tqgeisiîp Council 10o help brlng abouft thle needeti Change 0OTJE Waync e R.Measor For Coumcillor OnMonday December 4th EFFICIENCY AND LEADERSHIP 1k t.- Il t,