couincil for the nxti few year, durinIwhat ill be a perioýd of adIjustIIenjt. 11e polnted outthatmnipa tesonlly aeccount for 2,5 ren ofthe anid thismoe miust be spreadl over many pro- jects. lie promiised to be reýsý)on- sive to needs and to value tLhe tax dllar. ROD CARVETH (Seeking reeveship') Mr. Carveth spoke of his; six years in couincil under Reeves Stone, Foster and Walkey. lie said this had be excellent experv ience. Ile said fie would filght reg- ional gjovernment to the 'bitter end'. Tax dollars, hie claimed, ha!.i ben spent most economnically ami, that couinell had reduItccidite Iban from n (IO to $47,000O(due to instaiment paymîents of taxes. 11e informied his audlience tha te Offcia pln ws ow rad fr 'lE v WOODYARD 'Mr. Woodyard sî twas cer- tainly nece,-sary toü get as much v lu'or the tax dollar as pos- sible. île statedc it was alnost impoSssible at, this tim~e to say how to set', lc to govera. This will hae o Nwait until the Pro- rince sets- down their guidelines withi the ext sx moths. 11e ýad e fit cocfsod be sorceof nfomation and rerivedeleatins itlh dignjitY. 11espoe o v opratonbetween TO THE ELECTORS lOWNSH-IP OF CLARKE MUNIIPALELECTIONS DECEMIBER~ 4th, 1972 EVERYTIIING WE DO iN TOWNSHIIP AF- PAIR-"S MUST BE AIMED TO MUAKE CLARKE THlE KIND OF C03MMUNITY IN WHICII OUR CHILDREN, AND TIIEIR CHILDREN, WILL WANT TO THIS I AM DEDICATED. LIVE. TO KI1RK11ENTWISLE INTEGRITY - TOUG"HNESS- ENERGY DX SERVICE STATION H-.ihay 35 and 115ý, jiust niorth of Newcastle Featudiug: A' The M",ost Re-asonable Prices Auy Cuiy pier gai. Phone 98Q7-42,15 Chartered Accoun tant Phone Newc,,astle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday i REA RISATE K RE, TAlt 6g3-3393 Port I Toronto 923-9174 [ope Office 885-4,543 For prompt, courteous îetfin,,- eut service when huylnug or seuînig and for the largest sel- cetion of properties in the arec Contact 5OnO Area Jersuaie Roy Foster 983-5801 William Tutransky (Kendal) 983-5420 (Bethany) Dane Founid Roy Strong, 277-2280 613-3965 52 r Il fflhany Fer Christmas MEN'S ami LADIES' WATCHES Wallets BiF Pids Watch Bauds A wide variety of PIPEs ChocOlates ad Caies Ail Cigarette supplies MAlTS BLAD end Barb.rshp Ore, ,oe FOR CALL GLEN RAB DARY rM3-5444