four New Faces On Twp. Councîl The electors of Carke Town- ship on Monday elected four new laces to icouneil and returned one incumbent. E. R. (Ted) Wood- yard was elected reeve of the municipality with Kirk Entwisle as deputy-reeve and Charles Reid, Robert Chater and Gerrit Oronoâ VOLUME 36, NUMBER 48 Heykoop as councîl members. Bob Chater was the only incuin- bent member to be returned to councli. Times" ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,. WEDNESDAY, DECJEMBER 6th. 1972 Wm. Carmnan And'Ken Lyle Elected To'School'Board A Possilble Recount To Corne The election to elcet two -,hembers to the Northumiber- land and Durham County Sehool Bo-ard, representing Clarke,, Hope and Newcastle, was a close race .and mnay well resuit in a recount. 'W. H. Carman, incumbent, and, 'Ken Lyall were elected with ~Lawrence -Greenwood, incumbent, losing out in à" close race with IKen Lyail. Carman polled 1390 votes; TLyal1 1208 and Greenwooct 1199. MWr. Greenwood stated that it is ~quite possible that he will ask for a recount, depending- on the inumber of spoiled ballots. Carman hei'd a comfortabie edge in Clarke Township of 207 votejo, 'while Lyalý topped the polis lu Hope and Newcastle. Car- ~man led i n six of, the ten polis in Carke, with Lyall ahead i ietonvi!le, Browns and Stark- -ville. Greenwood headed the Ken- wdi POIL Again Under Fire Communication was received by the Orono, Police Trustees th'atý the operation and mainten- ance of the, Orono disposal area has not -been undertaken as re- quested. by. the Ministry. It was stated in the communica- tion that the Departinent had re- ceived a complaint andi upon in- vestigation it was, found that the operation was not being under-, tak-ii as speeified. The ,iet#-r stated that the dump could be operated as set out lu agreement betwýen the Trustees and the Depa!rtment. Second WeIl Stalled Seek Legal Opfinion The Orono Hydro and Water m%-anaguer, following a request by the Orono Police Trustees a uionth ago, contacted the Ontario Water Resources Commission by letter asking at what stage the de- velopinent of second weil had now approached Although Or- no Police Trustees had given their approvai to, complete the projeet nothing had been heard by the local group for two, or three months. Mr. Pearce received a reply -from the 'OWRC on November 3th in which they stated that the OWRC had written the Toýwnship on August 28th asking the Townvishin to provide a legai ojpinion on the unopened road ai- ,owance which is invoived in the proIjeet. The Township was asked t.o consuit its municipal solicitor :ýo obtain a definite ruiing on and advise the O.W.R.C. Of- fice, of the outeome. The letter stated that further Seek Tentative Appro The Northumberalnd and Dur- hmCounty Board of Education ~sseeking tentative a pproval from the ntario Municipal Bo)ard for the expenditure of $923.for the construction of a eio lementary Sehool to serve tudents of Grages 7 and mq froin Newcastle, Clairke2 Town- sip and' Orono11. Approval for the sehlool bas been obtained from, ithe Ministry of Education for the structuire. Tlhe price of $795,P00 inciudes contact had been made to th è Township on Ot ober 3rd hbY let- ter and again on November 6th by phone. As of 'November 28th the O.W.R.C. had had no word froin the Township of Clarke. The letter aiso stated that de- velopinent of the P:rojeet wouid be at a standstili untîl the legal question is resolved. The second weii is to be devel- oped south ln the village on what some dlaim is an unopened portion of Somervilie Drive, west near the miii pond. The site was chosen ln 1964 and upon investi- gation at that tirne it was found that there was question whether Mkaternities, rans- fered From Port Hope- To Cobourg The first step in a Inew era of regional co-operation came Dec. lst with the announcement of the Ontario Minister of Heaih Rich- ard Potter that the m-aternity facl ilities of* Port Hope and Cobourg Hospitals willý be amalgamated. A press releýase brom the. Port Hope Hospital Board of Trustees stated that as part of bis plan to hait the escalation of health costs, the o£ Health lias ordered the- amalgamation oif Ob- stetrical facilities. in certain coni- munity areas, where there are piresently two or more facilitieS and where, current occupancy rates are- low. Since '1965, the reicase stated, the 10 bed wig at the Port Ho pe and District Hospital bas oper- ated at 'oniy 28.4 per cent ocdu- pancy. "As far as is known at present, ail maternity patients will be ac- commodated at the Cobourg Dist- rict General Hospital. Based up- On current birth-rates the, 23 bed wing, at thUe- CoboUrg H FOspit ai, can -cope easiiy with the ex- isting maternity necds of both eommunities, 1" the release stated. The Milnister bas ruied that'ob- stetrical beds withdrawn from service wilI not toc made avail able for active treatment pat- ients. Nurses now allotted for duty in the maternitY wing will bc absorbed to fi existing vac- ancies ln the main nursing unit. Mr$. Cecil Robinson Marga ret. (Ovens) Robinson passed away November 9, 1972 at Bùwmanvîlle MVemorial Hospital, after a lengt'.v iiiness. Margaret Robinson was the daughter of the late Margaret Freeborn and William Ovens.' In November 1915 she was married to Ceeil Robinson,' son of Edward Robinson and Essie Byers. or not it was IJuJJII proprlUy o Margaret was bora in 'Carke privately owned. The Trustees of Township and lived on the family that period, purchased the site farm until tweive years ago when froin the late Mr. L. McGee, for she and her husband retired and a sum of $600.00. moved to her iate residence in Orono. Presentiy the OWRC is asking Mrae a ebro for ruingon he iteandthe Newtonviile Presbyterian Churcli projeetis in limbo. and joincd Newtonviiie United ___________________Church at the time of Union. She took an active part ln church ne- tivities until iii hcaith prevented her. 0M B Margaret was predeceased by one brother, Elias Ovens, 1918, and her husband, Ceeil Robinson I in 1964. The funerai service fas con- $675,000 for construction, $80,000 mnwsdhvrdb osn forfunitre and $4,00. orRev. Milt on Sanderson, Toronto,. fees. Ontario. The palîbearers were Messrs. The new structure wouid in- D. Stapleton, B. Stapieton, H. clude ,eighit classrornts, a science, Stapleton, 'M. Samis, O. Édgerton room, music room (instrumental), and G. Wilson. art room, industrial art room, Interment took place in the home economies, a iibrary re- family plot, Lakcvîew Union source centre, generai purpose Cemetery, Newtonviile, Ontario. roorn, two change rooms, guid- Relatives and friends attended ance centre, health room and the service froin Midiand, Port lunch lroox.-Theý, sehiool .wiIk bec McNicoll, Toronto, Woodville, desigsned to house 420 students. Orono and Newtonviiie. In the race for the reeveship, Ted Woodyard with 632 votes, lead by a-P margin of 56 votes over John Layng with 576 votes. Rod Carveth, an incumbent m iember, finished third in the tight race with 555 votes. Woodyard gained his largest mai orities ln the Or- ono poils with Layng taking the edge in Starkville and Newton- ville. Carveth Iead in Brown's and Lockharts. In the thrce-way race for deputy-rceve, Kirk Entwisle had a most decided edge with 912 votes followed, by incumbent councillor Ted Copping with 424 and Frank Gray, also an incum- bent member of cou-,cîl, with 366 votes. Charles Reid led the polis for council with 126~8 votes followed by incumbent Bob Chater with 1117 votes. Gerritt Heykoop, xith 542 votes, completçs_ the -three members on council. Boyd Har- ris with 107. votes and Wayne Measor with 498, votes were un- successful in their bld for a seat on council.- The turnout-of voters,reached only forty percent of the -total eligible to cast. their ballots. The election had a number of glose races and, the position of, reeve and, one place on council was net decided- until aIl votes in ahl the peils were tabuiated. The deputy-reeveship was, how- ever, determined eariy ln the couint. Final resuits were not received 'üntil twelve-thirty when the Brown's poil reported.. Local .Hydro Rates To Increase Ontario Hydro, foliowing a re- view of the Orono Hycro Eiectric System's financiai position, is rec- ommendingý an increase of hydro rates to Oorno users. The recom- mendaton was madle onfl after a brief review of the statement. Ontario ,Hyrdo wili meet with the new commissioners at the first of the year with a definite pro- posai. It is feit that an increase a- round, 10 percent will be recoin- mended. Clarke Public Libra ry Testaff of. the Clarke Public Lihrary hadi the pleasure of en- tertaïiin the~ Librarians froni the Bowmanville Public Librazy last -week. Some useful discus- sions' deve1oped, refreshiments were *Served and of course a tour of the library was made. It was decided that periodical meetings would be held amongst librarians, in the ditsrict, for our mutual benefit and that of the iibrariear concerned. Three Questions Carry I Local Liquor. Vote On Monday th 1e electors of quor; for the sale of beer only Clarke gave more than the re:- for resideatiai consumption and quired percentage to pass thre-ý the authorization of Ontario wiue of the seven questions on the stores for the sale of Ontario liquor vote. wrine only for residence consump- The electorate gàve approval Lion. for the establishmnent of govern- ment stores for the sale of il- <Continued page 6) Shown above is Miss Susan Waiton of Newcastle who was Val- edictonýan ut he Clarke Commencement and who aiso received the Uited Counties Award for the hîghest marks lu* the Counties for Year five lu 1971-72. Miss Walton is shown with her principal, M.E. C. Witherspoon Photo courtesy Canadian Statesman