Orono lWee.kly 'VOLUME 36, NU31BER 49 es ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, BECEMBER 13th, 1972 N-DTB And Respiratory Assoc. Supports Judge Littie The problem of Tobacco,' on one band a vital part of the Un- ited Counties Agricultural econ- omy, on the other, the killer, w,ýas sharpiy pointed out la the rem-arks of a Toronto Family, Court judge during an interview November 28th. Judge William T. Little èalled the Tobacco Lobbvists, who arg- ue the Tobacco Comnpanies case %ith the Coverment, "Merch- ants of Death," Beforo býeing appointed tothe bencli, William T. Litte resided in Cobourg during the early 1950's, holding- the position ef- SuperIntendent of, what is noy Brookiside Sihool for: Boys. Ris most recent accmplishment, as. ,Ide.from the courts, is lis auth- -orship of atook on the -MSster.. tous Disappoarance of Tom Thomipson In Algonquin Park. Interviewed because of his ehaimanhipof the Christinas Seal drive in Metro, Judge Little challenged the Fodoral Govern- nment to put Tobacco Companies eut of business. The Governmont knows smoking causes Lung can- Cer, but, it compromises with To- bacco Lobbyists because without maintaining the popularity of smoking, the Goveriment faces 'the task of renlacîng the annual ,350 million dll ars it recives from tobacco sales. Under Judge Little's champion- slip, the Toronto Cliristmjji Seal drive is attempting to raîse $400,000. dollars to figlt lung tancer, tubercuiosis and the ef- -feets of pollution. Whufle lie condemned tobacco firmis, Goverai7ments and, store- keepers as Pushers who seli cigarettes to minors and get them "hooked" like heroin ad- dicfï, Judge Little, was ln effoct condemning' tobacco growers and their representatives on the Mar- keting Board as well.' Tobacco growers, wlio moved into the United Countios immedi- ately following World WarT Two, revived a sagginig agricultu ral eeonomy. Tohacco flourished..on worn-out farms, wliere growe rs were able.to control tlie nutrients suppilied la their plants through, the use of chemical, fertilizers. Tobucco didn't do well on' good land, it 'grew too rank., Growers multiplied in. the area around Poit,,tol, Garden Hill, Casteton and Osaka, providing summecr jobs for students and oven attracting workers from ,the Maritime Provinces who souglit the. good wages over the short, approximately 6 week harvost season.. But as timo went, on, research tended more and more to find tobacco use guilty for a great percentage of respiratory, dis- ease that was becomiing increas- ingly common. There is no 'law against a man wlio wants to smoke and inhale cancer-produc- ing agents , continued Judge Little, "but tlie poison should not be foisted on dhldren,", INe pointed out that, while the police have conducted a venit- able witch- hunt agînst m1ari- juana, thcy have been looking the other way as stores broke theý Mncrs Protection Act by (Continued on page 3) Heather Rebekah Lodge The Regular Meeting of Heath- er Rebekah Lodge was held Tues- day, November 28, with Sîster Carole BoYd, Noble Grand, offie- iating and Sister Isabelle Trimm, Vice Grand assisting. Roll caîl showed one officer absent. The Vice Grand gave her report 'of cards~ sent and visits made by the visiting committce. Chiristmas Greetings were re- ceived from Sister Jean Lewis, Flerida, also a letter from Korea written by the Lodges' Foster Child, Who writes a most inter- esting letter.. The Degrce team, fromn Heatjier Lodge will travel, ;by bus, to Port Hope, January 4th.ý to putý on the Degree when two, new memfbersare to be received into Ganaraska Lodge. Practice for Degree work is called-for Thurs- day December 14th. at 7 p.m.. and Wednesday, December 27th at 7 p.m. Officers and members tak- ing part, please note these dates and arrange to, ho prosent. Final Plans wore made for the Bazaar which ivas hold Saturday, December 2nd. Plans woro com- pleted also for the Christmas party to be held Tuesday Dec- ember l2th at pm.. wben Kirby Ladies will cater at the I..0.O.F. Community Hall. A short meeting will then be held after which there will b-é a short programme and exehange of gifts. Birthday greetings were ex- tended to Sisters Olive Milîson, Gloria Todd and Mildred 'Rainey, On' behaif of the Officers and members of Heather Social Club, a sincere "Thank You" is extc-nd- ed to ail who donated and attend- ed the Bazaar last Saturdayan helned make it a great success. .Names of aIl winners xiii be printed next weck., Welfare, Fra.uds The -Miýnistry of Co uiy, and Social Services lias roquested an investigation into the Welf are. Frauds by the Ontario Provincial police,: A number of welfare files sus, pected of fraud involving $51,000. have been turned, over to thec O..P.P. Anti-Rackets Brandi by the Family Benefits Brandi. The alleged frauds are connected with recipients in 'Thunder Bav, Kirk- land Lake, Ottawa, Windsor, Belleville and Owcn Sound. Sev-. oral others in Toronto Ire being- investigated by the Metropolitan Toronto Police, Dep artment. The proeessing of, suspected frauds will be on a continuous basis. A number of charges are before the courts tnd others are pending.- The Anti-Rackets Brandi will be responsible for investigations and co-ordinatîng the efforts of other forces. DONATE $471.08 TO MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY The orono-Clarke Fire Fight- ors donated a sum of $471,08 to the IVuscular' Dystrophy fund This is the largest donation made by the- local fîiremen to the fund Cavan Vote rs Stayed Home Net a soul in Cavan Township tured out to vote on election day, The wliole municipal coun-' cil was acclaimed as woell as the representative to the Northum- berian«,-Durliam Board of Edu- cation. Thore was an election thougli, for'separate school voters onily. Stewart1 Chisholm and Victor Auger were running for the Four County Separate School Board and Emmett Creigliton and Frank 'MacNamara were contesting a seat on the Northumberland- Durhiam Board of Education. Novertheless none of tliem pol1led any votes because, no one voted. which tehy have supported 'an- nual'ly for a number of years. The firefigliters secured. the funds through the profits from a Pancake breakfast during the summer and a recent canvas of the community., The- firemen express their tlianks to tliose wlio have sup- ported, their efforts in this regard Provincial Ref'orm To, Be Announced December l8th An Ontario CIove,ýannat< pro- be învi\ited to attend the meeting, posi for local governnen~t re- to lie held in Eastdaile CoHlegiate forwm invo4ving the «ounties' of in 01shawa. Northuxberland, - Durham will blle announced at a public meeting The resuits of governnent in Oshawa December 18. studies on the area mill be re- A joint-release from Alex Car-' vealed at the meeting and de- ruthers MPP Durham, and Rus- tails of how thue proposais will secR Rowe MPP, NorthuînberL,'md Tb.ý -ut into et fect wil be disùus- saîd that both, electcd and ap-iscd with municipail officiais be- pointcd' officiais fronX Municipal1-11fore they are finalize i by the, ities in the United Countics w*l lprovincial gox err,. t. Kenidal Eag1es HoId Annual Diimer The Kendal Eagles Intermedi- .14e Bas7ebaîl Club completed a successfuil ,,.,year on, Wednesday evenýing witi ticir annual, meet- ingf apd banquet hled at the Acres Restaurant.. Some forty- five players and supporters of the club were inatm ane Following, the bnut r Charles Reid, president for the 1972 season ýpresentcd. Mr_ Roy Sîen with a' plaque from the team in recognition :of Mr. Sleep's work as grounds keep-.r at the Harvey Jackson Memoria], Park ia K endal. Mr. Rioy Foster presented the, M~ost X aluable Award irophy to Mr. Ron West wlio lad been ciosen by lits team-mates to re- ceive this award. A, draw for a Duffle Bag was won by Mr. Martin Foster of Ken- dal. The bag was donated to the club by Rahme's 'Garagp, Orono. Tic followîng officers, were e- (Continued on page 3? ire i Outgie A happy Christmas ana change ,in a few, moments into a family trýagedy, w ains Firc Chief Mer- cer, in, homes where fire safety preautonsare neglected.. Such, preautonsshould head the list ')f everýY sensible family's prep- aa ion or Chr istmas, he says. Tihe Fire Chef urges thec pub- lic toexercise . pecial caro ta the sett'!ing p and decoration oft ChsrasTre--, anId~i t se1into)thefollow-ing i:.mport- -fpan Ali for a naoral tY(-,e ishonki- be bought fresh and gre~nandkept o'tdoors or in nunheicated garage before besng bro lit int liè home for dec- artn.Then, one or two inches shouild be eut diagonally IfrlOm1 11e utt, and thle trce sliould lie 1,t1p with the butt ila water wýïhich siould be mnaintaiaed abi- oethje lev7el of the et. Check strings of electric lights car efully for worn insulation, broken plugs or loose bulb sock- ets. Only CSA-approved lightiag sets and only non-flammable dec- orations should be used.. Declare the tree a no-smoking area and keep matches out of the hands of children. P- flot allow di, carded gift wra*rpings to accumulate und'er the tree. Dispose of them. as sooni as the gifts are opened. Evon a green trec wili burn if ignited by burning paper around the hase. Set up tic tree aWay from lient sourc'es sueh as fireplaces, TV sets or radiators., Do not nllow it to block access to doors or windows in the event of fire. Swit-li off troe liglits at bedtime or when lenving the house. Mr,. and Mis. Calvin Myles of Orono, pictured above celebrat- versar.y on Saturday. The happy ed their fiftieth Wedding Anni- cou fie r ceived their fricnds and relatives at an Open House at the Oddfellow's Hall. Family Christmas Party Orono Arenaé, Sundaly The Orono Chamber of Com- arca, 1He wIll have his bag packed merce is sponsoring its annual 'with candies and will greet lits Family Chiristmas Party, at the young admirers, Orono Arena this Sunday, Dec- For everyone there will ho ember l7th. The party is billed skating with activities commenc- as a family party in which the ing at 2:30 p.m. and, continue whole family may take part, until 4:30 p.m. 0f course Santa iwill pay his Admission is free to everyone visit to the young chidren of the and ail are weicome. CelWbrate Fiftîeth- Weddîng Anniversary