ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27thi, 197?, Letter (Continue dfrom page 1) It appears to mile that we maY ,%vel wind Up ith another super bureaucraey that will be so're-' inote that nu ,one will know its 'workings. How about long term financ- ing? It has been the experience of other regioms created by your government that taxes inc!eased because of increased- ser vi cing of rural areas. Are you prepaî'ed to fund the region over the long., haul or just for the fîrs couple of years? The pronerty tax base cannot support more services. Regional government can bc made workabie but let's be sin- cere, thorough and honest in the proposais. The citizenry must know. Don't just go through the motions of involvement. It is your duty to 'educate and work v6ith the people. Heavy handed TEXACO SERVICE MWI St, North, Orono PKiolle 981-5J1#) Home phone 987-5167 decrees are flot consistenit with the aims of Canadians. There are many questions to bc answered. Among these I submit the foregoing and addit- ionially.. -- Are there contemplated changes in the Provincial elector- al districts? -Are there contemplated change s in the federal electoral districts? - If the recommendations for growth are followed, how will ward sizes and repregentation on regional council bce decided? - How will existing regional boards and departments bce affec- ted by these changes? For, ex- ample, Lands and Forests, Trans- portatiDn and Communication. WilI there lie real liason between these groups and the regions? -How about courts, land ti- ties etc? These are now al county based. Any changes here will be difficuit and yet must bie eontemplated if this is to bie a true regional governmeflt. - Will municîpalities who Oxford LRnLCKLAY ERS STONEMASQNS WILLIE J. SCI»MAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev *Repairs ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUL7I Phone668-3381 m Collect For Prompt Courteous Service Cali Us Today Kendal i~ws Dr. and Mrs. Norman Macken- zie and their family spent Christ- mas at their cottage east of Fýenda], Miss Beth Brennan of Windsor spent the holiday season with lier brother Mr. and Mrs. R Bren- nan and family. Boxes of frct and other Christ- mas treats were sent, out to the South Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle and, to the Orono Rest Home as well as to twelve shut in memhers of this community by the KendSai, United Churcli Women and the Women's In- stitute. Mrs. Kerslake of St, Catherines was at churcli Sunday xithli er niece Mrs. MHartin Poster. They were glad shc was able to 'spend the Christma.3 season with themi, she lias hiad a lot of illness t-his faiT. Twelve ladies of the Keifdal Women's Instilute haddinner to- gether at the Duteh Oven on December 2th. This was tiheir amsuai get together which they eni oyed. The December meeting' of the Kendal Women's Instituto was lield at the home of Mrs. lReg Eiliott on Thu sciay evening, De- cernber l4th. Thore w erc twèlve members present. This meeting was in charge of the social con.- venor Mrs. Wml, loy and several fine contests wcre cnjoyed and prizes given btli te winners. As they watclied the Yuie log humn in tlie fireplace there was an~ ex- change of gifts. Plans were made for the packing of Christmas boxes and for the annual get to- gether. Lunch was served by Mrs. J, Stapieton and Mrs, G, Catlicart A vote of thanks was extended to our liostess. The next meeting will bc at the home of Mrs W H Foster. i Miss Catherine Stewart lield the Christmas gathering at lier home on December 25. The guests were Miss Marion McKeivey, Mr. John McKelvey, Mr A Thompson and Mr and Mrs G Cathcart. Mrs H. Foster lad Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs John Fonk and family. MVr and Mrs Roy Little had the family gathering at their home with Mr and Mrs Wayne Bailey and family, Mr and Mrs Ronald Dinner and family, Mr and Mrs Jim Little and daugliter, Mr and Richard Neal and daugliters of Port Granby ln ail eighteen sat down fo Christmas dinner Aduit- The Yukon Story by W. R. Ham- ilton Edsar Cayce on Diet and Health by Hugli Lynn Cayce Orchids as House Plants by Re- hecca Nortlien Quflîts and Coverlets liy Jean Ray Laury Captains and the Kings by Taylor Caldwell Not One Person liy Jean Dunbar Junior- Wonders of the Tree World by .Margaret Cosgrove The Cowboy Trade bY Glen Rounds The Valley of the Frost Giants by Mary Francis Shura A H-undred Million Francs by Pauil Berna Easy Rýeading and Picture Books Petupia's Christmas by Roger' Duvoiain The Niglit Before Christmas lv A..ell-a tale book' The Sultans Bath by Victor G. Ambrus The Apple and the Bt~iyby lela and Enzo Mari. Olga L.cauchaînp BADMINTON CLOS9S DOWN DURING HOLIDA-Y SEASON Badminton whieh lias been i full force two niglits of the week. Tuesday and, Thursday at the Or- oiio Public School gmn lias been., elosed down this week, The maint reason beîng that new Unes are to be paijrted on the floor of the. gym The sport will resume next week, have spent good1,sums of money preparing' officiai î plans lie re- imbursed, for this loss? These monies were, after ail, spent fol- lowing the direction of your gov- ernment and now those plans in many cases will be scrapped. - Where will municipal build- ings be located? In the geograpli- je centre or at one end where the largest town is located? (In- teresting to think of Antioch as the county seat!) - 110w about local option liquor votes. In areas where no vote lias been held will these suddenly go "wet" when the municipal boundaries disappear?, - Will ail local utilities and Ontario Hydro come under con- trol of the regional commission? Doug Moffatt, RR 1, Kendal. ~~1-1 acquaintances, aur sincere flianks for mony happy mmeroies und bed oboiwsofr the deys cheud. Noppy New Ye or ta ai111 Nesting Furniture Ltd. A.H. Sturrock & Sons Limited f VOUR ESSO DEALER Boý manville, Ontario Main Street ORONO Phone 983-9350 A sincere wish that you and your faniv xviil have peace, 1ý-pehtriy and good H-caith for 1973. Barbara Gaynel Yvonne A apyNew Year THE DURHAM COUNTY SOIL and CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION ANM1UAL MEETING wll be held in CANTON COMMUNITY HALL Wednesday, January 3rd 10:00 AM - 3,30 PM GUEST SPEAKERS:- DON GALLAGIIER, Soils and Crops Specialist, Orntario, Ministry of Agriculture ani Food, Lindsay HOWARD NODWELL, Agricultural Engineer, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food,,Lindsay NOON LUNCH PROVIDED - VERYONF, WELCOMÈ