t, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WED)NESà4ý, DECEMBER 27th, 1972 Local News, Dr. and MýYrs. Hoger N aa andç bab, auhe o ren bui,, P n t in. ian-Ms..Wcb, o CARPET by Harding and Crosley Wall-to-Wall or Area Rugs Comlete line of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F. A. Kramp Furniture ld 3'7 - 41 King St. East )Phone 623-7071 Bowmanville Free Estimates Decorating Service ADU LI SERVICE If you want to do something about your education . . . you probably can. See your Aduit Counsellor 7 to 9 pm. at the BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCIIOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The servce is free- ccnfidential - and no appointment is nece ssa ry ROY TH PSN Orono, q'Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cuphoards We build from the foundatioti Up. hfz~ ajoi-ie E4igand Miss Sui~ atwviig, !Îu4o,ý.i,,set h Christmnas hoidy idî es.Do andi r. iii \4und guuets of Me. id Mrs. Don Scriber xxuie lier paret as St-ipIeýi aid ii.Ethel Carleton speat Christnmas with Mr. and Terry Carleton and family. 1MIrs.' Anne Me'Keana is a Dat- ieat la Bowniah'ville Ilemorial Ho litLal. 11~r. and M'rs. Gary MeDougai, O,,hawa spent Chrstmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taniblyn. Christmas day visitors with Mr' and Mrs Jack Williamns and fain- ily were Mr. and Mrs. P. Bath- gate, Bowranvilk; Mrs. Mabel Williamns. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Douglas and Charles, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gamsby and family of C-,7e'pi w e T1also weekend vis- itors. Mr. anîd Mrs. Ken Stainton of Bowmanville were dinnen guests Christmas day with Mn. and Mrs. IRoy Forrester and Nancy. Mr, Arnold Wallace Jr-., has returnad hoie alter a 4 nîonth stay ini Europe. 1.Bill MeNauil, Miss Audrey Billings, Oshaw a, Mrs. Elsie Kel- ly, Bowmanviile spe nt Christmas with IMr. and. Mrs. Carl Billing._ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drummoi-nd. Don )si1ls sp.nt Christmas week- end with Mn. and Mrs. ithuir Drummond. Hloiday visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. Ed Graham w ere MVr. and Mrs. Terry Grahanm, Kingston;' Mn. 4nd iMnIr.,Thos. Burnett, Patti Margy and Lisa, Oakville. iand Mrs. Carl Kimmett and, Warren speat a few days at Christmas xith 'Mr. and Mrs. Manly ham~,Napantee. MXr. and Mus. Wayne BýiIey, Shawn and Tînîothy lad Christ- mas dinner with Mr. -and Mrs, Boy Little and famnily, Keiidal. Dr. and iMrs. C. bîatense and family, Camp Bordea, Miss Man- jot le Tyrreil, Kingston spent the holiday weekend willi Mrs. Ethel Tyrrell. Mr. Douglas Moffat, Fullarto,.. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat, Blain and Ian. Christmas Day guests were Mn. Fred Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. 'N. Andrews, Marie and Freddie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jakeman, Mn. and Mrs. Grant Moffat and family, Oakville, Mn. -and Mrs. Reg Rob- inson> and family, Oshawa and Mr. Lawrence Squair. Mr. ad Mrs. Joe Staples were Chr,',tmas, day guests, of .Rev. and Mrs. David ailil fanliLyIoot. A veîy pl,,ea i Jt Ci:tiisEx Servie w ld in Orono Un- itd huch whchthie lii C memblers cor îc- e! iaîry De Jonge along with other mernber. read the Christmas story whitph was interspersed with the sing- ing of Christmas Carols by the audience along with beautiflly renderèd numbers by two Hi C groups who were accornpanied by Ralph De Jonge on his guitar. Mrs. Everett Brown accompanied the carol singing on1 the piano. Orville Chatterton ELECTRIC AL CONTRACTINqG ELECTRIC HEATING A ND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Commuion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays iloly Baptism by appointmnent with Rector 987-4745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A.. L.Th. Callyour Iicenised Plumbing &. Mechanical Conractor who selis, instalis andguarantees, CARMAN Produets UNITED CHIJRCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister 11ev. B. E. Long, B.Th. ORONO UNITED CIIURCU: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 Oromxo United Church: Churel Sclool 10:04,) a.m. Wonship Service- 11: 15 ar. Kirby United Church.: Worship Service- 9:45 a.rn. Church School- 11:00 a.m. Dial-A-Thought - 983-9151 PLUMB ING AND HEATING PIIONE ORONO 983-5009 JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St, E. BOWMANV1LLE When Buying or Selling- cali WIL1 HWK YOUR OlIONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board àSsUTIlouerY--